Office: 2101C HbH
Phone: (412)268-2180
Fax: (412)268-7036
Teaching Assistant: Kai Zheng
Office: 1508 HbH
Phone: (412) 268-8717
Secretary: Carole McCoy
Office: 2101 HbH
Phone: (412)268-6077
Rema Padman is Associate Professor of Operations and Information Management at the Heinz School of Public Policy and Management at Carnegie Mellon University. She has a Ph.D. in Operations Research from the University of Texas at Austin. Rema's principal areas of interest include deterministic modeling and optimization, particularly, optimization based decision support systems; computational environments for operational planning problems with embedded local optimization strategies; and information systems for health care. Her work has addressed a range of issues related to the application of data mining and metaheuristic strategies using distributed, connectionist, and evolutionary programming approaches for operational decision making in areas such as production planning, support requirements planning, project management, scheduling, and telecommunications. Her current research in the health care area focusses on issues related to data quality of distributed health care databases; confidentiality and privacy of health data; productivity and impact of information systems use by health management organizations; and data mining applications in health care.
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90-728 - Management Information Systems or equivalent, or
90-802 - Computer Applications for Public Managers or equivalent
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The formal course requirements and their potential grading points are as follows:
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Class time will be primarily devoted to lecture, demonstration of software, presentations and case discussions. You are strongly encouraged to ask questions and/or initiate discussions on topics of interest. The value of the lecture and presentations and the ability to ask meaningful questions depends upon thorough class preparation. It is assumed that you will have read the assigned class material before coming to class.
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Both cases and journal articles will be assigned. They will be discussed a week from the day they are assigned. All assignments have to be completed individually. Please put down your student id(s) on all pages and staple them together. The reports should be clear, legible and precise. If there are questions on grading, you can send me e-mail or set up an appointment.
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If you have any comments about the course, please send me email at
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This page and its subordinate pages are copyright © 2002 by Rema Padman, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. They are made available only for non-profit educational use. All other rights are reserved.