PITTSBURGH, PA 15213-3891
NOTE: Please read this Copyright notice before proceeding.
The following list references the availability of postscript (.ps)
files for our 1994 technical report series. Please note, not all
reports are included...this owing to various copyright constraints
(see COPYRIGHT.mss). If you have questions or concerns related to
these files, please direct your inquiries to
- CMU-CS-94-100
- Large Granularity Cache Coherence for Intermittent Connectivity
Lily Mummert, Mahadev Satyanarayanan
April 1994
- CMU-CS-94-101
- List Ranking and List Scan on the Cray C-90
Margaret Reid-Miller, Guy E. Blelloch
February 1994
37 pages
- CMU-CS-94-102
- Non-Intrusive Gaze Tracking Using Artificial Neural Networks
Shumeet Baluja, Dean Pomerleau
January 1994
16 pages
- CMU-CS-94-103
- Combining Symbolic Computation and Theorem Proving:
Some Problems of Ramanujan
Edmund Clarke, Xudong Zhao
January 1994
- CMU-CS-94-104
- Advanced Languages for Systems Software: The Fox Project in 1994
Robert Harper, Peter Lee
January 1994
29 pages
(Also appears as CMU-CS-FOX-94-01)
- CMU-CS-94-105
- Symbolic Debugging of Globally Optimized Code: Data Value Problems
and Their Solutions
Ali-Reza Adl-Tabatabai, Thomas Gross
January 1994
- CMU-CS-94-106
- Communication and Memory Requirements as the Basis for Mapping
Task and Data Parallel Programs
Jaspal Subhlok, David R. O'Hallaron, Thomas Gross, Peter A. Dinda, Jon Webb
January 1994
- Communication and Memory Requirements as the Basis for Mapping
Task and Data Parallel Programs
Jaspal Subhlok, David R. O'Hallaron, Thomas Gross, Peter A. Dinda, Jon Webb
August 1994
- CMU-CS-94-107 (text)
- CMU-CS-94-107A (titlepage)
- Procedure Calls are the Assembly Language of Software Interconnection:
Connectors Deserve First-Class Status
January 1994
18 pages
- CMU-CS-94-108
- A Compile Time Model for Composing Parallel Programs
Susan Hinrichs
April 1994
- CMU-CS-94-109
- Pursuit: Visual Programming in a Visual Domain
Francesmary Modugno, Brad A. Myers
January 1994
25 pages
- CMU-CS-94-110
- Refinement Types for ML
Tim Freeman
March 1994
Ph.D. Thesis
- CMU-CS-94-111
- Unpublished (will not appear)
- CMU-CS-94-112
- Task Parallel Programming in Fx
Jaspal Subhlok, David R. O'Hallaron, Thomas Gross
August 1994
10 pages
- CMU-CS-94-113 (Unavailable via ftp)
- O(Log^2 n) Time Efficient Parallel Factorization of Desne, Sparse
Separable, and Banded Matrices
John H. Reif
April 1994
31 pages
- CMU-CS-94-114
- Another Look at LTL Model Checking
Edmund Clarke, Orna Grumberg, Kiyoharu Hamaguchi
February 1994
22 pages
- CMU-CS-94-115
- Formal Connectors
Robert Allen, David Garlan
March 1994
26 pages
- CMU-CS-94-116
- Incremental Recompilation for Standard ML of New Jersey
Robert Harper, Peter Lee, Frank Pfenning, Eugene Rollins
February 1994
14 pages
(Also appears as CMU-CS-FOX-94-02)
- CMU-CS-94-117
- iwmeter: A Real-Time and Interactive Parallel Software Monitor for iWarp
Ming-Jen Chan, Eka N. Ginting
February 1994
20 pages
- CMU-CS-94-118 (Unavailable via ftp)
- Projective and Object Space Geometry for Monocular Building Extraction
J. Chris McGlone, Jefferey A. Shufelt
March 1994
28 pages
- CMU-CS-94-119
- Synrgen: An Extensible File Reference Generator
Maria R. Ebling, Mahadev Satyanarayanan
February 1994
18 pages
- CMU-CS-94-120
- An Empirical Study of a Highly Avaiable File System
