Sample Trace of NTD System: Visual Scanning
Go backward to loading and
initialization trace.
Soar> d 1250
0: ==>G: G1
1: P: P1 (top-ps)
2: S: S1 (initial-state)
Visual target: omi
114323 Simulated OMI cleared.
114323 CGLS indicates completion of step 16-906 on page 789.
114323 Countdown clock time: -20M00S
114323 NTD indicates completion of step 16-907 on page 789.
114323 FLT indicates step 16-910 on page 790 was not performed.
114323 Page 790 crossed off.
114323 OTC indicates completion of step 16-905 on page 789.
114323 Page 789 crossed off.
114323 DPS indicates completion of step 16-912 on page 791.
114323 GNC indicates completion of step 16-913 on page 791.
114323 Page 791 crossed off.
114323 OTC indicates completion of step 16-914 on page 792.
114323 Countdown clock time: -19M00S
114323 NTD indicates completion of step 16-963 on page 802.
114323 NTD indicates completion of step 16-964 on page 802.
114323 NTD indicates completion of step 16-965 on page 802.
3: O: O2 (find-next-participation)
4: ==>G: G2 (operator no-change)
5: P: P20 (find-next-participation)
6: S: S5 (initial-state)
7: O: O3 (search-for-step ntd-participation)
Build: chunk-1
8: ==>G: G3 (state no-change)
9: P: P22 (search-for-step)
10: S: S6 (initial-state)
11: O: I19 (intend to move eyes)
Build: chunk-2
12: O: I19 (intend to move eyes)
Retracting chunk-2
114523 NTD moves his eyes toward (0, 2), reaching (0, 2).
114523 NTD moves his visual attention to (0, 2), radius 1.
13: ==>G: G4 (state no-change)
14: P: P23 (search-for-step)
15: S: S7 (initial-state)
16: O: I21 (intend to move eyes)
Build: chunk-3
17: O: I21 (intend to move eyes)
Retracting chunk-3
114623 NTD moves his eyes toward (21, 2), reaching (21, 2).
114623 NTD moves his visual attention to (21, 2), radius 1.
18: ==>G: G5 (state no-change)
19: P: P24 (search-for-step)
20: S: S8 (initial-state)
21: O: O8 (check-criterion)
Build: chunk-4
22: O: C17 (recognize shape |CMD| (F561) with match target recog1)
Retracting chunk-4
23: ==>G: G6 (state no-change)
24: P: P25 (search-for-step)
25: S: S9 (initial-state)
26: O: A21 (attend to shape F559)
Build: chunk-5
27: O: A21 (attend to shape F559)
114773 NTD moves his visual attention to (26, 2), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
28: O: C18 (recognize shape |RESP| (F559) with match target recog1)
Retracting chunk-4
29: ==>G: G7 (state no-change)
30: P: P26 (search-for-step)
31: S: S10 (initial-state)
32: O: O17 (scan-page)
33: ==>G: G8 (operator no-change)
34: P: P27 (scan-page)
35: S: S11 (initial-state)
36: O: I23 (intend to move eyes)
Build: chunk-6
Build: chunk-7
Firing chunk-7
Firing chunk-6
Build: chunk-8
Ignoring chunk-8 because it is a duplicate of chunk-7
37: O: I25 (intend to move eyes)
115023 NTD moves his eyes toward (21, 3), reaching (21, 3).
115023 NTD moves his visual attention to (21, 3), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-7
Retracting chunk-7
38: O: C19 (recognize shape ---- (F840) with match target recog1)
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-4
39: O: A22 (attend to shape F838)
115073 NTD moves his visual attention to (26, 3), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
40: O: C20 (recognize shape ---- (F838) with match target recog1)
Retracting chunk-4
41: ==>G: G9 (state no-change)
42: P: P29 (search-for-step)
43: S: S12 (initial-state)
44: O: O22 (scan-page)
45: ==>G: G10 (operator no-change)
46: P: P30 (scan-page)
47: S: S13 (initial-state)
48: O: A23 (attend to nearest d visual)
Build: chunk-9
Build: chunk-10
49: O: A23 (attend to nearest d visual)
115273 NTD moves his visual attention to (25, 8), radius 1.
Retracting chunk-10
50: ==>G: G11 (state no-change)
51: P: P32 (search-for-step)
52: S: S14 (initial-state)
53: O: O27 (scan-page)
54: ==>G: G12 (operator no-change)
55: P: P33 (scan-page)
56: S: S15 (initial-state)
57: O: I27 (intend to move eyes)
Build: chunk-11
Build: chunk-12
Firing chunk-12
Firing chunk-11
Build: chunk-13
Ignoring chunk-13 because it is a duplicate of chunk-12
58: O: I29 (intend to move eyes)
115473 NTD moves his eyes toward (21, 8), reaching (21, 8).
115473 NTD moves his visual attention to (21, 8), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-12
Retracting chunk-12
59: O: C21 (recognize shape |OTC| (F1121) with match target recog1)
Firing chunk-5
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-4
60: O: A27 (attend to shape F1117)
115523 NTD moves his visual attention to (31, 8), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
Retracting chunk-5
61: O: C22 (recognize shape |TAKE| (F1117) with match target recog1)
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-4
62: O: A28 (attend to shape F1119)
115623 NTD moves his visual attention to (25, 8), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
63: O: C23 (recognize shape |CDR| (F1119) with match target recog1)
Retracting chunk-4
Firing chunk-10
64: O: A29 (attend to nearest d visual)
115723 NTD moves his visual attention to (25, 10), radius 1.
Retracting chunk-10
65: ==>G: G13 (state no-change)
66: P: P35 (search-for-step)
67: S: S16 (initial-state)
68: O: O32 (scan-page)
69: ==>G: G14 (operator no-change)
70: P: P36 (scan-page)
71: S: S17 (initial-state)
72: O: I32 (intend to move eyes)
Build: chunk-14
Build: chunk-15
Firing chunk-15
Firing chunk-15
Firing chunk-14
Build: chunk-16
Ignoring chunk-16 because it is a duplicate of chunk-15
Firing chunk-14
Build: chunk-17
Ignoring chunk-17 because it is a duplicate of chunk-15
73: O: I36 (intend to move eyes)
115923 NTD moves his eyes toward (21, 10), reaching (21, 10).
115923 NTD moves his visual attention to (21, 10), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-15
Retracting chunk-15
Retracting chunk-15
74: O: C24 (recognize shape |CDR| (F1400) with match target recog1)
Firing chunk-5
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-4
75: O: A31 (attend to shape F1396)
115973 NTD moves his visual attention to (30, 10), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
Retracting chunk-5
76: O: C25 (recognize shape |BFS| (F1396) with match target recog1)
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-4
77: O: A32 (attend to shape F1398)
116073 NTD moves his visual attention to (25, 10), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
78: O: C26 (recognize shape |OTC| (F1398) with match target recog1)
Retracting chunk-4
Firing chunk-10
79: O: A33 (attend to nearest d visual)
116173 NTD moves his visual attention to (26, 14), radius 1.
Retracting chunk-10
80: ==>G: G15 (state no-change)
81: P: P38 (search-for-step)
82: S: S18 (initial-state)
83: O: O37 (scan-page)
84: ==>G: G16 (operator no-change)
85: P: P39 (scan-page)
86: S: S19 (initial-state)
87: O: I39 (intend to move eyes)
Build: chunk-18
Build: chunk-19
Firing chunk-19
Firing chunk-19
Firing chunk-18
Build: chunk-20
Ignoring chunk-20 because it is a duplicate of chunk-19
Firing chunk-18
Build: chunk-21
Ignoring chunk-21 because it is a duplicate of chunk-19
88: O: I43 (intend to move eyes)
116373 NTD moves his eyes toward (21, 14), reaching (21, 14).
116373 NTD moves his visual attention to (21, 14), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-19
Retracting chunk-19
Retracting chunk-19
89: O: C27 (recognize shape |OTC| (F1677) with match target recog1)
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-4
90: O: A34 (attend to shape F1675)
116423 NTD moves his visual attention to (26, 14), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
91: O: C28 (recognize shape |CEPP| (F1675) with match target recog1)
Retracting chunk-4
Firing chunk-10
92: O: A35 (attend to nearest d visual)
116523 NTD moves his visual attention to (26, 17), radius 1.
Retracting chunk-10
93: ==>G: G17 (state no-change)
94: P: P41 (search-for-step)
95: S: S20 (initial-state)
96: O: O42 (scan-page)
97: ==>G: G18 (operator no-change)
98: P: P42 (scan-page)
99: S: S21 (initial-state)
100: O: I45 (intend to move eyes)
Build: chunk-22
Build: chunk-23
Firing chunk-23
Firing chunk-22
Build: chunk-24
Ignoring chunk-24 because it is a duplicate of chunk-23
101: O: I47 (intend to move eyes)
116723 NTD moves his eyes toward (21, 17), reaching (21, 17).
116723 NTD moves his visual attention to (21, 17), radius 1.
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-23
Retracting chunk-23
102: O: A36 (attend to shape F1954)
116723 NTD moves his visual attention to (26, 17), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
103: O: C29 (recognize shape |CGLS| (F1954) with match target recog1)
Retracting chunk-4
Firing chunk-10
104: O: A37 (attend to nearest d visual)
116823 NTD moves his visual attention to (26, 20), radius 1.
Retracting chunk-10
105: ==>G: G19 (state no-change)
106: P: P44 (search-for-step)
107: S: S22 (initial-state)
108: O: O47 (scan-page)
109: ==>G: G20 (operator no-change)
110: P: P45 (scan-page)
111: S: S23 (initial-state)
112: O: I48 (intend to move eyes)
Build: chunk-25
Build: chunk-26
113: O: I48 (intend to move eyes)
117023 NTD moves his eyes toward (21, 20), reaching (21, 20).
117023 NTD moves his visual attention to (21, 20), radius 1.
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-26
114: O: A38 (attend to shape F2233)
117023 NTD moves his visual attention to (26, 20), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
115: O: C30 (recognize shape |CGLS| (F2233) with match target recog1)
Retracting chunk-4
Firing chunk-10
116: O: A39 (attend to nearest d visual)
117123 NTD moves his visual attention to (26, 29), radius 1.
Retracting chunk-10
117: ==>G: G21 (state no-change)
118: P: P47 (search-for-step)
119: S: S24 (initial-state)
120: O: O52 (scan-page)
121: ==>G: G22 (operator no-change)
122: P: P48 (scan-page)
123: S: S25 (initial-state)
124: O: I49 (intend to move eyes)
Build: chunk-27
Build: chunk-28
125: O: I49 (intend to move eyes)
117323 NTD moves his eyes toward (21, 29), reaching (21, 29).
117323 NTD moves his visual attention to (21, 29), radius 1.
Firing chunk-5
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-28
126: O: A41 (attend to shape F2512)
117323 NTD moves his visual attention to (30, 29), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
Retracting chunk-5
127: O: C31 (recognize shape |NO| (F2512) with match target recog1)
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-4
128: O: A42 (attend to shape F2514)
117423 NTD moves his visual attention to (26, 29), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
129: O: C32 (recognize shape |CODS| (F2514) with match target recog1)
Retracting chunk-4
130: ==>G: G23 (state no-change)
131: P: P50 (search-for-step)
132: S: S26 (initial-state)
133: O: O57 (scan-page)
134: ==>G: G24 (operator no-change)
135: P: P51 (scan-page)
136: S: S27 (initial-state)
137: O: I52 (intend to move eyes)
Build: chunk-29
Build: chunk-30
Firing chunk-30
Firing chunk-29
Build: chunk-31
Ignoring chunk-31 because it is a duplicate of chunk-30
138: O: I54 (intend to move eyes)
117673 NTD moves his eyes toward (21, 30), reaching (21, 30).
117673 NTD moves his visual attention to (21, 30), radius 1.
Firing chunk-5
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-30
Retracting chunk-30
139: O: A44 (attend to shape F2791)
117673 NTD moves his visual attention to (30, 30), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
Retracting chunk-5
140: O: C33 (recognize shape |AT| (F2791) with match target recog1)
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-4
141: O: A45 (attend to shape F2793)
117773 NTD moves his visual attention to (26, 30), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
142: O: C34 (recognize shape |CCME| (F2793) with match target recog1)
Retracting chunk-4
143: ==>G: G25 (state no-change)
144: P: P53 (search-for-step)
145: S: S28 (initial-state)
146: O: O62 (scan-page)
147: ==>G: G26 (operator no-change)
148: P: P54 (scan-page)
149: S: S29 (initial-state)
150: O: I56 (intend to move eyes)
Build: chunk-32
Build: chunk-33
Firing chunk-33
Firing chunk-32
Build: chunk-34
Ignoring chunk-34 because it is a duplicate of chunk-33
151: O: I58 (intend to move eyes)
