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Books on Scientology

Critical book archive sites

The Mind Benders by Cyril Vosper

A classic from 1971; the first critical book to be written by an ex-member. Doesn't contain anything you won't have read already if you're a keen a.r.s reader, but it's well-written and a Damn Good Read. Available in this deluxe Online Edition after many years out of print.

To make it even more deluxe, I obtained a copy of both editions of the book (Neville Spearman hardback, 1971 and Mayflower paperback, 1973) and scanned the covers and plates. Dress up your copy today!

There's also Martin Hunt's original text copy of the book here - scanned from the paperback, which Cyril says is the more typographically accurate of the two editions.

Cyril has authorised the spread of this book in electronic form free of charge. (Of course, if you want to do a commercial reprinting, he'd go for that too :-)

Cyril is currently a resident of Melbourne, Australia. He's not online, but is a regular at our demonstrations against the CoS.

Believe What You Like by C.H. Rolph

This isn't Australian at all, but I'm the one who bothered scanning and HTMLising it so I'm listing it here. There are copies available at the sites of Dave Touretzky and Cornelius Krasel.

I have been unable to track down the author's heirs (he apparently died in 1994) for proper permission to spread this one, but it's been out of print forever.

Other Australian books mentioning Scientology

Other books mentioning Scientology in Australia

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