1.0 Participants
Carnegie Mellon University
Graduate Students
Visitors and Postdocs
The following are the on-going research and development activities for the Composable Software Systems group.
We continue to apply Wright to the Defense Modeling and Simulation Office (DMSO) High Level Architecture (HLA) for distributed simulation. Specifically, we extended our model of part of the architecture that concerns distributed time management.
Our Armani design rule checker was made available for limited distribution. It is currently being used as the basis for analysis of dyanamic reconfigurations of the C2 systems at UC Irvine.
We continued to upgrate our architectural design tools to work with the most recent release of Acme.
We continue our research on the next generation of the UniCon language, UniCon 2. We are currently designing the language and the next generation of tools to edit and compile descriptions in the language. UniCon 2 improvements will include improved type checking, improved support for adding connector types, evolvable specifications, support for adding component types, and improvements in multi-level definition handling. We will also start work on developing a full architectural style for the example domain of education.
Work continues on Rob DeLine's thesis, specifically with respect to repairing packaging mismatches in architectural designs.
We continue to investigate the relationship between modules in advanced programming languages and ADLs and the application SML-mod-rec as an "intermediate language" into which many existing ADLs can translate. SML-mod-rec has the potential to handle dynamism for ADLs too. We will build support for SML-mod-rec by extending the existing SML TIL compiler.
We continue to make progress on Ladybug, the follow-up to Nitpick written in Java. Ladybug now fully implements bounded generation. Work continues an an example based on the HLA.
Progress continues on Revere. Accomplishments include the implementation of new RV logic that handles honesty and responsibility checks. Checks additional security protocols for authentication and honesty and responsibility properties. Drafts of five thesis chapters done
Progress on Ajax continunes. This includes the implementation
of a constraint solver which as at the heart of Java byte code analysis
technique and the implemenation of a query language that will be basis
of the user interface to Ajax.
We continue our work with analyzing security protocols.
On-going support is being provided to users and evaluators of Armani, Aesop, the ACMELib library and toolset, Lackwit, Revere, and the UniCon toolset.
The UniCon toolset has now been acquired by 275 organizations in 36 different countries.
The following represent the accomplishments and the technology transition activities accomplished by the Composable Software Systems group during the reporting period.
Versions of Acme developer's toolkits, a preliminary version of Armani, and Acme tools including an Acme graphical editor were transitioned to Lockheed Martin for Demo Days 98.
In the UniCon 2 tool suite, we have fully implemented conversions to and from ACME.
The UniCon 2 language and tool suite were presented at the EDCS Demo Days '98 Conference in Baltimore.
The UniCon 2 developers worked with Dick Creps and Paul Kogut to support their demonstration at EDCS Demo Days '98.
5.0 Publications
The following are the papers that have been authored by the members of this contract during the reporting period. They have been organized into groups based on their status as submitted, accepted, or published. They represent transition of our research to the community at large.
Vaziri, M., Lynch, N., Wing, J.M.
Proving the Correctness of a Controller Algorithm for the RAID
Level 5 System.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant
June 1998. Also published as CMU-CS-98-117, March
Wing, J.M, Ockerbloom, J.
Respectful Type Converters
Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.
May 1998. Also published as CMU-CS-98-130.
6.0 Travel
The following are the talks, presentations, panels, lectures,
and demonstrations given by the members of this contract during the
period. They represent transition of our research to the community at
David Garlan:
Workshop on the Role Of Software Architecture
in Testing and Analysis
June 30, 1998
Jeannette Wing:
NSF CISE Advisory Board
Washington DC
April 28-30, 1998
Jeannette Wing:
OOPSLA Program Committee
Seattle, WA
June 7-8, 1998
Jeannette Wing:
DARPA, visit with David Tennenhouse
Washington DC
June 11, 1998
Jeannette Wing:
Model Checking and Security Protocols
Workshop associated with Logic
in Computer Science.
co-chair with Nevin Heintze.
Bloomington, Indiana
June 25, 1998
None to report.
8.0 Plans For The Next Reporting Period
We plan to continue our redesign of the UniCon 2 language and toolset. Specifically, we plan to start work on developing a full style for the example domain of education. Work on Rob DeLine's thesis will continue as planned.
Continue to apply Wright to the HLA, develop Armani language and tools, understand architectural refinement, and higher-order connectors.
We plan to revise our prototype Armani environment and preform user tests on it to evaluate its effectiveness.
We plan to continue work developing Acme-based infrastructure and tools.
We plan to continue work on Ladybug (Nitpick follow-up, including bounded generation), including:
We plan to finish work on Revere, including:
We plan to continue work on Ajax (Lackwit follow-up for Java), including fine tuning performance to work on large Java programs.
We plan to continue work on SML-rec-mod: