CMU 15-112: Fundamentals of Programming and Computer Science
Week3 Plan
- For the best learning experience, please do not attempt the lecture or recitation exercises before we cover them in those sessions.
- See the Week1 Plan for more notes.
- Quiz2
- 4.4: 2d Lists
- 4.4.13. isLatinSquare (2 pts) ✓
- 4.4.12. Code Tracing (one or two from the hw) (note: no green-check)
- 4.4.13. removeRowAndCol (mutating + nonmutating) (1 pt) ✓
- 4.4.15. makeEdits (1 pt) ✓
- 4.4.14. wordSearch (1 pt) ✓
- 4.4.15. matrixMultiply (2 pts) ✓
- 4.4.12. Code Tracing (4 exercises, overall worth 4 pts on hw)
- 4.4.14. betterWordSearch1 (2 pts)
- 4.4.14. betterWordSearch2 (2 pts)
- 4.4.14. betterWordSearch3 (2 pts)
- 4.4.15. insertRowAndCol (mutating and nonmutating) (1 pt)
- 4.4.15. isKingsTour (2 pts)
- 4.4.15. isAlmostMagicSquare (3 pts)
- 4.5. Guided: isLegalSudoku (2 pts)
- Bonus/Optional:
Note: for hw3, bonus problems are worth half the points listed below. Thus, with 7 points listed, you can score up to +3.5, for a max score on hw3 of 103.5.- 4.6. samePolygons (2 pts)
- 4.6. nQueensChecker (2 pts)
- 4.6. bestScrabbleScore (3 pts)