
On my own work.

Recovering Occlusion Boundaries from a Single Image
ICCV 2007 talk

Thesis Defense
August 2007 at CMU.

Putting Objects in Perspective
Prepared for CVPR 2006.

Geometrically Coherent Image Interpretation
My thesis proposal.

Automatic Photo Popup
Prepared for SIGGRAPH 2005.

SOLAR: Sound Object Localization and Retrieval in Complex Audio Environments - Hoiem Ke Sukthankar
Prepared for Intel Research Pittsburgh intern report out.

Putting Context into Vision [pdf]
Prepared for misc reading group (and used for speaking qualifier).

On other people's work.

Human Visual Attention in Static Scenes
Prepared for misc reading group (March 2007).

Prepared for misc reading group.

Boundary Extraction in Natural Images Using Ultrametric Contour
Prepared for misc reading group.

Adaboost Tutorial [pdf]
Prepared for misc reading group.

Kullback-Leibler Boosting (Liu Shum)
Prepared for misc reading group.

An Efficient Approach to Learning Inhomogenous Gibbs Models (Liu Chen Shum)
Prepared for misc reading group (but not presented).

Statistical Learning of Multi-View Face Detection (Microsoft Research Asia)
Prepared for misc reading group.


Derek Hoiem