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Scientology in electronic media in Australia

See also:

The Liars' Club and Scientology

The Liars' Club was a Melbourne sceptical radio show that ran on radio station 3-RRR until a complaint from the Church of Scientology to the Australian Broadcasting Authority, claiming 'religious vilification', resulted in an adverse ruling widely regarded as completely insane. I have a page detailing these events.

Liars' Club: Cyril Vosper

3-RRR, Melbourne, Sun 03 Sep 1995

The interview with Cyril Vosper that the Church of Scientology managed to get the Australian Broadcasting Authority to class as 'gratuitous vilification'. Look up 'vilification', read the interview and see if you can find any.

3-CR Breakfast: David Gerard

3-CR, Melbourne, Thu 14 Mar 1996

Me publicising the March 16th 1996 demonstration.

Terry Lane interviews Nick Herd

Radio National, Sun 17 Mar 1996

Nick Herd is director of the ABA, and is asked about the ABA's finding that the Liars' Club had committed gratuitous vilification of Scientology. Can you call someone Nazi-like if it actually is the case?

The Religion Report: Religion, The Media & Controversy

ABC Radio National, Wed 05 Feb 1997

Interview with Professor Stephen Kent (University of Alberta) and Sabina Weber (CoS Germany) over Germany's accusations against Scientology.

The Religion Report: Judgement on Noah's Ark

ABC Radio National, Wed 05 Feb 1997

Implications of sceptic bringing Fair Trading Act case against creationist for deceptive conduct. (The judge said the conduct had been "misleading or deceptive", but that the Act was not applicable.) Long bit on Scientology and E-meters.

Attempted New Year 1998 Community Service Announcement

The CoS sent these out everywhere, hoping for a bite. It didn't get broadcast.

Not guilty verdict sparks debate on mental illness defence

ABC Radio News, Fri 12 Mar 1999.

Melbourne hospital centre sparks lobotomy outrage

ABC Radio News, Sat 31 Jul 1999.

Battlefield Earth

The Movie Show, SBS, October 2000.

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