Computer Graphics 2, 15-463
Paul Heckbert
Carnegie Mellon University
Revision 3: 19 Feb. 2001.
As of 18 Feb, subsurf is working with FLTK, the recommended user interface library. Please work from this version (the one in a2/subsurf/). As of 16 Feb, an Xforms version of subsurf that compiles on Suns is available in a2/subsurf.xforms. You can write your program using either the Xforms version or the FLTK version of subsurf, but we recommend the latter because of better portability.
The interactive 3-D positioning scheme used is called a "mouse pole". Depending on which mouse button you click, a point can be moved in one of several planes. This allows points to be moved almost anywhere in 3-D space using a mouse and a single view. This interaction technique is much more intuitive than the use of x, y, and z sliders, say. You will probably not need to modify the mousepole code or viewing code.
This program's user interface:
Change log:
18 Feb: FLTK version of subsurf ready
16 Feb: where to find Xforms version of subsurf
15-463, Computer Graphics 2
Paul Heckbert