Brian D. Noble, Mahadev Satyanarayanan
February 1994
14 pages
- CMU-CS-94-121
- The Breakdown of Operators when Interacting with the External World
Garrett A. Pelton, Jill Fain Lehman
February 1994
- CMU-CS-94-122
- Compiling with Non-Parametric Polymorphism (Preliminary Version)
Robert Harper and Greg Morrisett
February 1994
28 pages
- CMU-CS-94-123
- Prodigy Planning Algorithm
Eugene Fink, Manuela Veloso
March 1994
- CMU-CS-94-124
- A Comparison of Streams and Time Advance As Paradigms for
Multimedia Systems
Roger B. Dannenberg, Dean Rubine
March 1994
20 pages
- CMU-CS-94-125 (Technical Report)
- CMU-CS-94-125A (Collection of instructional slides)
- CMU-CS-94-125 (Compressed)
- CMU-CS-94-125 (Erratum - Ascii Format)
- An Introduction to the Conjugate Gradient Method Without the
Agonizing Pain
Jonathan R. Shewchuk
March 1994
61 pages
- CMU-CS-94-126 [See]
- Structuring Z Specifications with Views
Daniel Jackson
March 1994
27 pages
- CMU-CS-94-126 [Supercedes]
- Structuring Z Specifications with Views
Daniel Jackson
June 1995
29 pages
- CMU-CS-94-127
- A Database for Analyzing Sequential Behavioral Data and Their
Associated Cognitive Models
Bonnie E. John
May 1994
24 pages
(Also appears as CMU-HCII-94-101)
- CMU-CS-94-128 (Unavailable via ftp)
- Architectures and Algorithms for On-Line Failure Recovery in
Redundant Disk Arrays
Mark Holland, Garth A. Gibson, Daniel P. Siewiorek
March 1994
- CMU-CS-94-129
- ML Partial Evaluation using Set-Based Analysis
Karoline Malmkjaer, Nevin Heintze, Olivier Danvy
February 1994
(Also appears as CMU-CS-FOX-94-04)
- CMU-CS-94-130
- Asynchronous Optimistic Rollback Recovery Using Secure Distributed Time
Sean W. Smith, David B. Johnson, J. Doug Tygar
March 1994
- CMU-CS-94-131
- The CMU Task Parallel Program Suite
Peter Dinda, Thomas Gross, David O'Hallaron, Edwared Segall, James Stichnoth,
Jaspal Subhlok, Jon Webb, Bwolen Yang
March 1994
- CMU-CS-94-132
- Combining Left and Right Unlinking for Matching a Large Number
of Learned Rules
Robert B. Doorenbos
April 1994
- CMU-CS-94-133
- Performance Debugging Based on Scalability Analysis
Takashi Suzuoka, Jaspal Subhlok, Thomas Gross
June 1994
31 pages
- CMU-CS-94-134 (Unavailable via ftp)
- Collected Papers of the Soar/IFOR Project: Spring 1994
W. Lewis Johnson, Randolph M. Jones, David Keirsey, Frank V. Koss,
John E. Laird, Jill F. Lehman, Paul E. Neilsen, Paul S. Rosenbloom,
Robert Rubinoff, Karl B. Schwamb, Milind Tambe, Michael van Lent,
Robert Wray
April 1994
107 pages
- CMU-CS-94-135
- Security and Privacy for Partial Order Time
Sean W. Smith, J. Doug Tygar
April 1994
- CMU-CS-94-136 (Unavailable for ftp)
- The Role of Emotion in Believable Agents
Joseph Bates
April 1994
- CMU-CS-94-137
- Adaptable Binary Programs
Robert Wahbe, Steven Lucco, Susan L. Graham
April 1994
18 pages
- CMU-CS-94-138
- Adaptive Statistical Language Modeling: A Maximum Entropy Approach
Ronald Rosenfeld
April 1994
Ph.D. Thesis
116 pages
- CMU-CS-94-139
- Unpublished (will not appear)
- CMU-CS-94-140
- An Architecture for Optimal All-to-All Personalized Communication
Susan Hinrichs, Corey Kosak, David R. O'Hallaron, Thomas M. Stricker,
Riichiro Take
September 1994
32 pages
- CMU-CS-94-141
- Performance Measurements of the Multimedia Testbed on Real-Time Mach