118023 NTD moves his eyes toward (21, 31), reaching (21, 31).
118023 NTD moves his visual attention to (21, 31), radius 1.
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-33
Retracting chunk-33
152: O: A46 (attend to shape F3070)
118023 NTD moves his visual attention to (26, 31), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
153: O: C35 (recognize shape |CBDP| (F3070) with match target recog1)
Retracting chunk-4
154: ==>G: G27 (state no-change)
155: P: P56 (search-for-step)
156: S: S30 (initial-state)
157: O: O66 (scan-page)
158: ==>G: G28 (operator no-change)
159: P: P57 (scan-page)
160: S: S31 (initial-state)
161: O: I59 (intend to move eyes)
Build: chunk-35
Build: chunk-36
162: O: I59 (intend to move eyes)
118273 NTD moves his eyes toward (21, 32), reaching (21, 32).
118273 NTD moves his visual attention to (21, 32), radius 1.
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-36
163: O: A47 (attend to shape F3349)
118273 NTD moves his visual attention to (26, 32), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
164: O: C36 (recognize shape |CDPS| (F3349) with match target recog1)
Retracting chunk-4
165: ==>G: G29 (state no-change)
166: P: P59 (search-for-step)
167: S: S32 (initial-state)
168: O: O70 (scan-page)
169: ==>G: G30 (operator no-change)
170: P: P60 (scan-page)
171: S: S33 (initial-state)
172: O: A49 (attend to nearest dl visual)
Build: chunk-37
Build: chunk-38
173: O: A49 (attend to nearest dl visual)
118473 NTD moves his visual attention to (21, 39), radius 1.
Retracting chunk-38
174: ==>G: G31 (state no-change)
118523 OTC indicates step 16-916 on page 792 is in-work.
175: P: P62 (search-for-step)
176: S: S34 (initial-state)
177: O: O74 (scan-page)
178: ==>G: G32 (operator no-change)
179: P: P63 (scan-page)
180: S: S35 (initial-state)
181: O: I60 (intend to move eyes)
Build: chunk-39
Build: chunk-40
182: O: I60 (intend to move eyes)
118673 NTD moves his eyes toward (21, 39), reaching (21, 39).
118673 NTD moves his visual attention to (21, 39), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-40
183: O: C37 (recognize shape |CDPS| (F3630) with match target recog1)
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-4
184: O: A50 (attend to shape F3628)
118723 NTD moves his visual attention to (30, 39), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
185: O: C38 (recognize shape |CRT| (F3628) with match target recog1)
Retracting chunk-4
Firing chunk-10
Firing chunk-38
186: O: A51 (attend to nearest d visual)
118823 NTD moves his visual attention to (31, 41), radius 1.
Retracting chunk-10
187: O: A52 (attend to nearest dl visual)
118873 NTD moves his visual attention to (0, 55), radius 1.
Retracting chunk-38
188: ==>G: G33 (state no-change)
189: P: P65 (search-for-step)
190: S: S36 (initial-state)
191: O: O75 (find-pagenum)
192: ==>G: G34 (operator no-change)
193: P: P66 (scan-page)
194: S: S37 (initial-state)
195: O: A53 (attend to page F3905)
Build: chunk-41
Build: chunk-42
196: O: A53 (attend to page F3905)
119023 NTD moves his visual attention to (39, 28), radius 1.
Retracting chunk-42
Firing chunk-10
Firing chunk-38
197: O: A54 (attend to nearest d visual)
119073 NTD moves his visual attention to (38, 30), radius 1.
Retracting chunk-10
198: O: A55 (attend to nearest dl visual)
119123 NTD moves his visual attention to (30, 39), radius 1.
Retracting chunk-38
199: ==>G: G35 (state no-change)
200: P: P68 (search-for-step)
201: S: S38 (initial-state)
202: O: O80 (scan-page)
203: ==>G: G36 (operator no-change)
204: P: P69 (scan-page)
205: S: S39 (initial-state)
206: O: A56 (attend to nearest dr visual)
Build: chunk-43
Build: chunk-44
207: O: A56 (attend to nearest dr visual)
119273 NTD moves his visual attention to (36, 41), radius 1.
208: O: A56 (attend to nearest dr visual)
119323 NTD moves his visual attention to (73, 43), radius 1.
Firing chunk-10
Retracting chunk-44
209: O: A57 (attend to nearest d visual)
119373 NTD moves his visual attention to (73, 48), radius 1.
210: O: A57 (attend to nearest d visual)
119423 NTD moves his visual attention to (73, 53), radius 1.
Retracting chunk-10
211: ==>G: G37 (state no-change)
212: P: P71 (search-for-step)
213: S: S40 (initial-state)
214: O: O81 (find-pagenum)
215: ==>G: G38 (operator no-change)
216: P: P72 (scan-page)
217: S: S41 (initial-state)
Build: chunk-45
Build: chunk-46
218: O: C39 (comprehend-pageside)
Retracting chunk-46
219: ==>G: G39 (state no-change)
220: P: P74 (search-for-step)
221: S: S43 (initial-state)
222: O: O87 (flip-page forward by 1)
Build: chunk-47
223: O: I63 (intend to move eyes)
119623 OMI open to pages 792 and 793.
Focus is on OMI page 793.
