- ...menu
- For the
curious, GMBL stands for General Memory Based Learning, the machine
learning approach that underpins the EYE code.
- ...this
- Because
EYE uses random numbers to make decisions such as which data should be
used in the testset, the precise results will vary from one run to the
- ...box
- The choice of a black box is a tip of
the hat to the BlackBox function of EYE, which is designed to
autonomously search for a good model for the data
- ...data
- To be more
exact: it searches for the function approximator that will give the
best predictive accuracy when used on new data drawn from the same
distribution as the data in the current training and test sets.
- ...data
- When we say `best model' we mean the function
approximator that will give the best predictive accuracy when used on
new data drawn from the same distribution as the data in the current
training and test sets.