15-818A3 Introduction to Separation Logic (6 units) Spring 2007

John C. Reynolds

First Half of Spring Semester 2007

University Units: 6 (minicourse)

Mondays and Wednesdays 1:30-2:50 pm Wean Hall 4615A

Course Description

Separation logic is an extension of Hoare logic for reasoning about programs that use shared mutable data structures. We will survey the current development of this logic, including extensions that permit unrestricted address arithmetic, dynamically allocated arrays, recursive procedures, shared-variable concurrency, and read-only sharing. We will also discuss promising future directions.

PREREQUISITES: Some knowledge of predicate logic and Hoare logic.

TEXTS: Papers and notes to be distributed in class.

METHOD OF EVALUATION: Grading will be based on homework.

For an overview survey of separation logic (in postscript), click here.

NOTICE TO STUDENTS - February 23, 2007

The final homework in the minicourse CS818A3 is Exercises 9 to 11 in the version of Chapter 4 posted on the web on February 23. It is due on the last day of class, March 5.

NOTICE TO STUDENTS - February 16, 2007

Copies of the Tex sources for the class notes, and relevant files of macros are available in the directory (not on the web): /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/fox-19/member/jcr/cs818a-07public

Course Notes (in Postscript)

Minor corrections may have been made to some of these notes since they were passed out in class. This is indicated by a more recent revision date. Last updated February 28, 2007