HLA: A Standards Effort as Architectural Style
Proceedings of the Second International Software Architecture Workshop (ISAW2)
, October 1996.
Author: Robert Allen
In this position paper we introduce a case study, the DoD ``High Level
Architecture for Simulations (HLA),'' and briefly discuss our efforts to
apply \wright, an architectural description language, to the HLA.
Our work on HLA has focused on understanding the HLA
as an architectural style, concentrating on the Interface
Specification (IFSpec) description of the ``Runtime Infrastructure
(RTI)'' as the central architectural design issue.
Specifically, we have used Wright, a formal architectural description
language, to characterize the RTI and analyze a number of
its properties. By providing an analysis of the properties of the
RTI as described by the IFSpec, we can help the standards committee
to determine whether the IFSpec ensures the properties that they want and
to discover inconsistencies or other weaknesses of the specification.
Keywords: Software architecture, architectural specification,
architectural style, case studies, HLA.
For further information, please visit the home pages of the
ABLE research project and
Carnegie Mellon University's
Composable Systems Group.