Firing chunk-2
Retracting chunk-47
224: O: I64 (intend to move eyes)
Firing chunk-3
Retracting chunk-2
119723 NTD moves his eyes toward (21, 2), reaching (21, 2).
119723 NTD moves his visual attention to (21, 2), radius 1.
225: O: I65 (intend to move eyes)
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-3
119773 NTD moves his eyes toward (21, 2), reaching (21, 2).
119773 NTD moves his visual attention to (21, 2), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-4
226: O: C41 (recognize shape |CMD| (F4334) with match target recog1)
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-4
227: O: A58 (attend to shape F4332)
119823 NTD moves his visual attention to (26, 2), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
228: O: C42 (recognize shape |RESP| (F4332) with match target recog1)
Retracting chunk-4
Firing chunk-7
Firing chunk-7
229: O: I67 (intend to move eyes)
119973 NTD moves his eyes toward (21, 3), reaching (21, 3).
119973 NTD moves his visual attention to (21, 3), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-7
Retracting chunk-7
230: O: C43 (recognize shape ---- (F4759) with match target recog1)
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-4
231: O: A59 (attend to shape F4757)
120023 NTD moves his visual attention to (26, 3), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
232: O: C44 (recognize shape ---- (F4757) with match target recog1)
Retracting chunk-4
Firing chunk-10
Firing chunk-38
Firing chunk-44
233: O: A60 (attend to nearest d visual)
120123 NTD moves his visual attention to (26, 10), radius 1.
Retracting chunk-10
Retracting chunk-38
Retracting chunk-44
234: ==>G: G40 (state no-change)
235: P: P75 (search-for-step)
236: S: S44 (initial-state)
237: O: O92 (scan-page)
238: ==>G: G41 (operator no-change)
239: P: P76 (scan-page)
240: S: S45 (initial-state)
241: O: I69 (intend to move eyes)
Build: chunk-48
Build: chunk-49
Firing chunk-49
Firing chunk-48
Build: chunk-50
Ignoring chunk-50 because it is a duplicate of chunk-49
242: O: I71 (intend to move eyes)
120323 NTD moves his eyes toward (21, 10), reaching (21, 10).
120323 NTD moves his visual attention to (21, 10), radius 1.
Firing chunk-5
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-49
Retracting chunk-49
243: O: A64 (attend to shape F5182)
120323 NTD moves his visual attention to (30, 10), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
Retracting chunk-5
244: O: C45 (recognize shape |CRT| (F5182) with match target recog1)
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-4
245: O: A65 (attend to shape F5184)
120423 NTD moves his visual attention to (26, 10), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
246: O: C46 (recognize shape |COFC| (F5184) with match target recog1)
Retracting chunk-4
Firing chunk-10
Firing chunk-38
Firing chunk-44
247: O: A66 (attend to nearest d visual)
120523 NTD moves his visual attention to (26, 27), radius 1.
Retracting chunk-10
Retracting chunk-38
Retracting chunk-44
248: ==>G: G42 (state no-change)
249: P: P78 (search-for-step)
250: S: S46 (initial-state)
251: O: O97 (scan-page)
252: ==>G: G43 (operator no-change)
253: P: P79 (scan-page)
254: S: S47 (initial-state)
255: O: I73 (intend to move eyes)
Build: chunk-51
Build: chunk-52
Firing chunk-52
Firing chunk-51
Build: chunk-53
Ignoring chunk-53 because it is a duplicate of chunk-52
256: O: I75 (intend to move eyes)
120723 NTD moves his eyes toward (21, 27), reaching (21, 27).
120723 NTD moves his visual attention to (21, 27), radius 1.
Firing chunk-5
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-52
Retracting chunk-52
257: O: A70 (attend to shape F5607)
120723 NTD moves his visual attention to (30, 27), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
Retracting chunk-5
258: O: C47 (recognize shape |CRT| (F5607) with match target recog1)
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-4
259: O: A71 (attend to shape F5609)
120823 NTD moves his visual attention to (26, 27), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
260: O: C48 (recognize shape |COFC| (F5609) with match target recog1)
Retracting chunk-4
Firing chunk-10
Firing chunk-38
Firing chunk-44
261: O: A72 (attend to nearest d visual)
120923 NTD moves his visual attention to (26, 41), radius 1.
Retracting chunk-10
Retracting chunk-38
Retracting chunk-44
262: ==>G: G44 (state no-change)
263: P: P81 (search-for-step)
264: S: S48 (initial-state)
265: O: O100 (scan-page)
266: ==>G: G45 (operator no-change)
267: P: P82 (scan-page)
268: S: S49 (initial-state)
269: O: I77 (intend to move eyes)
Build: chunk-54
Build: chunk-55
Firing chunk-55
Firing chunk-54
Build: chunk-56
Ignoring chunk-56 because it is a duplicate of chunk-55
270: O: I79 (intend to move eyes)
121123 NTD moves his eyes toward (21, 41), reaching (21, 41).
121123 NTD moves his visual attention to (21, 41), radius 1.
Firing chunk-5
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-55
Retracting chunk-55
271: O: A76 (attend to shape F6032)
121123 NTD moves his visual attention to (30, 41), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
Retracting chunk-5
272: O: C49 (recognize shape |CRT| (F6032) with match target recog1)
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-4
273: O: A77 (attend to shape F6034)
121223 NTD moves his visual attention to (26, 41), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
274: O: C50 (recognize shape |CAFC| (F6034) with match target recog1)
Retracting chunk-4
Firing chunk-44
275: O: A78 (attend to nearest dr visual)
121323 NTD moves his visual attention to (31, 43), radius 1.
Firing chunk-10
276: O: A79 (attend to nearest d visual)
121373 NTD moves his visual attention to (31, 45), radius 1.
Retracting chunk-10
277: O: A78 (attend to nearest dr visual)
121423 NTD moves his visual attention to (70, 55), radius 1.
Firing chunk-42
Retracting chunk-44
278: O: A80 (attend to page F6455)
121473 NTD moves his visual attention to (39, 28), radius 1.
Retracting chunk-42
Firing chunk-10
Firing chunk-38
Firing chunk-44
279: O: A81 (attend to nearest d visual)
121523 NTD moves his visual attention to (39, 30), radius 1.
280: O: A81 (attend to nearest d visual)
121573 NTD moves his visual attention to (39, 32), radius 1.
281: O: A81 (attend to nearest d visual)
121623 NTD moves his visual attention to (39, 34), radius 1.
282: O: A81 (attend to nearest d visual)
121673 NTD moves his visual attention to (39, 36), radius 1.
283: O: A81 (attend to nearest d visual)
121723 NTD moves his visual attention to (39, 39), radius 1.
284: O: A81 (attend to nearest d visual)
121773 NTD moves his visual attention to (40, 43), radius 1.
285: O: A81 (attend to nearest d visual)
121823 NTD moves his visual attention to (41, 46), radius 1.
Retracting chunk-38
Retracting chunk-10
286: O: A83 (attend to nearest dr visual)
121873 NTD moves his visual attention to (70, 55), radius 1.
Retracting chunk-44
287: ==>G: G46 (state no-change)
288: P: P84 (search-for-step)
289: S: S50 (initial-state)
290: O: O101 (find-pagenum)
291: ==>G: G47 (operator no-change)
292: P: P85 (scan-page)
293: S: S51 (initial-state)
Build: chunk-57
Build: chunk-58
294: O: C51 (comprehend-pageside)
Retracting chunk-58
295: ==>G: G48 (state no-change)
296: P: P87 (search-for-step)
297: S: S53 (initial-state)
298: O: O107 (flip-page forward by 1)
Build: chunk-59
299: O: I82 (intend to move hand)
122073 OMI open to pages 794 and 795.
Focus is on OMI page 794.
