From Wed Jan 25 17:03:46 EST 1995 Article: 16485 of comp.lang.lisp Path:!!!!panix!cmcl2!!thecourier!marcoxa From: (Marco Antoniotti) Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp,comp.lang.scheme,gnu.emacs.sources,comp.emacs.xemacs,alt.religion.emacs,comp.lang.clos Subject: ANNOUNCEMENT: Release of ILISP v5.7 Date: 24 Jan 1995 22:28:35 GMT Organization: Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences Lines: 229 Distribution: world Message-ID: NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: comp.lang.lisp:16485 comp.lang.scheme:11841 gnu.emacs.sources:4340 comp.emacs.xemacs:1405 comp.lang.clos:2711 ILISP v5.7 finally made it to the Net! This is mainly a bug fixes release with some extensions. Hilights include support for many more Common Lisp flavors. We encourage all the ILISP users to upgrade and to send feedback to the maintainers. Here is some ILISP propaganda (and ftp directions - ILISP is rather big) which you all will want to read. =============================================================================== Welcome to ILISP ILISP is a GNU Emacs package for controlling an inferior process running a lisp dialect. You can get ILISP by anonymous ftp at FTP.CS.CMU.EDU in the directory /user/ai/lang/lisp/util/emacs/ilisp/. Alternative archive sites (which may be out of date) include:{ilisp57.tgz,pgp.asc,readme.txt ILISP is currently being maintained by Marco Antoniotti and Rick Busdiecker . Please address all list administration messages, such as requests to subscribe or unsubscribe, to: ILISP Administrivia and we will both see your message. Please allow a little time; there's no list server programming running, the list is maintained by hand. To send a message to everyone on the list, address it to: ILISP Discussion The list has had a very low volume lately, so you may not see messages for a while after subscribing. Please note that there is no list corresponding to the old address. Send message which would have gone there to the primary list. I will try to forward any messages that arrive via that address to the list, but I (usually :-) have better things to do with my time. =============================================================================== README File ILISP is a powerful GNU Emacs interface to many dialects of Lisp, including Lucid, Allegro, Harlequin LispWorks, KCL, AKCL, ECL, IBCL, and CMUCL. Written by Chris McConnell and now maintained by Marco Antoniotti and Rick Busdiecker . Please refer to the following files in this directory: HISTORY - A detailed summary of changes over the course of ILISP's existence. GETTING-ILISP - Directions for obtaining this collection using anonymous FTP. Please send bug reports, questions, suggestions, etc. to: ILISP Discussion Please address all list administration messages, such as requests to subscribe or unsubscribe from, to: ILISP Administrivia - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Future developments: ILISP might become part of the standard FSF distribution in the future. There are numerous little things that need to be done in that direction in order to conform to FSF coding and interface standards (e.g. the behavior of C-a is not acceptable by the FSF interface standard and numerous doc strings in ILISP need to be rewritten). This will happen slowly over the next(s) releases. Thanks go to the following people (and to many others who need our apologies for having let them out of the list): Tim Bradshaw Kimball Collins David Gadbois Robert P. Goldman Marty Hall Richard Harris Christopher Hoover Larry Hunter Todd Kaufmann Mark Kantrowitz Qiegang Long Christopher McConnell Yusuf Pisan Jeffrey Mark Siskind Richard Stallman Jason Trenouth Christof Ullwer Ivan Vazquez Matsuo Yoshihiro =============================================================================== HISTORY File. Version 5.7 Released Tuesday January 24, 1995 Fixes and enhancements since 5.6: -- ILISP now unpacks in a directory called ./ilisp-. -- Fixed various simple bugs in the init files (hooks et similia). Check 'ilisp.el' and 'ilisp.emacs' for details. -- Support for different Emacs versions has been broken down in various version specific files. See: ilcompat.el (new name for compatibility file) ilfsf19.el ilfsf18.el illuc19.el = ilxemacs.el -- ILISP is now compiled with version 19 bytecodes when appropriate. (This should work at least for FSF 19.xx). -- Added a primitive menubar entry. -- Included the bug fixes for source file tracking. -- The Makefile now contains a new target called 'loadfile', which generates a file called 'ilisp-all.elc'. This speeds up ILISP sturtup. -- Popping to the inferior lisp buffer is now done in a more intelligent way in FSF-19 (i.e. if a frame with the appropriate window is available, then that frame is raised instead of recreating a window in the current one). -- The ILD uniform Lisp debugger by J. Siskind has been added to the distribution (file 'ild.mail'). ILD is not integrated yet with ILISP, but it is important enough that people should experiment with it. -- The texinfo file has been fixed. -- New dialects have been added: GCL, ECL, Harlequin Lispworks, CLISP. -- The special-form-p/special-operator-p mess should be fixed (at least in CMUCL). -- Cleaned up support for Lucid, Allegro and CMULISP. -- The file 'scheme2c.mail' contains a trick to make Scheme->C to work with ILISP. -- The file 'ilisp-s2c.el' contains a first cut definition of the Scheme->C dialect. Note that this file is neither byte compiled nor loaded. Known bugs: -- Keymap handling is still rather inflexible. Either you like the setup or you don't. (A patch by Kimball Collins was not inserted in the code because we feel there should be a more thorough cleanup). -- AKCL and GCL may cause an error in the sturtup procedure of ILISP. We (the maintainers) have been unable to track down this one since we have not access to an AKCL or GCL environment. Please help us. -- Source level tracking for interpreted code in CMUCL may still break down unexpectedly. This is due to the inner working of CMUCL and there is no easy fix. We try to fall back on the TAG machinery. -- The menu entry does not track correctly the status of the inferior lisp. I.e. there is no code yet that disables the menu items when the inferior Lisp is not running anymore. -- Package tracking is still somewhat flaky. -- Multiprocessing Lisps may still cause problems with prompts. This has been noticed especially with Allegro CL. -- The "send the source even if compiled file file exist" bug is still in place. =============================================================================== Mon, 11 Jul 94 10:48:24 EDT Version 5.6 Released -- Works once again with GNU emacs 19.25, lemacs 19.10. and emacs 18.58. -- The popper facility has been completely replaced by a much less intrusive facility which has most of the original functionality. All ilisp output is funneled through the function which is the value of the variable ilisp-display-output-function. Several sample display functions are provided. Do c-H m in an ilisp buffer for more info. -- The common lisp arglist printer has been prettified somewhat. -- Ilisp no longer tries to handle lisp errors by default. This is controlled by the varible ilisp-handle-errors. -- Many of the hairy regexps used to located definitions have been broken out into separate variables. One is ilisp-cl-source-locater-patterns, which is an alist of (function-type regexp) -- Compile-defun, eval-defun and friends display the returned lisp value. -- Defined variables for the init files for the built-in dialects, to ease customization (ilisp-clisp-init-file, etc). -- Some handy new functions: ilisp-lispm-bindings, repair-ilisp. -- A minor bugfix in ilisp-send. -- A simplified makefile. =============================================================================== -- Marco Antoniotti - Resistente Umano ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Robotics Lab | room: 1220 - tel. #: (212) 998 3370 Courant Institute NYU | e-mail: ...e` la semplicita` che e` difficile a farsi. is simplicity that is difficult to make. Bertholdt Brecht