CMU 15-112: Fundamentals of Programming and Computer Science
Week7 Plan
- Please do not do recitation and lecture exercises before we cover them in recitation and lecture!
- Overview of 6.2 Sets and 6.3 Dictionaries
- 6.2.8. repeats (1 pt) ✓
- 6.2.9. hasNoDuplicates (1 pt) ✓
- 6.2.9. inBothLists (1 pt) ✓
- 6.2.9. isPermutation (2 pts) ✓
- 6.3.7. mostCommonName (1 pt) ✓
- 6.3.8. invertDictionary (1 pt) ✓
- 6.3.8. sparseMatrixAdd (1 pt) ✓
- 6.2.9. inOnlyOneList (2 pts) ✓
- 6.3.8. countMap (2 pts) ✓
- 6.3.7. getHoursLogged (2 pts) ✓
- 6.3.8. mostCommonLetterPairs (3 pts) ✓
- Overview of Efficiency
- 6.4.8 getPairSum (1 pt) ✓
- 6.2.6. Sets Code Tracing Exercises (all required)
- 6.2.9. reverseStrings (1 pt)
- 6.2.9. upperAndLower (2 pts)
- 6.3.6. Dictionaries Code Tracing Exercises (all required)
- 6.3.8. integerLetterFrequencies (2 pts)
- 6.4.7 Efficiency Practice (all required)
- Bonus/Optional:
- 6.2.9. oneWeatherReport (3 pts)
- 6.3.8. friendsOfFriends (2 pts)