15-463 Computer Graphics 2 - Administrative Info

Time: TR 10:30-11:50
Place: Doherty Hall 2315

Professor: Paul Heckbert

Teaching Assistants:

Course Secretary: Virginia Arrington

Electronic Information

The class web page at /afs/andrew/scs/cs/15-463/pub/www/463.html or

is the primary online source for documents and info. Most slides will be on the notes web page.

The class newsgroup is cmu.cs.class.cs463.

We call

classdir. Each student will get a subdirectory in classdir/students named after his or her Andrew ID. Eventually 75 MB each. classdir/pub/src holds starter code for assignments.


We assume you are comfortable with C++, the OpenGL graphics library, calculus, elementary linear algebra, 3-D transformations, homogeneous matrices, and splines. And you should be familiar with basic raster graphics, Bresenham's algorithm, implicit surfaces, parametric curves, the z-buffer algorithm, Phong shading, ray tracing, color, and diffuse and specular reflection.

Required Text

Other Texts and Sources


Grading Policies

The following are approximate: The programming assignments be worth 12% each, and the homeworks 9% each.

Late penalty on assignments: 20% of their value per CMU class day (a class day is a non-holiday weekday). You may use Maple, but turn in a transcript. There is no set formula for assigning letter grades in this class.

Assignments and Homework

There will be two kinds of assignments: Programming assignments and homeworks.

Supported platforms will be Andrew cluster Linux PC's and Sparcs. The current plan is that all assignments will be done individually, not in groups.

You must write the critical portions of the software yourself. Other portions of the software are not required to be your own work. Libraries for user interfaces, model file parsing, and picture I/O can be shared or borrowed. If you borrow software from elsewhere (e.g. another student, a book, the internet), you should tell the professor or TA. You are free to discuss the assignments with others, but do not copy each others' work.

This is not a user interface course. If you feel compelled to hone your UI, we suggest you finish the requirements of the assignment first and only then polish your user interface.

The homeworks are more mathematical and algorithmic in nature, and give you a preview of the kinds of questions you might expect on the midterm and final.


You can use any language or machine you like. Machines with 24 bits per pixel are preferable, since they have better color resolution.

The Wean cluster includes:

Note that 15-462 will be using these machines this semester also. Also good, if you have access to them, are SGI workstations.

Also, there are PC's running Windows NT in Wean 5205 and 5207, but if you use these, you'll be more on your own.

Software libraries we will use: FLTK (user interface library), OpenGL (3D graphics library), Xlib (X window system), and SVL (vector/matrix library). Support code for some assignments is written in C, for others, it is written in C++. See software page for more info.

Other courses related to computer graphics at CMU
Jobs and scholarships in computer graphics