From Qobi@CS.Toronto.EDU Wed Mar 16 22:52:26 EST 1994 Article: 12311 of comp.lang.lisp Xref: comp.lang.lisp:12311 Path:!!!!!!!utcsri!newsServ.csri!qobi Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp, From: (Jeffrey Mark Siskind) Subject: Re: Source Level Debug support for Inferior LISP Message-ID: Reply-To: Qobi@CS.Toronto.EDU In-reply-to:'s message of 16 Mar 1994 17:41:58 GMT Organization: Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto References: <2m7gd6$> Date: 16 Mar 94 21:47:00 GMT Lines: 355 Is there any Emacs-Lisp package that allow me to do source-level debugging of Inferior Common Lisp process running in Emacs buffer. I am using Allegro Common LISP and GNU Emacs 19.22 I wrote a simple extension to ILisp 5.x that provides a number of single character key bindings to the most common debugger commands. This has two advantages over the native debugger interface. 1. You can go up and down the stack by holding down c- and m- and typing several p's or n's in succession, which is much easier than typing : u p : u p etc. 2. The same interface works across many different CommonLisps (Lucid, Allegro, CMUCL, AKCL for now, other easily added) with the same key bindings so you don't have to remember all of the arcane different commands for different implementation's debuggers. The code is included at the end of this posting. Some of the stuff is hardwired to the pathnames on my system so you'll have to make appropriate changes. Jeff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; ILD: A common Common Lisp debugger user interface for ILisp. ;;; ---Jeffrey Mark Siskind ;;; Keystroke c-u? What it does ;;; --------------------------------------------------------- ;;; m-a Abort ;;; m-c Continue ;;; c-m-n * Next stack frame ;;; c-m-p * Previous stack frame ;;; c-c < Top stack frame ;;; c-c > Bottom stack frame ;;; m-b Backtrace ;;; c-m-d Display all locals ;;; c-m-l * Display particular local ;;; c-c r Return ;;; c-m-r Retry ;;; c-x t Trap on exit (require 'ilisp) (deflocal ild-abort-string nil) (deflocal ild-continue-string nil) (deflocal ild-next-string nil) (deflocal ild-next-string-arg nil) (deflocal ild-previous-string nil) (deflocal ild-previous-string-arg nil) (deflocal ild-top-string nil) (deflocal ild-bottom-string nil) (deflocal ild-backtrace-string nil) (deflocal ild-locals-string nil) (deflocal ild-local-string-arg nil) (deflocal ild-return-string nil) (deflocal ild-retry-string nil) (deflocal ild-trap-on-exit-string nil) (defun ild-debugger-command (string) (process-send-string (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)) (format "%s\n" string))) (defun ild-prompt () (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (comint-skip-prompt) (eobp))) (defun ild-abort () (interactive) (ild-debugger-command ild-abort-string)) (defun ild-continue (&optional arg) (interactive "P") (if (ild-prompt) (ild-debugger-command ild-continue-string) (if arg (capitalize-word arg) (capitalize-word 1)))) (defun ild-next (&optional arg) (interactive "P") (if arg (ild-debugger-command (format ild-next-string-arg arg)) (ild-debugger-command ild-next-string))) (defun ild-previous (&optional arg) (interactive "P") (if arg (ild-debugger-command (format ild-previous-string-arg arg)) (ild-debugger-command ild-previous-string))) (defun ild-top (&optional arg) (interactive "P") (ild-debugger-command ild-top-string)) (defun ild-bottom (&optional arg) (interactive "P") (ild-debugger-command ild-bottom-string)) (defun ild-backtrace (&optional arg) (interactive "P") (if (ild-prompt) (ild-debugger-command ild-backtrace-string) (if arg (backward-word arg) (backward-word 1)))) (defun ild-locals (&optional arg) (interactive "P") (ild-debugger-command ild-locals-string)) (defun ild-local (&optional arg) (interactive "P") (if arg (ild-debugger-command (format ild-local-string-arg arg)) (ild-debugger-command ild-locals-string))) (defun ild-return () (interactive) (ild-debugger-command