16-311 LEGO Lab Kit Contract
Prof. Howie Choset, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon
Team Number (will be assigned when kits are distributed):__________________
The team consisting of
Name 1
Name 2
Name 3
willingly accept as a loan a full and complete LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT Eduction kit (two boxes), and, at a later date, video camera and accessories for USAR Lab. This equipment is the property of the
Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University and must be returned in a like-new
usable condition on the last day of classes of this semester, if an entire group
drops the class. The group members must check all items within 48 hours of receiving them for damage.
After this point, it is the group members' responsibility to care for this equipment and replace all
damaged items. We have provided a parts list with their cost.
Failure to return these parts constitutes a violation of academic integrity. Groups who do not
return the equipment will have their grade withheld until the equipment is returned and will be
subject to the University Disciplinary Committee.
On the last day of the class in this semester, however, the members can write a check
payable to Carnegie Mellon for the replacement cost of the unreturned items.
Certification of completeness:
Signature Person 1
Signature Person 2
Signature Person 3
verify that the kit loaned to us is complete.