Roger B. Dannenberg, David B. Anderson, Tom Neuendorffer, Dean Rubine
April 1994
20 pages
- CMU-CS-94-142 (Unavailable via ftp)
- Control Transfer in Operating System Kernels
Richard P. Draves
May 1994
Ph.D. Thesis
150 pages
- CMU-CS-94-143
- Linear Congruential Generators Over Elliptic Curves
Sean Hallgren
Senior Honors Thesis
May 1994
12 pages
- CMU-CS-94-144 (Unavailable via ftp)
- On-Line Scheduling on Parallel Machines
Jiri Sgall
Ph.D. Thesis
May 1994
- CMU-CS-94-145
- The Impact of Software Structure and Policy on CPU and Memory System
J. Bradley Chen
Ph.D. Thesis
May 1994
172 pages
- CMU-CS-94-146
- Real-Time Symbolic Model Checking for Discrete Time Models
Sergio V. Campos, Edmund M. Clarke
May 1994
19 pages
- CMU-CS-94-147
- Computing Quantitative Characteristics of Finite-State Real-Time Systems
Sergio Campos, Edmund Clarke, Wilfredo Marrero, Marius Minea, Hiromi Hiraishi
May 1994
23 pages
- CMU-CS-94-148
- Measuring Software Dependability by Robustness Benchmarking
Arup Mukherjee, Daniel P. Siewiorek
May 1994
26 pages
- CMU-CS-94-149
- Using Secure Coprocessors
Bennet Yee
May 1994
Ph.D. Thesis
106 pages
- CMU-CS-94-150
- Making Structured Graphics and Constraints Practical for Large-Scale
Brad A. Myers, Dario A. Giuse, Andrew Mickish, David S. Kosbie
26 pages
(Also appears as CMU-HCII-94-100)
- CMU-CS-94-151
- Using Belief to Reason About Cache Coherence
Lily Mummert, Jeannette M. Wing, Mahadev Satyanarayanan
May 1994
17 pages
- CMU-CS-94-152
- Sensor Placement Design for Object Pose Determination with Three
Light-Stripe Range Finders
Keiichi Kemmotsu, Takeo Kanade
May 1994
27 pages
- CMU-CS-94-153
- Dome: Distributed Object Migration Environment
Adam Beguelin, Erik Seligman, Michael Starkey
May 1994
27 pages
- CMU-CS-94-154 (Unavailable via ftp)
- Beyond Objects: A Software Design Paradigm Based on Process Control
Mary Shaw
January 1994
18 pages
(Also appears as CMU/SEI-94-TR-15)
- CMU-CS-94-155
- Locating and Tracking of Human Faces with Neural Networks
H. Martin Hunke
August 1994
84 pages
- CMU-CS-94-156
- Extending Programming by Demonstration with Hierarchical Event Histories
David S. Kosbie, Brad A. Muers
May 1994
20 pages
- CMU-CS-94-157
- Recognition Confidence Measures: Detection of Misrecognitions and
Out-Of-Vocabulary Words
Sheryl R. Young
May 1994
18 pages
- CMU-CS-94-158
- A Sequential Factorization Method for Recovering Shape and Motion from
Image Streams
Toshihiko Morita, Takeo Kanade
May 1994
29 pages
- CMU-CS-94-159
- Solving Recursive Domain Equations with Enriched Categories
Kim Ritter Wagner
Ph.D. Thesis
July 1994
106 pages
- CMU-CS-94-160
- Verification of Arithmetic Functions with Binary Moment Diagrams
Randy E. Bryant, Yirng-An Chen
May 1994
41 pages
- CMU-CS-94-161
- A Practical Approach to Drawing Undirected Graphs
Daniel Tunkelang
June 1994
30 pages
- CMU-CS-94-162
- Assessment of the ACSE Science Learning Environment and the Impact
of Movies and Simulations
John F. Pane
June 1994
20 pages
- CMU-CS-94-163
- Population-Based Incremental Learning: A Method for Integrating
Genetic Search Based Function Optimization and Competitive Learning
Shumeet Baluja
June 1994
41 pages
- CMU-CS-94-164
- On-Line Data Reconstruction in Redundant Disk Arrays
Mark Holland
Ph.D. Thesis (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
May 1994
254 pages
- CMU-CS-94-165
