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Definition of Size

There are also many ways that we might define the size of a tree. Some definitions would count just the leaves, others just the nodes. Here we will count both.

Informally, we could say that the size of a single leaf is 1, while the size of a tree built out of two subtrees, say tex2html_wrap_inline116 and tex2html_wrap_inline118 , is the sum of the sizes of the two subtrees plus 1 (for the joining node).

The basic idea of this definition is that we define the size of a tree inductively over the structure, saying how the size of a given tree is calculated from sizes its parts. Putting this more formally in the notation of Software Engineering Mathematics, we would define a function by first declaring its type (in this case tex2html_wrap_inline120 ), and then saying how it is defined in each of the two cases.


[Note: I am doing things a little differently than what I tried to do in class. Here I am simply asserting that this is the definition of size; in class I tried to prove something about this definition.]

In a similar way, we might make other definitions about trees. Here are two useful ones:


Norman Papernick
Thu Mar 21 14:56:40 EST 1996