Firing chunk-2
Retracting chunk-59
300: O: I83 (intend to move eyes)
Firing chunk-3
Retracting chunk-2
122173 NTD moves his eyes toward (21, 2), reaching (21, 2).
122173 NTD moves his visual attention to (21, 2), radius 1.
301: O: I84 (intend to move eyes)
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-3
122223 NTD moves his eyes toward (21, 2), reaching (21, 2).
122223 NTD moves his visual attention to (21, 2), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-4
302: O: C53 (recognize shape |CMD| (F6849) with match target recog1)
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-4
303: O: A84 (attend to shape F6847)
122273 NTD moves his visual attention to (26, 2), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
304: O: C54 (recognize shape |RESP| (F6847) with match target recog1)
Retracting chunk-4
Firing chunk-7
Firing chunk-7
305: O: I86 (intend to move eyes)
122423 NTD moves his eyes toward (21, 3), reaching (21, 3).
122423 NTD moves his visual attention to (21, 3), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-7
Retracting chunk-7
306: O: C55 (recognize shape ---- (F7044) with match target recog1)
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-4
307: O: A85 (attend to shape F7042)
122473 NTD moves his visual attention to (26, 3), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
308: O: C56 (recognize shape ---- (F7042) with match target recog1)
Retracting chunk-4
Firing chunk-10
Firing chunk-38
Firing chunk-44
309: O: A86 (attend to nearest d visual)
122573 NTD moves his visual attention to (26, 5), radius 1.
Retracting chunk-10
Retracting chunk-38
Retracting chunk-44
310: ==>G: G49 (state no-change)
311: P: P88 (search-for-step)
312: S: S54 (initial-state)
313: O: O112 (scan-page)
314: ==>G: G50 (operator no-change)
315: P: P89 (scan-page)
316: S: S55 (initial-state)
317: O: I88 (intend to move eyes)
Build: chunk-60
Build: chunk-61
Firing chunk-61
Firing chunk-60
Build: chunk-62
Ignoring chunk-62 because it is a duplicate of chunk-61
318: O: I90 (intend to move eyes)
122773 NTD moves his eyes toward (21, 5), reaching (21, 5).
122773 NTD moves his visual attention to (21, 5), radius 1.
Firing chunk-5
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-61
Retracting chunk-61
319: O: A90 (attend to shape F7237)
122773 NTD moves his visual attention to (30, 5), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
Retracting chunk-5
320: O: C57 (recognize shape |CRT| (F7237) with match target recog1)
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-4
321: O: A91 (attend to shape F7239)
122873 NTD moves his visual attention to (26, 5), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
322: O: C58 (recognize shape |CAFC| (F7239) with match target recog1)
Retracting chunk-4
Firing chunk-10
Firing chunk-38
Firing chunk-44
323: O: A92 (attend to nearest d visual)
122973 NTD moves his visual attention to (26, 12), radius 1.
Retracting chunk-10
Retracting chunk-38
Retracting chunk-44
324: ==>G: G51 (state no-change)
325: P: P91 (search-for-step)
326: S: S56 (initial-state)
327: O: O117 (scan-page)
328: ==>G: G52 (operator no-change)
329: P: P92 (scan-page)
330: S: S57 (initial-state)
331: O: I92 (intend to move eyes)
Build: chunk-63
Build: chunk-64
Firing chunk-64
Firing chunk-63
Build: chunk-65
Ignoring chunk-65 because it is a duplicate of chunk-64
332: O: I96 (intend to move eyes)
123173 NTD moves his eyes toward (21, 12), reaching (21, 12).
123173 NTD moves his visual attention to (21, 12), radius 1.
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-64
Retracting chunk-64
333: O: A95 (attend to shape F7432)
123173 NTD moves his visual attention to (26, 12), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
334: O: C59 (recognize shape |CAFC| (F7432) with match target recog1)
Retracting chunk-4
335: ==>G: G53 (state no-change)
336: P: P94 (search-for-step)
337: S: S58 (initial-state)
338: O: O122 (scan-page)
339: ==>G: G54 (operator no-change)
340: P: P95 (scan-page)
341: S: S59 (initial-state)
342: O: I97 (intend to move eyes)
Build: chunk-66
Build: chunk-67
343: O: I97 (intend to move eyes)
123423 NTD moves his eyes toward (21, 13), reaching (21, 13).
123423 NTD moves his visual attention to (21, 13), radius 1.
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-67
344: O: A96 (attend to shape F7627)
123423 NTD moves his visual attention to (26, 13), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
345: O: C60 (recognize shape |COFC| (F7627) with match target recog1)
Retracting chunk-4
Firing chunk-10
Firing chunk-38
Firing chunk-44
346: O: A97 (attend to nearest d visual)
123523 NTD moves his visual attention to (25, 26), radius 1.
Retracting chunk-10
Retracting chunk-38
Retracting chunk-44
347: ==>G: G55 (state no-change)
348: P: P97 (search-for-step)
349: S: S60 (initial-state)
350: O: O126 (scan-page)
351: ==>G: G56 (operator no-change)
352: P: P98 (scan-page)
353: S: S61 (initial-state)
354: O: I98 (intend to move eyes)
Build: chunk-68
Build: chunk-69
355: O: I98 (intend to move eyes)
