We use a specific style of C programming, which we call "The Allegheny Method" (AM). The basic idea is to put a few standards in place so that a group of us can follow each other's code and update it without any surprises.
The most important thing is simplicity and understandability of code. Also important is modularity. The main formalism we use to achieve this is the "Abstract Data Type" style of programming, which could also be known as "Very Simple Object Programming Without The Fancy Little Crinkles."
Our code will be run on many platforms under many operating systems and using many compilers. There must be nothing system-specific in the code.
void am_error(char *message)
This procedure never terminates, but ends the execution of the program and delivers the message. On some systems it offers the opportunity to enter the debugger.
void wait_for_key()
When running on a console, prompts the user to hit a key. When running under a GUI brings up a dialog box. Words like "modal" and "preemptive" are probably involved.
We want the same sequence of random numbers for a given seed no matter which system we're on. The following random library is the one to use (thanks, Justin!) it passes randomness tests pretty well.
void am_srand(int seed)seeds the random number generator
void am_randomize()uses time of day based seed
int int_random(int n)returns a random integer between 0 and n-1 inclusive
double range_random(double low, double high)returns a uniform random double between low and high inclusive
double gen_gauss()gaussian variable, mean 0, variance 1
There exist other random functions, e.g. creating a random direction or random rotation matrix. Andrew will document this (Andrew!)
We have our own versions of malloc and free. We use lots of allocating and freeing in the Allegheny Method style of programming, so we need it to be very fast and easy to debug. There are options for helping find and report memory allocation errors and memory leaks.
char *am_malloc(int size) void am_free(char *memory, int size)Note you must tell us what size you are freeing. This is primarily as a check: in memory debug mode, am_free will check that the thing you are freeing was am_mallocked with the size you claim.
Instead of using the above you will almost always want to use the following macros:
<type> *AM_MALLOC(<type>)malloc something of type <type> and returns a pointer to it
void AM_FREE(<type> *x, <type>)frees x which we are told is of type <type>
<type> *AM_MALLOC_ARRAY(<type>, int array_size) void AM_FREE_ARRAY(<type> *x_array, <type>, int array_size) void am_malloc_report()put this at the very end of your program. It will warn you if anything remains unfreed.
You can use runMLD to find memory leaks. Jeff will document this (hello Jeff!)
The only abstract data type involved is called an apict. It represents a picture. Elements of these pictures may be circles, lines, strings, rectangles, and discs (solid circles).
To begin drawing a picture, call void apict_on(). Then you may use any of the following functions to draw into a global picture defined on a square area of width and height 512.0 units, in which coordinates are represented by (x,y) pairs. The origin (0,0) is the bottom left hand corner. x (a double) is the horizontal distance. y (also a double) is the vertical distance.
void ag_dot(double x, double y) void ag_line(double u, double v, double x, double y) void ag_circle(double x, double y, double r) void ag_box(double x_botleft, double y_botleft, double x_tr, double y_tr) double x_topright, double y_topright) void ag_disc(double x, double y, double r) void ag_print(double x, double y, char *s)
There are 16 colors which may be used (though that number may later be reduced to 8). The colors are represented by amut_colors, which are #defined integer constants from amxw.h. They have imaginative names like AG_RED.
void ag_set_pen_color(int amut_col) int ag_pen_color() int ag_spectrum_color(double fract)fract should be in the range [0, 1.0]; this will return the amut color at the specified fraction of the way along an approximate rainbow spectrum (0.0 = red end; 1.0 = violet).
To create an apict call
apict_on(), then do as much drawing as you like, then call
apict *apict_off(), which AM_MALLOCs an apict, representing the picture you just drew. This also clears the global picture.
To display the picture on Unix under X-windows, call render_apict(). On Windows NT under Visual C++, the top level user interface has its own methods of rendering apicts, and all you have to do is return those apicts to the top level user interface.
Here are other functions on apicts:
void free_apict(apict *g) apict *mk_copy_apict(apict *ap)
There also exist apict_sets for people who wish to produce sequences of pictures. Andrew will document this (Andrew!)
There exists a way to turn apicts into compact Postscript files. Andrew will document this (Andrew!)
