Australian Critics of Scientology
This page maintained by David Gerard.
Scientology organisations in Australia: Canberra
All images are self-linked JPEGs.
Photos by Louise Cook.
Church of Scientology
43-45 East Row, Canberra 2601
GPO Box 2545, Canberra
phone: (02) 6257 6459
Dianetics: (02) 6247 8942
- Mort Street, Civic 2601 is actually the same address.
- Old address was 16/108 Bunda Street, Civic 2601 - it's still listed as such
on the Dianetics
Global Locator, which also has the old address for the Perth org.
- Founding date 29 May 1980.
- WIS78 lists under 'Groups' (1978):
- Australian Capital Territory Scientology Group, 26 Templeton Street,
Cook 2614.
- Flyn Scientology Group, 37 Campanion Crescent, Flyn.
Citizens Commission on Human Rights
15 Blythe
ACT 2617
- This listing is from WIS93. No suburb was listed.
It appears to be a private home.
1, 2. Canberra Org, side and front shots.
- More Canberra org pics on the August 1998 demo page.
- Tanietta DeLauney's still-unpaid refund,
plus oddities in the original payment.
- Fier on his best and worst
experiences on staff at the Canberra org.
- March 1998: A Knowledge Report from Org Executive
Director Dean Detheridge on problems with then-staff Fier and Matt
- April 1998: Life in the comic shop below the Org.
- May 1998: Goblin Wizard: How the Canberra Org staff
are actually reluctant to go Clear.
- May 1998: Goblin Wizard: Canberra org workers on the dole.
- March 1999: Louise Cook has written in more detail
on the Canberra staff living on the dole while working 90 hours a week for the
CoS. (Linked from Zenon Panoussis' site.)
- Louise Cook: more on the welfare cult.
"The Church of Scientology is a valid employer in Australia. Each staff
member fills in an Employment Declaration Form at the beginning of
their tenure and receives a Group Certificate each financial year.
These people are not volunteers."
- June 1998: A Knowledge Report from Canberra org
Executive Director Dean Detheridge, demonstrating the SNAFUness of the CoS;
plus commentary.
- July 1999: Pertti Muhli and the sales tactics of the Canberra Org.
Also, the gag order they wanted
him to sign before getting a refund.
- August 1999: Fier on numbers of Canberra staff and public.
- September 1999: Sparrow fends off the survey taker.
- March 2000: Canberra Org reconnaissance.
- March 2000: Advertising for the Purification Rundown in a
local government shopfront window removed.
[Scientology organisations in Australia]