CMU 15-112: Fundamentals of Programming and Computer Science
- You may not use any books, notes, or electronic devices during this quiz.
- You may not ask questions about the quiz except for language clarifications.
- If you use scratch paper, you must submit it with your andrew id on it, and we will ignore it.
- All code samples run without crashing unless we state otherwise.
- Do not use these topics: sets, dictionaries, recursion.
- You may use almostEqual() and rounded() without writing them. You must write everything else.
Part 1: CTs
You may not run any code in Part 1. Once you move to Part 2, you may not return to Part 1.
CT1: Code Tracing [5pts]
Indicate what the following code prints. Place your answers (and nothing else) in the box below. Note that you may not run this code.
def ct1(b, k):
m = g(k) if b else j(k)
t = 0
for n in range(m):
t += n
return t
def g(k): return 2*k
def h(k): return k**2
def j(k): return h(k) - g(k)
print(ct1(True, 3), ct1(False, 3))
CT2: Code Tracing [5pts]
Indicate what the following code prints. Place your answers (and nothing else) in the box below. Note that you may not run this code.
def ct2(d):
result = ''
count = 0
for x in range(d, 100):
if x%2 == 0:
count += 1
if count < 3:
elif count == 5:
if x%3 > 0:
result += str(x)
return result
CT3: Code Tracing [5pts]
Indicate what the following code prints. Place your answers (and nothing else) in the box below. Note that you may not run this code.
def ct3(s):
t = s[:2]
s += '2'
for c in 'b34':
t += str(int(s.find(c)))
s = s.replace(c, '4')
return f'{s[-2:]}.{t}'
Part 2: Free Response
Free Response: is/nth Neighborly() [30pts]
Note: to receive any credit, you cannot use strings on this problem.
Background: We will say that an integer n
is "neighborly" (a coined term) if
n >= 100 and each consecutive pair of digits in n
differ by exactly 1.
For example, 5654 is neighborly because:
- 5 and 6 differ by 1
- 6 and 5 differ by 1
- 5 and 4 differ by 1
Each of these numbers are not neighborly:
- 43 (too small, since 43 < 100)
- 100 (has consecutive 0's)
- 343423 (has a gap from 4 to 2)
- -101 (too small, since -101 < 100)
Here are the first several neighborly numbers:
101, 121, 123, 210, 212, 232, 234, ...
With that in mind, and without using strings, write the function isNeighborly(n)
that takes a possibly-negative integer n
and returns True
if it is neighborly and
that takes a
non-negative integer n
and returns the nth neighborly number,
where nthNeighborly(0)
returns 101.def isNeighborly(n):
def nthNeighborly(n):
# Test Function
def testIsNeighborly():
print('Testing isNeighborly()...', end='')
assert(isNeighborly(5654) == True)
assert(isNeighborly(43) == False) # too small (43 < 100)
assert(isNeighborly(100) == False) # has consecutive 0's
assert(isNeighborly(343423) == False) # gap from 4 to 2
assert(isNeighborly(343432) == True)
assert(isNeighborly(-101) == False) # no negatives (-101 < 100)
assert(isNeighborly(101) == True)
def testNthNeighborly():
print('Testing nthNeighborly()...', end='')
assert(nthNeighborly(0) == 101)
assert(nthNeighborly(1) == 121)
assert(nthNeighborly(2) == 123)
assert(nthNeighborly(3) == 210)
assert(nthNeighborly(4) == 212)
assert(nthNeighborly(5) == 232)
assert(nthNeighborly(6) == 234)
Free Response: makeBanner() [30pts]
Write the function makeBanner(message, useAllCaps)
that takes a nonempty
possibly-multiline string "message" and a boolean "useAllCaps", and returns
that message converted into a banner, which is also a string that:
- places a rectangle of asterisks around the message,
- centers each line of the message,
- adds a single space as a margin within the asterisks on each line, and
- converts the message to uppercase if useAllCaps is True
For example:
message0 = '''\
banner0 = '''\
* a *
* ccc *
assert(makeBanner(message0, False) == banner0)
And here is that same example with useAllCaps=True:
message0 = '''\
banner0WithAllCaps = '''\
* A *
* CCC *
assert(makeBanner(message0, True) == banner0WithAllCaps)
Note: if a line cannot be exactly centered, then leave the extra space after the line rather than before it.
In particular, consider how the line 'bb' is centered here:
message1 = '''\
banner1 = '''\
* a *
* bb *
* ccc *
* eeeee *
assert(makeBanner(message1, False) == banner1)
def makeBanner(message, useAllCaps):
# Test Function
def testMakeBanner():
print('Testing makeBanner()...', end='')
message0 = '''\
banner0 = '''\
* a *
* ccc *
assert(makeBanner(message0, False) == banner0)
message0 = '''\
banner0WithAllCaps = '''\
* A *
* CCC *
assert(makeBanner(message0, True) == banner0WithAllCaps)
message1 = '''\
banner1 = '''\
* a *
* bb *
* ccc *
* eeeee *
assert(makeBanner(message1, False) == banner1)
message2 = '''\
Here we go
banner2 = '''\
* Here we go *
* Steelers *
assert(makeBanner(message2, False) == banner2)
message3 = '''\
Here we go
banner3 = '''\
assert(makeBanner(message3, True) == banner3)
Free Response: showDigits() [25pts]
Write the functions onAppStart(app)
, onKeyPress(app, key)
, and redrawAll(app)
to make an app that works like so:
- When first started, the app displays the message 'No digits' centered in the canvas.
- When the user presses a digit key, the 'No digits' message disappears and is replaced by that digit.
- When the user presses more digits, they are appended to the displayed number. So if the user presses '1' then '3', the number 13 is displayed.
- When the user presses 'backspace', the rightmost digit is removed from the displayed number. If this removed the last digit, then the message 'No digits' is displayed again. If the user presses 'backspace' when 'No digits' is displayed, this is ignored.
- When the user presses 's', as long as 'No digits' is not displayed, then the displayed number is squared. For example, if '12' is displayed, and the user presses 's', then '144' is displayed.
- All other key presses are ignored.
You may assume that the canvas is 400x400.
from cmu_graphics import *
def onAppStart(app):
def onKeyPress(app, key):
def redrawAll(app):
def main():
Part 3: Bonus CT
BonusCT1: Code Tracing [2.5pts]
Indicate what the following code prints. Place your answers (and nothing else) in the box below. Note that you may not run this code.
import string
def bonusCt1():
x = y = 0
s = 3 * string.ascii_uppercase
for c in s:
x += ord(c) - ord('A')
y += ord('N') - ord(c)
return (x, y)
BonusCT2: Code Tracing [2.5pts]
Indicate what the following code prints. Place your answers (and nothing else) in the box below. Note that you may not run this code.
def bonusCt2(n):
def f(n):
c = 0
while n > 0:
c += n%2
n //= 2
return c
k = f(n)
while f(n) <= k:
n += 1
return (n, f(n))