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Peer Evaluations

Course 70-318
Managing Effective Work Teams

Peer Evaluation Form
Managing Effective Work Teams
Spring, 2000

Insert the names of your team member (excluding yourself) in the first column of the matrix below.  For each item, assign the number that best reflects your opinion of each team member's contribution and performance.  The first four items are defined as follows:

1. Reliability: e.g., meets deadlines, attends meetings, is prompt

2. Quality of work: e.g., is knowledgable about course material, has creative and sound ideas, produces solid written work.

3. Motivation: e.g., participates actively, contributes sufficient effort.

4. Teamwork: e.g., receptive to others' input, works well with others.

The response options for the four items above are:

1 = poor
2 = needs improvement
3 = satisfactory
4 = very good
5 = excellent

Team member Reliability Quality of work Motivation Teamwork Would you work with this person again?