[HARLEQUIN][Common Lisp HyperSpec (TM)] [Previous][Up][Next] Required Kinds of Specialized Arrays

Vectors whose elements are restricted to type character or a subtype of character are called strings. Strings are of type string. The next figure lists some defined names related to strings.

Strings are specialized arrays and might logically have been included in this chapter. However, for purposes of readability most information about strings does not appear in this chapter; see instead Section 16 (Strings).

char                string-equal         string-upcase  
make-string         string-greaterp      string/=       
nstring-capitalize  string-left-trim     string<        
nstring-downcase    string-lessp         string<=       
nstring-upcase      string-not-equal     string=        
schar               string-not-greaterp  string>        
string              string-not-lessp     string>=       
string-capitalize   string-right-trim                   
string-downcase     string-trim                         

Figure 15-2. Operators that Manipulate Strings

Vectors whose elements are restricted to type bit are called bit vectors. Bit vectors are of type bit-vector. The next figure lists some defined names for operations on bit arrays.

bit        bit-ior   bit-orc2  
bit-and    bit-nand  bit-xor   
bit-andc1  bit-nor   sbit      
bit-andc2  bit-not             
bit-eqv    bit-orc1            

Figure 15-3. Operators that Manipulate Bit Arrays

The following X3J13 cleanup issue, not part of the specification, applies to this section:

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