123723 NTD moves his eyes toward (21, 26), reaching (21, 26).
123723 NTD moves his visual attention to (21, 26), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-69
356: O: C61 (recognize shape |*FLT| (F7824) with match target recog1)
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-4
357: O: A100 (attend to shape F7822)
123773 NTD moves his visual attention to (25, 26), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
358: O: C62 (recognize shape |PLT| (F7822) with match target recog1)
Retracting chunk-4
Firing chunk-38
Firing chunk-44
359: O: A102 (attend to nearest dr visual)
123873 NTD moves his visual attention to (31, 28), radius 1.
360: O: A102 (attend to nearest dr visual)
123923 NTD moves his visual attention to (48, 30), radius 1.
361: O: A102 (attend to nearest dr visual)
123973 NTD moves his visual attention to (73, 33), radius 1.
Firing chunk-10
Retracting chunk-44
Retracting chunk-38
362: O: A103 (attend to nearest d visual)
124023 NTD moves his visual attention to (73, 38), radius 1.
363: O: A103 (attend to nearest d visual)
124073 NTD moves his visual attention to (73, 43), radius 1.
364: O: A103 (attend to nearest d visual)
124123 NTD moves his visual attention to (73, 48), radius 1.
365: O: A103 (attend to nearest d visual)
124173 NTD moves his visual attention to (73, 53), radius 1.
Retracting chunk-10
366: ==>G: G57 (state no-change)
367: P: P100 (search-for-step)
368: S: S62 (initial-state)
369: O: O129 (scan-page)
Firing chunk-37
Build: chunk-70
370: O: A104 (attend to nearest dl visual)
124273 NTD moves his visual attention to (0, 55), radius 1.
Firing chunk-42
Retracting chunk-70
371: O: A105 (attend to page F8015)
124323 NTD moves his visual attention to (39, 28), radius 1.
Firing chunk-46
Retracting chunk-42
Firing chunk-44
Retracting chunk-46
372: O: A106 (attend to nearest dr visual)
124373 NTD moves his visual attention to (48, 30), radius 1.
Firing chunk-46
Retracting chunk-44
373: O: C64 (comprehend-pageside)
Firing chunk-47
Retracting chunk-46
374: O: I101 (intend to move eyes)
124473 OMI open to pages 794 and 795.
Focus is on OMI page 795.
Firing chunk-2
Retracting chunk-47
375: O: I102 (intend to move eyes)
Firing chunk-3
Retracting chunk-2
124573 NTD moves his eyes toward (21, 2), reaching (21, 2).
124573 NTD moves his visual attention to (21, 2), radius 1.
376: O: I103 (intend to move eyes)
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-3
124623 NTD moves his eyes toward (21, 2), reaching (21, 2).
124623 NTD moves his visual attention to (21, 2), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-4
377: O: C66 (recognize shape |CMD| (F8294) with match target recog1)
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-4
378: O: A107 (attend to shape F8292)
124673 NTD moves his visual attention to (26, 2), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
379: O: C67 (recognize shape |RESP| (F8292) with match target recog1)
Retracting chunk-4
Firing chunk-7
Firing chunk-7
380: O: I105 (intend to move eyes)
124823 NTD moves his eyes toward (21, 3), reaching (21, 3).
124823 NTD moves his visual attention to (21, 3), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-7
Retracting chunk-7
381: O: C68 (recognize shape ---- (F8569) with match target recog1)
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-4
382: O: A108 (attend to shape F8567)
124873 NTD moves his visual attention to (26, 3), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
383: O: C69 (recognize shape ---- (F8567) with match target recog1)
Retracting chunk-4
Firing chunk-10
Firing chunk-38
Firing chunk-70
Firing chunk-44
384: O: A109 (attend to nearest d visual)
124973 NTD moves his visual attention to (25, 8), radius 1.
Firing chunk-12
Firing chunk-12
Retracting chunk-10
Retracting chunk-38
Retracting chunk-70
Retracting chunk-44
385: O: I107 (intend to move eyes)
125073 NTD moves his eyes toward (21, 8), reaching (21, 8).
125073 NTD moves his visual attention to (21, 8), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-12
Retracting chunk-12
386: O: C70 (recognize shape |OTC| (F8844) with match target recog1)
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-4
387: O: A113 (attend to shape F8842)
125123 NTD moves his visual attention to (25, 8), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
388: O: C71 (recognize shape |PLT| (F8842) with match target recog1)
Retracting chunk-4
Firing chunk-10
Firing chunk-38
Firing chunk-70
Firing chunk-44
389: O: A114 (attend to nearest d visual)
125223 NTD moves his visual attention to (25, 12), radius 1.
Retracting chunk-10
Retracting chunk-38
Retracting chunk-70
Retracting chunk-44
390: ==>G: G58 (state no-change)
391: P: P101 (search-for-step)
392: S: S64 (initial-state)
393: O: O135 (scan-page)
394: ==>G: G59 (operator no-change)
395: P: P102 (scan-page)
396: S: S65 (initial-state)
397: O: I109 (intend to move eyes)
Build: chunk-71
Build: chunk-72
Firing chunk-72
Firing chunk-71
Build: chunk-73
Ignoring chunk-73 because it is a duplicate of chunk-72
398: O: I111 (intend to move eyes)
125423 NTD moves his eyes toward (21, 12), reaching (21, 12).
125423 NTD moves his visual attention to (21, 12), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-72
Retracting chunk-72
399: O: C72 (recognize shape |PLT| (F9119) with match target recog1)
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-4
400: O: A118 (attend to shape F9117)
125473 NTD moves his visual attention to (25, 12), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
401: O: C73 (recognize shape |OTC| (F9117) with match target recog1)
Retracting chunk-4
Firing chunk-10
Firing chunk-38
Firing chunk-70
Firing chunk-44
402: O: A119 (attend to nearest d visual)
125573 NTD moves his visual attention to (25, 18), radius 1.
Retracting chunk-10
Retracting chunk-38
Retracting chunk-70
Retracting chunk-44
403: ==>G: G60 (state no-change)
404: P: P104 (search-for-step)
405: S: S66 (initial-state)
406: O: O140 (scan-page)
407: ==>G: G61 (operator no-change)
408: P: P105 (scan-page)
409: S: S67 (initial-state)
410: O: I113 (intend to move eyes)
Build: chunk-74
Build: chunk-75
Firing chunk-75
Firing chunk-74
Build: chunk-76
Ignoring chunk-76 because it is a duplicate of chunk-75
411: O: I115 (intend to move eyes)
