15-394 Assignment 3: Parametric Surface


In this assignment you will use Grasshopper to construct a complex parametric surface and 3D print it.

Wavy Arch

Watch this YouTube video and follow the steps up until the 10:30 mark. The remaining steps construct a rectangular base, which we don't want.

In order to export the wavy arch as an STL file you must generate a closed surface. To do this, combine the two Loft outputs using a Brep Join component, and then run the result through a Cap Holes component. Note: in order for this to work you will have to flatten the output of one of the lofts.

Now modify the design to make it your own. Note that the shape of the arch is derived from the first Arc component. You can replace this component with an arbitrary curve drawn in Rhino. Make additional changes to customize the shape. Don't just tweak the sliders a bit; change the design in some interesting way.

Bake your design and export it as an STL file.

Note: you can export the Brep surface as an STL file, but if you want to manipulate the mesh in Rhino (e.g., to reduce the vertex count), you'll need to convert it to a mesh object first. Just run the output of the Cap Holes component into a Mesh parameter component, and bake that.

3D Print

Make a 3D print of your design. Post a picture of your print to Piazza.


Hand in a zip file handin.zip in AutoLab containing the following:
  1. Your Grasshopper, Rhino, and STL files.
  2. A rendering of your design.
On Piazza, post the picture of your 3D print..

Due date: check the class schedule.

Grading (20 pts)

  • 14 points: Grasshopper code for a complex shape.
  • 4 points: rendering, and 3D printed object with support material removed.)
  • 2 points: picture posted to Piazza.

Dave Touretzky
Last modified: Thu Jan 26 01:04:18 EST 2017