15-494/694 Cognitive Robotics Lab 6:
RRT Demo and Learning Color Classes

I. Software Update, SDK Update, and Initial Setup

Note: You can do this lab/homework assignment either individually, or in teams of two.

At the beginning of every lab you should update your copy of the cozmo-tools package. Do this:

$ cd ~/cozmo-tools
$ git pull

II. Experiments with the RRT Path Planner

  1. Download the file Lab6.py and run it in simple_cli by typing runfsm('Lab6'). The robot's outline is shown at the starting location.

  2. Run the demo several more times and observe the variation in the solutions.

  3. Read the Lab6 source code to see how the demo works.

III. Harder Planning Problem

You can construct a harder planning problem by adding more obstacles between the start and the goal, forcing the robot to head down corridors and turn corners. But make sure that the corridors are wide enough for the robot to fit through.

Make an environment that shows off what the path planner can do. Include at least one convex polygon obstacle. See cozmo_fsm/rrt_shapes.py for obstacle definitions.

This step actually requires a substantial amount of coding, but none of it is difficult. You will need to do the following:

  1. Study the Rectangle class in rrt_shapes.py to understand how it represents vertices at points in homoegeneous coordinates. The Rectangle constructor takes a center point as input, plus height, width, and orientation, and generates the vertices from there. Notice that the vertices are expressed relative to the center point, so we can translate a Rectangle by simply changing its center, and rotate it by changing just its orient value.

  2. Redo the (outdated and incomplete) implementation of the Polygon class in rrt_shapes.py to follow the conventions of Rectangle for representing vertices. Since we are not restricting ourselves to regular polygons, the user will have to input a list of vertices. You should calculate the center, then re-express the vertices as offsets from the center in case the user didn't do this themself. You can assume that the polygon is convex; you don't need to check for this. Treat the orient field the same way that Rectangle does.

  3. Implement the collides_poly method for Polygon using the Separating Axis Theorem. Study how Rectangle does rectangle-rectangle collision detection using the Separating Axis Theorem. (Review the slides from the World Map lecture on how the SAT works.) Rectangles are a special case because all their edges are aligned with either the x or y axis, so taking the projection of a vertex onto an axis is trivial. If the rectangle is rotated, you have to un-rotate the vertices first, and un-rotate the other rectangle by the same amount, before using this projection trick. But for arbitrary polygons this shortcut doesn't apply because the edges aren't axis-aligned, so you'll need to consider each edge orientation individually.

  4. Implement the collides_circle method for Polygon. This doesn't use the Separating Axis Theorem, but there are other approaches that are straightforward to implement. Google "circle polygon collision detection" for advice, or see this page.

  5. Add code to path_viewer.py to display polygons.

IV. Supervised Learning: Support Vector Machines

Support Vector Machines (SVMs) learn decision boundaries between classes by selecting from among the set of training points those points (vectors) closest to the decision boundary. They therefore avoid having to store all the training data. See the illustration here.

  1. Make a lab6 directory and download the files color_svm.py and sample_image.jpg into it.

  2. Run the demo by typing "python3 -i color_svm.py". The "-i" switch is necessary to keep Python in "interactive" mode so it doesn't quit when the main program finishes.

  3. To learn a "medium green" color class corrsponding to the bottle cap on the right side of the image, left click on some points on the bottle cap, and right click on some points of other colors.

  4. Try to maintain roughly equal numbers of positive and negative examples of "medium green". The order in which you pick points doesn't matter because the classifier is retrained from scratch every time a point is added.

  5. If your training set gets out of balance, the SVM may set the decision boundary to something crazy, and all the pixels may be selected or deselected. Just add some more training points to bring things into balance, and the model will recover.

  6. The SVM can also set bad decision boundaries if your data are not cleanly separable, and the fraction of misclassified points exceeds some threshold. Again, adding more training points will cure the problem.

  7. Modify the demo to include options for saving and reloading the trained classifier using pickle. Read this page to learn how to do that.

V. Train Cozmo to Recognize An Object

Unfortunately the color_svm demo cannot run inside cozmo-tools due to problems with the tkinter GUI interface, which matplotlib relies on. So you will have to train your classifier offline. But you can still collect images from Cozmo using the new SaveImage node in nodes.py.

  1. Pick a uniformly colored object you want Cozmo to track.

  2. Get a good picture of the object through Cozmo's camera using the SaveImage node.

  3. Using your modified color_svm program, train the classifier.

  4. Write a state machine program to load the trained classifier, classify pixels in the latest camera image, and display that result with matplotlib. You won't be able to make this real-time interactive because of the tkinter problem; you will have to use plt.show() and further execution will be blocked until you type "q" in the plot window. So you can only process one image at a time.

VI. Make Cozmo Find and Track Your Object

Write code so Cozmo looks for for your object if it's not in view, and drives up to it, maintaining a modest distance. If you gently move the object, Cozmo should continue to move so as to maintain the desired distance.

You can test for the presence of the object by counting the number of pixels that are in your desired color class.

Hand In

Hand in all the code you wrote above, plus relevant screen shots.

Dave Touretzky
Last modified: Wed Mar 8 01:47:37 EST 2017