Homework 6: Revised Interfaces Based on HE

For 17-770/46-863: Introduction to Human Computer Interaction for Technology Executives

Homework 6: Assigned: Oct 5, Due: Oct 12

The TA should have already sent to you the evaluations from your classmates. In this assignment, you should revise your interface based on that feedback. It is very important that you respond to each criticism, and avoid changing each good thing mentioned. In general, you should make the recommended changes. However, if you have a really good reason for not making a fix, you can make that argument in your report. Your grade on this assignment will depend primarily on the quality of your final, resulting interface. Your grade will be lowered, however, if we do not agree with your reason for not fixing problems that were brought up in your previous user studies, and by your classmates in their heuristic analyses.

The deliverables for this assignment are: