Click to see the syntactic and semantic structures built from these sentences in NL-soar 9701. The actual regression corpus is found here .
1. the tough coach the young.
Note the polysemy of tough (noun and adjective) and coach (noun and verb). Syntax chooses the correct parse of the sentence first (det noun verb) so no snips are required. Because the noun COACH and property TOUGH are inactive in syntax, semantics does not propose fuses involving COACH.thing and When attempting to fuse COACH.action -external -> TOUGH.thing, semantics passes the check-syntax constraint (among others) which deems the semantic link to be compatible with the syntax.
2. the tough coach aches.
Up until ACHES is processed, NL-soar progresses as in sentence 1 above. At this stage the (det noun verb) and (COACH.action-ext->TOUGH.thing ) reading has been
chosen. During syntactic analysis of aches, the successful linking of ACHES.i--spec-->COACH.n causes a competing lexical senses snip and the correct (det adj noun verb) reading is recovered. Semantics notices that it now has inactive LCSes in its structure. It snips the fuses in which these inactive structures are involved and can now build the semantic interpretation which is consistent with syntax.
3. contact is confirmed hostile.
This sentence is interesting because of the double adjective. The way we have chosen to represent the semantics of this sentence is that HOSTILE is a property of CONTACT and CONFIRMED is a property of HOSTILE.
However after CONFIRMED has been processed it occupies the complement position of the verb IS and the semantics is that CONFIRMED is a property of contact.
When HOSTILE is processed by syntax, it too can fill the complement slot of is and a duplicate relation snip arises. Syntax then rebuilds the correct structure. During semantics a special snip proposal fires which checks that the syntax of adjectives is compatible with the semantics of properties. In this case there is an incompatibility as CONFIRMED is no longer a complement of IS.
The snip fires and the correct semantic structure is then built.
4. the coach is tough.
Nothing special of note for this sentence . Used to test simple copula coverage.
5. the man likes the horse.
Tests simple transitive verb coverage. Note, for both semantic fuses, a constraint is tested to see if the syntax is compatible with that fuse. I.e for LIKES.action --external --> MAN.thing the constraint checks that MAN.N is a spec of LIKES.c and for LIKES.action-internal-> HORSE.thing the constraint checks that HOUSE.N is a complement of LIKES.v.
6. the man on the horse likes the apple.
Simple transitive verb with a prepositional phrase.
7. the man on the horse with the apple.
Test for two prepositional phrases. NOTE no semantic tests are carried out to
decide whether the prepositional attachments are correct or not. As a default syntax favors embedded prepositional attachments.
8. the red man likes the apple.
Simple transitive sentence with adjective attached to the subject.
Note --external --> MAN.thing checks the syntax to see if RED.adj is adjoined to MAN.noun.
9. the green man likes the apple.
Same as above but with polysemy for green (noun, adjective). At first GREEN.noun is attached to THE.determiner but as apple is processed, this link is sniped and the (det adj noun) structure built.
10. the man likes the red apple.
Similar to sentence 9 but with an adjective attached to the verb's object.
11. the man likes the green apple.
Similar to sentence 9 because of the polysemy of GREEN. In this case however a semantic snip is required as well as the syntactic snip. The first parse of the sentence after green has been processed allows semantics to fuse LIKES.action-internal-> GREEN.thing. When syntax works out that green is an adjective it snips the LIKES.verb -comp-> GREEN.noun link. In semantics, because GREEN.thing is now marked inactive a sem snip is performed.
12. the man slept.
A very simple intransitive verb sentence .
13. the apple is green.
This sentence tests the semantic property fuse for adjectives as complements of a 'to be' verb.
14. the man gave the horse the apple.
A di-transitive dative construct.
15. the man gave the horse the red apple.
As 14 but with an extra adjective. (Useful for testing edge calculations and
the empty ops for "red")
16. the man gave the apple to the horse.
A ditransitive with "to".
17. the man gave the red apple to the horse.
As above but with an extra adjective/property.
18. the man thinks the horse likes the apple.
An example of a sentential verb (one that takes a CP as a complement).
19. the man thinks the horse likes the red apple.
As above but with an extra adjective/property.
20. the man thinks the horse likes the green apple.
As above but this time GREEN is polysemous (NOUN/ ADJECTIVE) so snips are required. (See sentence 11).
21. the man that likes the horse slept.
A relative clause at the subject position of a sentence. Building semantics of relative clauses are discussed here .
22. the man likes the horse that slept.
A relative clause at the object position of a sentence. A syntactic and
semantic snip is required because "horse" is initially attached as the object
of "likes" and must be re-attached as the subject of "slept".
23. the man that the horse likes slept.
Object relative as subject.
24. the man the horse likes slept.
Like above, but without "that".
25. the man dropped the apple the horse likes.
An embedded relative clause.
26. the man persuaded the horse to like the apple.
An example of a di-transitive verb taking a NP and CP complement.
27. the man wanted to like the apple.
An example of a transitive verb taking a CP complement. There are two semantic entries for WANTED (one that takes an internal THING, the other an internal STATE.Because the correct (2rd) sense is chosen first no snips are necessary.
28. the man wanted the horse to like the apple.
Another example of a transitive verb taking a CP complement.
However, this time, after the word HORSE has been processed, the (eventually) incorrect semantic sense is connected and the u-model has the verb taking a noun complement.
Once the infinitive verb is analysed however, the syntactic model is corrected and the mechanism for keeping the semantics compatible with syntax allows semantic snips to repair the s-model.
29. the man has seen the horse.
An example of a sentence in the perfect tense.
HAS has two syntactic entries one for the present tense, the other as the auxiliary for the prefect tense. Semantics only has one entry for the present tense; no entry is required for the perfect tense sense. After the word HAS has been processed, the present tense has been chosen in syntax and the semantic entry has been fused with an external role to MAN. When SEEN is processed however syntax realizes that its model is incorrect and repairs it by selecting the perfect tense entry for HAS. In semantics, since the syntactic entry corresponding to the connected HAS semantic entry, is now marked inactive, a semsnip removes the HAS entry from the s-model and fuses SEEN with MAN. A production fires which annotates the SEEN LCS with the attribute tense-annotation perfect .
30. the man wanted the horse.
A polysemous transitive verb where the correct senses are linked/fuse correctly
at first so no snips or semsnips are required. Compare to sentence 28.
31. the man gave the horse the green apple.
A di-transitive dative construct as in sentence 14. Things are complicated somewhat with the polysemy of GREEN. This however can be processed as in sentences 11 and 20.
32. the man has been singing.
An example of a sentence in the past progressive tense. As in sentence 30 the present tense is originally chosen but then syntax calculates that in fact the past progressive tense is being used. The syntax and semantics models can be repaired. The action SINGING is annotated with tense-annotation past-progression .
33. the man has been eating the apple.
As above but with a transitive verb EATING.
34. the man can see the horse.
Example with a modal verb.
35. the man would have seen the horse.
Example with a modal and aux verb.
36. the man would have been eating the apple.
As above, but more auxes.
37. the horse that the man knows likes the apple.
Object rel as subject.
38. the man saw the apple that the horse likes.
Object rel as object.
39. the man saw the horse that likes the apple.
Subject rel as object.
40. the man was seen with the apple.
41. the man would have been seen with the apple.
Passive with modal and auxes.