ild-return-string)) (defun ild-retry () (interactive) (ild-debugger-command ild-retry-string)) (defun ild-trap-on-exit (&optional arg) (interactive "P") (ild-debugger-command ild-trap-on-exit-string)) (defun stack-limit-lisp (limit) "Set the stack limit for the next inferior lisp process to be created." (interactive "nLimit: ") (setq clim-program (format "/bin/csh /u/qobi/bin/limit-lisp %d" limit))) (defun fast-lisp () "Use the production compiler." (interactive) (ilisp-send "(progn (proclaim '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (compilation-speed 0) (debug 0))) #+akcl (use-fast-links t))")) (defun slow-lisp () "Use the development compiler." (interactive) (ilisp-send "(progn (proclaim '(optimize (speed 0) (safety 3) (space 3) (compilation-speed 3) (debug 3))) #+akcl (use-fast-links nil))")) (defun select-lisp () "Select the lisp buffer in one window mode" (interactive) (cond ((and (lisp-mem ilisp-buffer (buffer-list) (function (lambda (x y) (equal x (buffer-name y))))) (get-buffer-process (get-buffer ilisp-buffer))) (delete-other-windows) (switch-to-buffer ilisp-buffer)) (t (cond ((equal (system-name) "") (clim)) ((equal (system-name) "dvp.cs") (allegro))) (delete-other-windows)))) (defun select-ilisp (arg) "Select the current ILISP buffer." (interactive "P") (if (and (not arg) (lisp-mem (buffer-name (current-buffer)) ilisp-buffers (function (lambda (x y) (equal x (format "*%s*" (car y))))))) (setq ilisp-buffer (buffer-name (current-buffer))) (let ((new (completing-read (if ilisp-buffer (format "Buffer [%s]: " (substring ilisp-buffer 1 (1- (length ilisp-buffer)))) "Buffer: ") ilisp-buffers nil t))) (if (not (zerop (length new))) (setq ilisp-buffer (format "*%s*" new)))))) ;;; This fixes a bug in ILISP 4.1 (defun defkey-ilisp (key command &optional inferior-only) "Define KEY as COMMAND in ilisp-mode-map and lisp-mode-map unless optional INFERIOR-ONLY is T. If the maps do not exist they will be created. This should only be called after ilisp-prefix is set to the desired prefix." (if (not ilisp-mode-map) (ilisp-bindings)) (define-key ilisp-mode-map key command) (if (not inferior-only) (define-key lisp-mode-map key command))) ;;; This is a convenient command since c-Z c-W doesn't default to the whole ;;; buffer if there is no region (defun compile-buffer () "Compile the current buffer" (interactive) (compile-region-and-go-lisp (point-min) (point-max))) (defkey-ilisp "\M-a" 'ild-abort t) (defkey-ilisp "\M-c" 'ild-continue t) (defkey-ilisp "\C-\M-n" 'ild-next t) (defkey-ilisp "\C-\M-p" 'ild-previous t) (defkey-ilisp "\C-c<" 'ild-top t) (defkey-ilisp "\C-c>" 'ild-bottom t) (defkey-ilisp "\M-b" 'ild-backtrace t) (defkey-ilisp "\C-\M-d" 'ild-locals t) (defkey-ilisp "\C-\M-l" 'ild-local t) (defkey-ilisp "\C-cr" 'ild-return t) (defkey-ilisp "\C-\M-r" 'ild-retry t) (defkey-ilisp "\C-xt" 'ild-trap-on-exit t) (define-key global-map "\C-cL" 'select-lisp) (ilisp-defkey lisp-mode-map "\C-f" 'fast-lisp) (ilisp-defkey ilisp-mode-map "\C-f" 'fast-lisp) (ilisp-defkey lisp-mode-map "\C-s" 'slow-lisp) (ilisp-defkey ilisp-mode-map "\C-s" 'slow-lisp) (defdialect lucid "Lucid Common LISP" clisp (ilisp-load-init 'lucid "lucid.lisp") (setq comint-prompt-regexp "^\\(->\\)+ \\|^[^> ]*> " comint-fix-error ":a" ilisp-reset ":a :t" comint-continue ":c" comint-interrupt-regexp ">>Break: Keyboard interrupt" comint-prompt-status (function (lambda (old line) (comint-prompt-status old line 'lucid-check-prompt)))) (setq ilisp-error-regexp "ILISP:[^\"]*\\|>>[^\n]*") (setq ilisp-source-types (append ilisp-source-types '(("any")))) (setq ilisp-find-source-command "(ILISP:ilisp-source-files \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\")") (setq ilisp-binary-command "(first (last lucid::*load-binary-pathname-types*))") (setq ild-abort-string ":A" ild-continue-string ":C" ild-next-string ":N" ild-next-string-arg ":N %s" ild-previous-string ":P" ild-previous-string-arg ":P %s" ild-top-string ":<" ild-bottom-string ":>" ild-backtrace-string ":B" ild-locals-string ":V" ild-local-string-arg ":L %s" ild-return-string ":R" ild-retry-string ":F" ild-trap-on-exit-string ":X T")) (setq lucid-program "/u/qobi/lucid/lisp/lisp-4.1.1") (defdialect clim "Lucid CLIM" lucid) (setq clim-program "/u/qobi/lucid/lisp/lisp-clim") (defdialect qsim "Lucid QSIM" lucid) (setq qsim-program "/u/qobi/lucid/lisp/lisp-qsim") (defdialect allegro "Allegro Common LISP" clisp (ilisp-load-init 'allegro "allegro.lisp") (setq comint-fix-error ":pop" ilisp-reset ":reset" comint-continue ":cont" comint-interrupt-regexp "Error: [^\n]* interrupt\)") (setq comint-prompt-status (function (lambda (old line) (comint-prompt-status old line 'allegro-check-prompt)))) ;; or package> at top-level ;; [0-9c] or package> in error ;; (setq comint-prompt-regexp "^\\(\\[[0-9]*c*\\] \\|\\)\\(<\\|\\)[^>]*> ") (setq comint-prompt-regexp "^\\(\\[[0-9]+i?c?\\] \\|\\[step\\] \\)?\\(\\|[-A-Za-z0-9]+([0-9]+):\\) ") (setq ilisp-error-regexp "\\(ILISP:[^\"]*\\)\\|\\(Error:[^\n]*\\)\\|\\(Break:[^\n]*\\)") (setq ilisp-binary-command "excl:*fasl-default-type*") (setq ilisp-source-types (append ilisp-source-types '(("any")))) (setq ilisp-find-source-command "(ILISP:ilisp-source-files \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\")") (setq ilisp-init-binary-command "(let ((ext (or #+m68k \"68fasl\" #+sparc \"sfasl\" #+iris4d \"ifasl\" #+dec3100 \"pfasl\" excl:*fasl-default-type*))) #+allegro-v4.0 (setq ext (concatenate 'string ext \"4\")) ext)") (setq ild-abort-string ":pop" ild-continue-string ":cont" ild-next-string ":dn" ild-next-string-arg ":dn %s" ild-previous-string ":up" ild-previous-string-arg ":up %s" ild-top-string ":to" ild-bottom-string ":bo" ild-backtrace-string ":bt" ild-locals-string ":local" ild-local-string-arg ":local %s" ild-return-string "" ;needs work ild-retry-string ":rest" ild-trap-on-exit-string ":boe")) (setq allegro-program "/local/lib/cl/bin/clim2xm_composer") (defdialect akcl "Austin Kyoto Common LISP" kcl (setq comint-prompt-regexp "^[-A-Z]*>+") (setq ild-abort-string ":q" ild-continue-string ":r" ild-next-string ":up" ild-next-string-arg ":up %s" ild-previous-string ":down" ild-previous-string-arg ":down %s" ild-top-string ":down 1000000" ild-bottom-string ":up 1000000" ild-backtrace-string ":bt" ild-locals-string ":fr" ild-local-string-arg ":loc %s" ild-return-string ":r" ild-retry-string "" ;needs work ild-trap-on-exit-string "")) ;needs work (setq akcl-program "akcl") (defdialect pcl "Austin Kyoto Common LISP with PCL" akcl) (setq pcl-program "pcl") (defdialect cmulisp "CMU Common LISP" clisp (ilisp-load-init 'cmu "cmulisp.lisp") (if cmulisp-local-source-directory (setq ilisp-source-directory-fixup-alist (list (cons cmulisp-source-directory-regexp cmulisp-local-source-directory))) (message "cmulisp-local-source-directory not set.")) (setq comint-prompt-regexp "^\\([0-9]+\\]+\\|\\*\\) " ilisp-trace-command "(ILISP:cmulisp-trace \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\")" comint-prompt-status (function (lambda (old line) (comint-prompt-status old line 'cmulisp-check-prompt))) ilisp-error-regexp "ILISP:[^\"]*\\|Error [^\n]*" ilisp-arglist-command "(ILISP:arglist \"%s\" \"%s\")" ilisp-find-source-command "(ILISP:source-file \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\")" comint-fix-error ":pop" comint-continue ":go" ilisp-reset ":q" comint-interrupt-regexp "Interrupted at" ilisp-binary-extension "sparcf") (setq ild-abort-string ":abort" ild-continue-string ":go" ild-next-string ":down" ild-next-string-arg "" ;needs work ild-previous-string ":up" ild-previous-string-arg "" ;needs work ild-top-string ":bottom" ild-bottom-string ":top" ild-backtrace-string ":backtrace" ild-locals-string ":l" ild-local-string-arg "(debug:arg %s)" ild-return-string "" ;needs work (debug:debug-return x) ild-retry-string "" ild-trap-on-exit-string "")) (setq cmulisp-program "/u/qobi/cmucl/bin/cmucl")