125773 NTD moves his eyes toward (21, 18), reaching (21, 18).
125773 NTD moves his visual attention to (21, 18), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-75
Retracting chunk-75
412: O: C74 (recognize shape |OTC| (F9394) with match target recog1)
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-4
413: O: A123 (attend to shape F9392)
125823 NTD moves his visual attention to (25, 18), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
414: O: C75 (recognize shape |PLT| (F9392) with match target recog1)
Retracting chunk-4
Firing chunk-10
Firing chunk-38
Firing chunk-70
Firing chunk-44
415: O: A124 (attend to nearest d visual)
125923 NTD moves his visual attention to (25, 21), radius 1.
Retracting chunk-10
Retracting chunk-38
Retracting chunk-70
Retracting chunk-44
416: ==>G: G62 (state no-change)
417: P: P107 (search-for-step)
418: S: S68 (initial-state)
419: O: O145 (scan-page)
420: ==>G: G63 (operator no-change)
421: P: P108 (scan-page)
422: S: S69 (initial-state)
423: O: I117 (intend to move eyes)
Build: chunk-77
Build: chunk-78
Firing chunk-78
Firing chunk-77
Build: chunk-79
Ignoring chunk-79 because it is a duplicate of chunk-78
424: O: I119 (intend to move eyes)
126123 NTD moves his eyes toward (21, 21), reaching (21, 21).
126123 NTD moves his visual attention to (21, 21), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-78
Retracting chunk-78
425: O: C76 (recognize shape |PLT| (F9671) with match target recog1)
Firing chunk-5
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-4
426: O: A129 (attend to shape F9667)
126173 NTD moves his visual attention to (30, 21), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
Retracting chunk-5
427: O: C77 (recognize shape |OMS| (F9667) with match target recog1)
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-4
428: O: A130 (attend to shape F9669)
126273 NTD moves his visual attention to (25, 21), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
429: O: C78 (recognize shape |OTC| (F9669) with match target recog1)
Retracting chunk-4
Firing chunk-10
Firing chunk-38
Firing chunk-70
Firing chunk-44
430: O: A131 (attend to nearest d visual)
126373 NTD moves his visual attention to (26, 27), radius 1.
Retracting chunk-10
Retracting chunk-38
Retracting chunk-70
Retracting chunk-44
431: ==>G: G64 (state no-change)
432: P: P110 (search-for-step)
433: S: S70 (initial-state)
434: O: O150 (scan-page)
435: ==>G: G65 (operator no-change)
436: P: P111 (scan-page)
437: S: S71 (initial-state)
438: O: I122 (intend to move eyes)
Build: chunk-80
Build: chunk-81
Firing chunk-81
Firing chunk-81
Firing chunk-80
Build: chunk-82
Ignoring chunk-82 because it is a duplicate of chunk-81
Firing chunk-80
Build: chunk-83
Ignoring chunk-83 because it is a duplicate of chunk-81
439: O: I126 (intend to move eyes)
126573 NTD moves his eyes toward (21, 27), reaching (21, 27).
126573 NTD moves his visual attention to (21, 27), radius 1.
126573 Countdown clock time: -18M00S
Firing chunk-5
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-81
Retracting chunk-81
Retracting chunk-81
440: O: A136 (attend to shape F9942)
126573 NTD moves his visual attention to (30, 27), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
Retracting chunk-5
441: O: C79 (recognize shape |CRT| (F9942) with match target recog1)
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-4
442: O: A137 (attend to shape F9944)
126673 NTD moves his visual attention to (26, 27), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
443: O: C80 (recognize shape |CVFS| (F9944) with match target recog1)
Retracting chunk-4
Firing chunk-10
Firing chunk-38
Firing chunk-70
Firing chunk-44
444: O: A138 (attend to nearest d visual)
126773 NTD moves his visual attention to (25, 33), radius 1.
Retracting chunk-10
Retracting chunk-38
Retracting chunk-70
Retracting chunk-44
445: ==>G: G66 (state no-change)
446: P: P113 (search-for-step)
447: S: S72 (initial-state)
448: O: O155 (scan-page)
449: ==>G: G67 (operator no-change)
450: P: P114 (scan-page)
451: S: S73 (initial-state)
452: O: I128 (intend to move eyes)
Build: chunk-84
Build: chunk-85
Firing chunk-85
Firing chunk-84
Build: chunk-86
Ignoring chunk-86 because it is a duplicate of chunk-85
453: O: I130 (intend to move eyes)
126973 NTD moves his eyes toward (21, 33), reaching (21, 33).
126973 NTD moves his visual attention to (21, 33), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-85
Retracting chunk-85
454: O: C81 (recognize shape |CVFS| (F10221) with match target recog1)
Firing chunk-5
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-4
455: O: A143 (attend to shape F10217)
127023 NTD moves his visual attention to (31, 33), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
Retracting chunk-5
456: O: C82 (recognize shape |READY| (F10217) with match target recog1)
Firing chunk-5
Retracting chunk-4
457: O: A144 (attend to shape F10219)
127123 NTD moves his visual attention to (25, 33), radius 1.
Firing chunk-4
Retracting chunk-5
458: O: C83 (recognize shape |NTD| (F10219) with match target recog1)
Retracting chunk-4
459: O: O156 (follow-omi-procedure)
460: ==>G: G68 (operator no-change)
461: P: P117 (follow-omi-procedure)
462: S: S74 (initial-state)
463: O: C84 (construct-step)
Build: chunk-87
Build: chunk-88
464: O: O157 (check-for-step-pending)
Build: chunk-89
465: ==>G: G69 (state no-change)
466: P: P119 (scan-step)
467: S: S76 (initial-state)
468: O: I132 (intend to move eyes)
Build: chunk-90
469: O: I132 (intend to move eyes)
Retracting chunk-90
127473 NTD moves his eyes toward (3, 33), reaching (3, 33).
127473 NTD moves his visual attention to (3, 33), radius 1.
470: ==>G: G70 (state no-change)
471: P: P120 (scan-step)
472: S: S77 (initial-state)
473: O: A146 (attend to shape F10492)
Build: chunk-91
474: O: A146 (attend to shape F10492)
