CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository
Programs for comparing versions of source code.
ilisp/ COMPARE: InterLisp Source Comparison Tool
mkant/ Source Compare (SC): A 'diff' program for Common
watt/ A S-expression DIFF using Series
Programs for comparing different versions of source code and
identifying the differences.
Documentation of the tools written by Mark Kantrowitz (Metering,
Defsystem, Source Compare, User Manual, and Xref) appears in
Mark Kantrowitz, "Portable Utilities for Common Lisp, User Guide and
Implementation Notes", Tech Report CMU-CS-91-143, School of Computer
Science, Carnegie Mellon University, May 1991.
which is available as lang/lisp/code/tools/mkantdoc.tar.gz.
CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1
Lisp!Tools, Source Comparison
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:30:54 1995