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Abstract Machine: Set

My Set abstract machine has the following interface:


Set = (
tex2html_wrap_inline240 ,
tex2html_wrap_inline242 ,
tex2html_wrap_inline244 see above tex2html_wrap_inline246
tex2html_wrap_inline248 see next page tex2html_wrap_inline250

Here are specifications of the actions, insert, delete, card, member, and pick.


 insert (i: int)/ok()

pre true

post tex2html_wrap_inline256

delete(i: int)/ok()

pre true

post tex2html_wrap_inline260


pre true

post tex2html_wrap_inline264

member(i: int)/ok(bool)

pre true

post tex2html_wrap_inline268


pre tex2html_wrap_inline270

post tex2html_wrap_inline272

Norman Papernick
Thu Mar 21 15:04:44 EST 1996