15-211 Spring '96 Home Page
Welcome to the WWW homepage for CMU 15-211, ``Fundamental Structures
of Computer Science I.'' The course is being taught by
Professor Avrim Blum,
Professor Bruce Maggs
, and Professor
Daniel Sleator.
The TA's for the course
are Doug Baker,
Carl Burch,
and Robert Driskill.
The course secretary is Dorothy Zaborowski.
You are encouraged to use a Web browser such as Mosaic or
Netscape to easily access much of the course information. For more
information on using Mosaic, click here.
How to access the course staff:
- Prof. Avrim Blum: avrim+@cs.cmu.edu, 4107 Wean Hall, Office hour:
Wed 11:00 - 12:00
- Prof. Bruce Maggs: bmm+@cs.cmu.edu, 4123 Wean Hall, Office hour:
Wed 4:30 - 5:30
- Prof. Daniel Sleator: sleator+@cs.cmu.edu, 4128 Wean Hall, Office
hour: Mon 4:00-5:00
- Doug Baker, TA: ldbapp+@cs.cmu.edu, 8102 Wean Hall, Office hour:
Mon 3:00-4:00
- Carl Burch, TA: cburch+@cs.cmu.edu, 7203 Wean Hall, Office hour:
Fri 9:00-10:00
- Robert Driskill, TA: robd+@cs.cmu.edu, 3502 Wean Hall, Office
hour: Mon 1:00-2:00
- Dorothy Zaborowski, Course Secretary: x8-3779, 4116 Wean Hall.
You should read the class newsgroups regularly. If following
addresses are not accessible, use "messages" or "batmail" to read the newsgroups.
ask that students please refrain from insulting anyone on the bulletin
Important documents and handouts in HTML format:
Note: sometimes parts of documents can get mangled when converting to
html, so the PostScript versions should be treated as "official".
- 15-211 Course Information
guide, including
- Objectcenter tutorial
- C++ programming style
- Assignment 1
- C++ language basics I
- C++ language basics II
- Assignment 2
- Assignment 3
- Last year's midterm and solutions: Postscript only.
- Assignment 4: Postscript only.
- Assignment 5
- Last year's Quiz 2: Postscript only.
- Connect 4 tournament!
- Assignment 6: Postscript only.
- Last year's quiz3: Postscript only.
- Assignment 7
- Last year's final: Postscript only.
Handouts in PostScript format: (these require appropriate permissions)
You can view each handout by clicking on
the link below: A PostScript previewer will
preview the document for you on the screen. (Be patient, as it may
take the preview program a little while to start up.)
- 15-211 Course Information guide
- Objectcenter tutorial
- C++ programming style
- Assignment 1
- C++ language basics I
- C++ language basics II
- Assignment 2
- Assignment 3
- Last year's midterm and
- Assignment 4
- Assignment 5
- Last year's quiz 2
- Connect 4 tournament: html format only.
- Assignment 6
- Last year's quiz 3 (Notes about the quiz)
- Assignment 7
- Last year's final.
Also, you can go directly to the directory /afs/andrew/scs/cs/15-211/handouts
to print (lpr) the postscript files or view (gv) them.
Outlines for the lectures and recitations:
Here are some lecture and recitation outlines for your convenience.
Note: these are our
own notes we use in preparing for lectures/recitations. They may have
syntax errors or whatever. No warranties. We are providing them for
any students interested.
- Lecture 1/16
- Recitation 1/17
- Lecture 1/18
- Recitation 1/22
- Lecture 1/23
- Recitation 1/24
- Lecture 1/25
- Recitation 1/29
- Lecture 1/30
- Recitation 1/31
- Lecture 2/1
- Recitation 2/5
- Lecture 2/6
- Recitation 2/7
- Lecture 2/8
- Recitation 2/12
- Lecture 2/13
- Recitation 2/14
- Lecture 2/15
- Recitation 2/19
- Lecture 2/20
- Recitation 2/21
- Lecture 2/22
- Recitation 2/26
- Lecture 2/27
- Recitation 2/28
- Lecture 3/5
- Recitation 3/6
- Lecture 3/7
- Recitation 3/11
- Lecture 3/12
- Recitation 3/13
- Lecture 3/14
- Recitation 3/18
- Lecture 3/19
- Recitation 3/20
- Lecture 3/21
- Recitation 4/1
- Lecture 4/2
- Recitation 4/3
- Lecture 4/4
- Recitation 4/8
- Lecture 4/9
- Recitation 4/10
- Lecture 4/11
- Recitation 4/15
- Lecture 4/16
- Recitation 4/17
- Lecture 4/18
- Recitation 4/22
- Lecture 4/23
- Recitation 4/24
- Lecture 4/25
- Recitation 4/29
Relevant information sources: