return [result] =>|
Arguments and Values:
result---a form; evaluated. The default is nil.
Returns, as if by return-from, from the block named nil.
(block nil (return) 1) => NIL (block nil (return 1) 2) => 1 (block nil (return (values 1 2)) 3) => 1, 2 (block nil (block alpha (return 1) 2)) => 1 (block alpha (block nil (return 1)) 2) => 2 (block nil (block nil (return 1) 2)) => 1
Affected By: None.
Conditions: None.
See Also:
block, return-from, Section 3.1 (Evaluation)
(return) == (return-from nil) (return form) == (return-from nil form)
The implicit blocks established by macros such as do are often named nil, so that return can be used to exit from such forms.