This final project was a 3D printed cryptex, based on the cryptex in Dan Brown's DaVinci Code.The crytex is a portable vault used to hide messages. It requires a password, which is entered via the rings. When the user enters the correct password, the inner chamber can be removed, revealing the cryptex's contents. This cryptex, at full scale, is a cylinder about 7 inches long and 3 inches in circumference. The inner chamber is approximately 1.5 inches in circumference and 5 inches wide. Interesting design choices include printing the outer chamber as two pieces. The first piece is the part on which the rings rest. The second part serves as a lip to hold the rings on the outer chamber.Interesting SolidWorks features include text wrap to wrap the alphabet around the rings. I also added a hemisphere to allow the user to easily grip and slide out the inner chamber. This hemisphere must be glued together (press-fit) with the inner chamber.