127523 NTD moves his visual attention to (1, 33), radius 1.
Retracting chunk-91
475: ==>G: G71 (state no-change)
476: P: P121 (scan-step)
477: S: S78 (initial-state)
478: O: O158 (check-criterion)
Build: chunk-92
479: O: C85 (recognize shape 16-0932 (F10492) with match target recog3)
Retracting chunk-92
480: O: O159 (follow-omi-procedure)
481: ==>G: G72 (operator no-change)
482: P: P123 (follow-omi-procedure)
483: S: S79 (initial-state)
484: O: C86 (construct-step)
Build: chunk-93
Build: chunk-94
Build: chunk-95
485: O: O160 (find-step-info)
Build: chunk-96
486: ==>G: G73 (state no-change)
487: P: P125 (scan-step)
488: S: S81 (initial-state)
489: O: I133 (intend to move eyes)
Build: chunk-97
490: O: I133 (intend to move eyes)
Retracting chunk-97
127923 NTD moves his eyes toward (13, 33), reaching (13, 33).
127923 NTD moves his visual attention to (13, 33), radius 1.
491: ==>G: G74 (state no-change)
492: P: P126 (scan-step)
493: S: S82 (initial-state)
494: O: A148 (attend to shape F10767)
Build: chunk-98
495: O: A148 (attend to shape F10767)
127973 NTD moves his visual attention to (21, 33), radius 1.
Retracting chunk-98
496: ==>G: G75 (state no-change)
497: P: P127 (scan-step)
498: S: S83 (initial-state)
499: O: C87 (construct-step)
Build: chunk-99
500: O: C87 (construct-step)
Retracting chunk-99
501: ==>G: G76 (state no-change)
502: P: P128 (scan-step)
503: S: S84 (initial-state)
504: O: A150 (attend to nearest c visual)
Build: chunk-100
505: O: A150 (attend to nearest c visual)
128173 NTD moves his visual attention to (21, 33), radius 20.
Retracting chunk-100
506: ==>G: G77 (state no-change)
507: P: P129 (scan-step)
508: S: S85 (initial-state)
509: O: A152 (attend to shape F10897)
Build: chunk-101
Firing chunk-101
510: O: A152 (attend to shape F10897)
128273 NTD moves his visual attention to (10, 27), radius 1.
Retracting chunk-101
Retracting chunk-101
511: ==>G: G78 (state no-change)
512: P: P130 (scan-step)
513: S: S86 (initial-state)
514: O: I134 (intend to move eyes)
Build: chunk-102
515: O: I134 (intend to move eyes)
128423 NTD moves his eyes toward (10, 27), reaching (10, 27).
128423 NTD moves his visual attention to (10, 27), radius 1.
Retracting chunk-102
516: ==>G: G79 (state no-change)
517: P: P131 (scan-step)
518: S: S87 (initial-state)
519: O: C88 (recognize shape |-16M00S| (F11042))
Build: chunk-103
520: O: C88 (recognize shape |-16M00S| (F11042))
Retracting chunk-103
521: ==>G: G80 (state no-change)
522: P: P132 (scan-step)
523: S: S88 (initial-state)
524: O: C89 (construct-step)
Build: chunk-104
525: O: C89 (construct-step)
Retracting chunk-104
526: O: O161 (follow-omi-procedure)
527: ==>G: G81 (operator no-change)
528: P: P134 (follow-omi-procedure)
529: S: S90 (initial-state)
530: O: T12 (new-task determine-cdc-time)
Build: chunk-105
531: ==>G: G82 (state no-change)
532: P: P136 (read-cdc)
533: S: S91 (initial-state)
534: O: I137 (intend to move eyes)
Build: chunk-106
535: O: I137 (intend to move eyes)
Retracting chunk-106
128773 NTD turns to look at the cdc.
128823 NTD moves his eyes toward (0, 0), reaching (0, 0).
128823 NTD moves his visual attention to (0, 0), radius 1.
536: ==>G: G83 (state no-change)
537: P: P137 (read-cdc)
538: S: S92 (initial-state)
539: O: C90 (construct-step)
Build: chunk-107
540: O: C90 (construct-step)
Retracting chunk-107
541: O: O162 (follow-omi-procedure)
542: ==>G: G84 (operator no-change)
543: P: P139 (follow-omi-procedure)
544: S: S94 (initial-state)
545: O: T15 (new-task evaluate-step)
Build: chunk-108
546: ==>G: G85 (state no-change)
547: P: P141 (scan-step)
548: S: S95 (initial-state)
549: O: C91 (compare-time)
550: ==>G: G86 (operator no-change)
551: P: P142 (compare-time)
552: S: S96 (initial-state)
553: O: O164 (extract-value)
554: O: O165 (extract-value)
555: O: O166 (compare-values)
Build: chunk-109
Build: chunk-110
556: O: T18 (new-task wait-for-cdc)
Retracting chunk-110
557: O: W1 (wait)
(About 100 wait cycles were eliminated here.)
656: O: W100 (wait)
657: O: T20 (new-task reevaluate-cdc-time)
658: ==>G: G87 (state no-change)
659: P: P144 (read-cdc)
660: S: S97 (initial-state)
Build: chunk-111
661: O: T22 (new-task evaluate-step)
Firing chunk-110
Retracting chunk-111
662: O: T24 (new-task wait-for-cdc)
Retracting chunk-110
663: O: W102 (wait)
664: O: W103 (wait)
(About 100 wait cycles were eliminated here.)
762: O: W201 (wait)
763: O: T26 (new-task reevaluate-cdc-time)
Firing chunk-111
764: O: T28 (new-task evaluate-step)
Firing chunk-110
Retracting chunk-111
765: O: T30 (new-task wait-for-cdc)
Retracting chunk-110
766: O: W203 (wait)
767: O: W204 (wait)
(About 100 wait cycles were eliminated here.)
865: O: W302 (wait)
866: O: T32 (new-task reevaluate-cdc-time)
Firing chunk-111
867: O: T34 (new-task evaluate-step)
Firing chunk-110
Retracting chunk-111
868: O: T36 (new-task wait-for-cdc)
Retracting chunk-110
869: O: W304 (wait)
870: O: W305 (wait)
(About 20 wait cycles were eliminated here.)
892: O: W327 (wait)
145873 CDR indicates completion of step 16-915 on page 792.
145873 Page 792 crossed off.
145873 Page 793 crossed off.
893: O: W328 (wait)
(About 50 wait cycles were eliminated here.)
942: O: W377 (wait)
Continue to natural language section of