It should be pretty obvious that Mod7Counter machine satisfies the Day machine. But, let's go through the steps.
AF(0) = sun
AF(1) = mon
AF(6) = sat
Notice that, as promised, it's one-to-one.
The representation invariant just says that the only integer values I have to worry about are between 0 and 6 inclusive. It characterizes the domain of AF.
In other words, I need to show that for all y that satisfy the representation invariant, i.e., for all . I need to show the commuting diagram for only those states that satisfy RI. The simplest proof is to do an exhaustive case analysis. y can take on only seven values so there are seven cases. I'll do the most ``interesting'' case (y = 6).
¯def'n of AF
= sun def'n of
= AF(0) def'n of AF
def'n of
When I did the last part of the proof above, I didn't really do it as shown, but rather I reduced both sides of the equation at the same time yielding sun = sun. I can do that because equality is bi-directional:
= ¯= AF(0) def'ns of AF and
sun = sun def'ns of and AF
I think this proof is more readable and it's perfectly acceptable. Just remember to give your justification next to each proof step if it's not obvious or clear from context.