Dynamic Matrices and Vectors
The following routines are not clever, just sensible, efficient implementations of dynamic matrices. Here's an example of their use:
#include "amdm.h" FILE *s = fopen(fname,"r"); dym *dm = read_dym(s,NULL,NULL); Creates a dynamic matrix from ascii file dym *dmt = mk_dym_transpose(dm); Creates its transpose dym *a = mk_dym_mult(dm,dmt); Creates a square matrix invert_dym(a,a); Invert a and store the result in a. (No dynamic memory allocation... to dynamically make the inverse, do dym *ainv = mk_invert_dym(a) ) fprintf_dym(stdout,"(d d$t)^-1",a,"\n"); fclose(s); free_dym(dm); free_dym(dmt); free_dym(a);
Dyms are addressed by (row,column) pairs, 0 <= row < num-of-rows and 0 <= col < number-of-columns.
Some of the dym functions dynamically allocate memory. All such functions have names beginning with mk_
Two of the dym functions free memory. They have names beginning with free_.
All other named functions simply copy data between already-allocated memory.
Many functions have a "mk_" form and a conventional copy form. The conventional form places the result in another argument of the call (which must have been pre-initialized to have the correct number of rows and columns). The name of an argument which gets stuff copied into it usually begins with r_ . The mk_ form creates an appropriately-shaped dym, computes the result, and returns the new dym.
For example, here I explain two functions. The "copy" form of matrix addition which copies the sum of d_1 and d_2 into r_d. And the "mk" form dynamically creates and returns a matrix in which d_1 + d_2 are stored.
void dym_plus(dym *d_1, dym *d_2, dym *r_d) dym *mk_dym_plus(dym *d_1,dym *d_2)
Adds two matrices.
Notes on using dynamic matrices: Remember that you should always free any dynamic matrices you create. Otherwise, their memory will remain allocated for the rest of the time the program runs, which may mean you run out of memory unexpectedly early.
The functions below all obey what we'll call the "matrix memory convention" This means that the arguments to the functions are not directly changed, or have any part over-written, except for the result matrix, which is usually the last argument to the function, called "r_mat". Furthermore it is legal, and fine, to call the function with the matrix to be changed as one of the input arguments. For instance, to double the values inside a matrix defined by matrix *a you could call
dym_plus(a,a,a)and after calling each element of a would be twice its normal value.
dym_mult(a,a,a)squares a etc.
dym *mk_dym(int rows, int cols)Dynamically allocates the dym. The initial values are undefined.
double dym_ref(dym *dm,int i,int j)Returns the (i,j)'th element of the matrix. May be implemented as a macro to improve speed. Indexing begins at zero: the jth element of the top row is dym_ref(dm,0,j), the ith element of the leftmost column is dym_ref(dm,i,0).
double dym_set(dym *dm,int i, int j, double value)Sets the (i,j)'th element of the matrix to be value. See dym_ref for the indexing convenion.
int dym_rows(dym *dm) gives the number of rows in the dym
int dym_cols(dym *dm) gives the number of cols in the dym
void constant_dym(dym *r_d,double value) dym *mk_constant_dym(int rows,int cols,double value)Sets all elements to be value
void zero_dym(dym *r_d) dym *mk_zero_dym(int rows,int cols)Sets all elements to be 0.0
void dym_scalar_mult(dym *d, double alpha, dym *r_d) dym *mk_dym_scalar_mult(dym *d,double alpha)Multiplies all elements of d by alpha.
void dym_scalar_add(dym *d, double alpha, dym *r_d) dym *mk_dym_scalar_add(dym *d,double alpha)Adds alpha onto all elements of d.
void copy_dym(dym *d, dym *r_d) dym *mk_copy_dym(dym *d)Creates a copy of the dym.
void dym_plus(dym *d_1, dym *d_2, dym *r_d) dym *mk_dym_plus(dym *a,dym *b)Adds two matrices.
void dym_subtract(dym *d_1,dym *d_2,dym *r_d) dym *mk_dym_subtract(dym *a,dym *b)Subtracts a matrix.
dyvs are just one dimensional matrices. You can conveniently allocate and free them too using the same conventions as for dynamic matrices.
dyv *mk_dyv(size)CREATES and returns one of the fellows.
int dyv_size(dyv *dv)returns the number of elements in the dyv
double dyv_ref(dv,i)returns the value of the i'th element. Indexing begins at 0: 0 <= i < dyv_size(dv).
