Homework H1b - Decompiling machine code
Homework H1b was handed out Tuesday, Sept. 19. It is due 11:59 pm,
Tuesday, Sept. 26. All files
needed for the assignment are in the directory
- As solutions, the original C code can be found in the file /afs/cs/academic/class/15213-f00/H1b/probs-solve.c.
- Note the 24 hour extension over what was originally published.
Don't do this assignment by brute force! You could solve many of the problems
by simply transliterating the machine code into C, but you will learn nothing
from your effort. Instead try to think "What reasonable C code could have
generated this machine code?" and then try writing it.
Sept 21, 17:00. New test code has been added to atest.c to provide
a more thorough test of switchcode. Get the new version from H1b.tar.
This new version will be used in grading the assignment.
Dave OHallaron
Last modified: Wed Oct 4 20:25:53 EDT 2000