All the numerical operations on dym's have counterpart numerical operations on dyv's:
void constant_dyv(dyv *r_d,double v) void zero_dyv(dyv *r_d) dyv *mk_constant_dyv(int size,double v) dyv *mk_zero_dyv(int size) void dyv_scalar_mult(dyv *d, double alpha, dyv *r_d) dyv *mk_dyv_scalar_mult(dyv *d,double alpha) void dyv_scalar_add(dyv *d, double alpha, dyv *r_d) dyv *mk_dyv_scalar_add(dyv *d,double alpha) void copy_dyv(dyv *d, dyv *r_d) dyv *mk_copy_dyv(dyv *d) void dyv_plus(dyv *d_1, dyv *d_2, dyv *r_d) dyv *mk_dyv_plus(dyv *a,dyv *b) void dyv_subtract(dyv *d_1,dyv *d_2,dyv *r_d) dyv *mk_dyv_subtract(dyv *a,dyv *b)void dyv_sort(dyv *dv,dyv *r_dv); It is fine, as always, if dy and r_dv are the same.
dyv *mk_dyv_sort(dyv *dv)
We define dym = DYnamic Matrix dyv = DYnamic Vector farr = our notation for an array of doubles. If a is declared by double *a or double a[100], then a is a farr tdarr = our notation for a 2-d array of doubles IMPLEMENTED array of POINTERS to array of doubles. For, example, something created by am_malloc_2d_realnums(rows,cols). BUT NOT SOMETHING DECLARED BY a[100][30] which is implemented as a bloacking of 3000 doubles by the C compiler.
There are a huge number of functions to copy, and make items of one of the above types into items of another of the above types.
You can do the obvious copying between the following types:
Source -> farr dyv tdarr dym Dest | | V
farr - y - (y) dyv y - (y) (y) tdarr - (y) - y dym (y) (y) y -
The (y)'s in parentheses have two kinds: copying to/from a column of a 2-d structure to a 1-d structure or copying to/from a row of a 2-d structure to a 1-d structure.
Thus, lets make a more complete table for 1-d copying and making:
Source -> farr dyv tdarr_row tdarr_col dym_row dym_col Dest | | V
farr - y - - y y dyv y copy_dyv y y y y tdarr_row - y - - - - tdarr_col - y - - - - dym_row y y - - - - dym_col y y - - - -
And for 2-d: Source -> tdarr dym Dest V tdarr - y farr y copy_dym
Including all the combinations of copying and making copies of, there are at least 50 such functions. To make life simple, theres are strong naming convention for all such functions:
to copy from a <Source> x, to a <Dest> y, call
copy_<Source>_to_<Dest>(x,y) e.g; double y[10]; dym *x = mk_constant_dyv(6,1.0); / Creates (1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0) / copy_dyv_to_farr(x,y); / Fills first 6 entries in y with 1.0 /
to make a new thing of type <Dest> from a thing of type <Source> do mk_<Dest>_from_<Source>(x) e.g; dym *x = mk_constant_dym(2,3,9.0); / Creates ( 9.0 , 9.0 , 9.0 ) ( 9.0 , 9.0 , 9.0 ) / double *y = mk_tdarr_from_dym(x); / Creates
BUT: Some functions need integer numerical arguments too. These always occur after the source and dest argument.
To make a dyv from a farr you need to say how long the farr is, e.g. y = mk_dyv_from_farr(x,6) says to make a dyv of size 6 from the first 6 elements of the array of doubles x. y = mk_dyv_from_dym_row(x,4) says to make a dyv from the the row indexed by 4 (which is of course the fifth row from the top) of the dym x.
See also:
dym *mk_dym_from_tdarr(double **tdarr,int rows,int cols) dyv *mk_dyv_from_tdarr_row(double **tdarr,int row,int tdarr_cols)..which copies from the row of tdarr indexed by "row", and is told that tdarr has "tdarr_cols" columns
dyv *mk_dyv_from_tdarr_col(double **tdarr,int col,int tdarr_rows)
Finally, it is possible to make whole dym's directly from dyvs and farrs in the following three ways:
dym *mk_<DYMSHAPE>_dym_from_dyv(dyv *dv)where <DYMSHAPE> is one of: row (creates a single-row-dym), col (creates a single-column-dym), diag (creates a diagonal dym)
dym *mk_<DYMSHAPE>_dym_from_farr(double *farr,int size)
dyv *mk_dyv_1(double x)makes a 1-element dyv containing x as its only element
dyv *mk_dyv_2(double x,double y)makes a 2-element dyv containing x as its 0th-indexed element y as its 1-index element
dyv *mk_dyv_3(double x,double y , double z).... obvious.
And also you can make any of the 9 smallest matrices thusly:
dym *mk_dym_RC( ... )where R and C are each either 1 , 2 or 3
and there are R * C arguments, which initialize (in lexical order x00, x01, .. etc) the dym. E.G:
dym *d = mk_dym_32(1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0,6.0)
allocates memory and creates a dym = [ 1.0 2.0 ] [ 3.0 4.0 ] [ 5.0 6.0 ]
See amdm.h for information about additional functions, including:
dyv_scalar_product, dyv_dsqd, dym_times_dyv, mk_dym_times_dyv, dym_mult, mk_dym_mult, dyv_outer_product, mk_dyv_outer_product, dym_transpose, mk_dym_transpose, dym_scale_rows, mk_dym_scale_rows, dym_scale_cols, mk_dym_scale_cols, dym_svd, dym_determinant, dym_solve_vector, mk_dym_solve_vector, invert_dym, mk_invert_dym, is_dym_symmetric, attempt_cholesky_decomp, is_dym_symmetric_positive_definite, fprintf_dym, fprintf_dyv, dyv_outer_product, mk_dyv_outer_product, dym_transpose, dym_scale_rows, mk_dym_scale_rows, dym_scale_cols, mk_dym_scale_cols, dyv_mean, dyv_sdev, dym_min, dym_max, dyv_min, dyv_max, dyv_argmin, dyv_argmax, mk_dyv_1, mk_dyv_2, mk_dyv_3, mk_dym_11, mk_dym_12, mk_dym_13, mk_dym_21, mk_dym_22, dym mk_dym_23, mk_dym_ptq, mk_dym_transpose_times_dyv, mk_identity_dym, mk_dym_from_string, mk_nrecipes_matrix_from_dym, mk_nrecipes_vector_from_dyv
A great deal of our software involves presenting information to the user, and we have a nice device-independent way of doing that. An expo is an abstract data type representing a formatted written report, which optionally may have multiple paragraphs, enumerated lists, indented subsections, a few different fonts, and tables. Functions exist to render expos on raw consoles, as HTML documents, and within Windows NT Visual C++ applications.
These are #defined int constants:
These are #defined int constants:
expo *mk_empty_expo()makes a new empty document
void free_expo(expo *ex)frees the expo
char *exbuff(expo *ex)This is used in conjunction with sprintf for writing text into an expo. The programmer calls
sprintf(exbuff(ex), <format string>, <printf-style arguments>)and the resulting words are placed at the end of the current paragraph. If there is no current paragraph, a new one is created.
void expo_begin(expo *ex,int section_type)creates new paragraph of requested section-type
void expo_end(expo *ex,int section_type)ends current section-type
void expofont_open(expo *ex,int expofont)sets current font
void expofont_close(expo *ex,int expofont)ends current font
void expo_newline(expo *ex)forces a newline
void expo_newpara(expo *ex)starts new paragraph of current section-type
void expo_item(expo *ex)Starts new paragraph. Only to be used if section type is itemize (in which case new paragraphs begin with bullets) or if the section type is enumerate (in which case new paragraphs begin with the item number).
void expo_include(expo *ex,expo *sub_ex)include all the text of sub-ex at the end of ex. ex is changed by this; sub-ex is not.
void expo_end_document(expo *ex)Call this when you have finished the document. If you forget to do this, the text from the final sprintf(exbuff(ex), ...) may not be included.
expo *mk_read_expo(FILE *s)read in an expo from a file
void write_expo(FILE *s,expo *ex)write an expo to a file
expo *mk_copy_expo(expo *ex) void expo_render_commented(FILE *s,char *comment,expo *ex)Type out the expo in plain text formatted as well as possible; assume 80 characters per line; each line will begin with the string in comment.
expo *mk_expo_from_string_matrix(string_matrix *sm)Use this in conjunction with string matrices to create tables. Andrew will document this further.
See expo.h for information about the following functions:
mk_expo_from_words, mk_expo_from_string_array, mk_expo_from_dym, mk_expo_from_dyv, expo_incfree, expo_include_fonted_string, expo_include_dyv, mk_oneline_expo