- On Predictable Operating System Protocol Processing
Clifford W. Mercer, Jim Zelenka, Ragunathan Rajkumar
May 1994
20 pages
- CMU-CS-94-166
- An Introduction to Software Architecture
David Garlan, Mary Shaw
January 1994
50 pages
(Also appears as CMU/SEI-94-TR-21)
- CMU-CS-94-167
- An Active Multibaseline Stereo System with
Real-Time Image Acquisition
Sing Bing Kang, Jon Webb, C. Lawrence Zitnick, Takeo Kanade
September 1994
31 pages
- CMU-CS-94-168 (Unavailable for ftp)
- B* Probability Based Search
Hans J. Berliner, Chris McConnell
June 1994
54 pages
- CMU-CS-94-169
- Chopping: A Generalization of Slicing
Daniel Jackson, Eugene J. Rollins
July 1994
21 pages
- CMU-CS-94-170
- A Redundant Disk Array Architecture for Efficient Small Writes
Daniel Stodolsky, Mark Holland, William V. Courtright II, Garth Gibson
July 1994
27 pages
- CMU-CS-94-171
- A Structured TCP in Standard ML
Edoardo S. Biagioni
July 1994
(Also appears as CMU-CS-FOX-94-105)
19 pages
- CMU-CS-94-172
- Program Verification for Optimized Byte Copy
Edoardo S. Biagioni
July 1994
21 pages
- CMU-CS-94-173
- Improved Approximation Guarantees for Minimum-Weight
k-trees and Prize-collecting Salesmen
Baruch Awerbuch, Yossi Azar, Avrim Blum, Santosh Vempala
August 1994
11 pages
- CMU-CS-94-174
- CMU-CS-94-174R (a revised version - October 1994)
- Representing and Reformulating Diagonalization Methods
Erica Melis
July 1994
22 pages
- CMU-CS-94-175
- Integrating Human Factors with Software Engineering Practices
William E. Hefley, Elizabeth A. Buie, Gene F. Lynch, Michael J. Muller,
Douglas G. Hoecker, Jim Carter, J. Thomas Roth
July 1994
11 pages
(Also appears as CMU-HCII-94-103)
- CMU-CS-94-176
- Interactive Sketching for the Early Stages of User Interface Design
James A. Landay, Brad A. Myers
July 1994
19 pages
(Also appears as CMU-HCII-94-104)
- CMU-CS-94-177 (Unavailable for ftp)
- Secure Distributed Time for Secure Distributed Protocols
Sean W. Smith
Ph.D. Thesis
September 1994
189 pages
- CMU-CS-94-178 (Unavailable via ftp)
- Experience with a Course on Architectures for Software Systems,
Part II: Educational Materials
David Garlan, Mary Shaw, Jose Galmes
August 1994
483 pages
[Also appears as CMU/SEI-94-TR-20, ESC-TR-94-020]
- CMU-CS-94-179
- Online Performance-Improvement Algorithms
Prasad Chalasani
Ph.D. Thesis
August 1994
112 pages
- CMU-CS-94-180
- Research in Parallel Computing Final Report: 1987-90
Jutta Denton, C. Roy Taylor, Editors
August 1994
56 pages
- CMU-CS-94-181
- The GOMS Family of Analysis Techniques: Tools for Design and Evaluation
Bonnie E. John, David E. Kieras
August 1994
54 pages
(Also appears as CMU-HCII-94-106)
- CMU-CS-94-182
- User Interface Software Tools
Brad A. Myers
(Also appears as CMU-HCII-94-106)
46 pages
- CMU-CS-94-183
- Application-Aware Adaptation for Mobile Computing
Mahadev Satyanarayanan, Brian Noble, Puneet Kumar, Morgan Price
July 1994
7 pages
- CMU-CS-94-184
- Learning One More Thing
Sebastian Thrun, Tom M. Mitchell
September 1994
22 pages
- CMU-CS-94-185
- Compiling Polymorphism Using Intensional Type Analysis
Robert Harper, Greg Morrisett
September 1994
(Also appears as CMU-CS-FOX-94-07)
26 pages
- CMU-CS-94-186 (Unavailable for ftp)
- The Assembly Tower and Some Categorical and Algebraic Aspects of
Frame Theory
J. Todd Wilson
Ph.D. Thesis
May 1994
141 pages
- CMU-CS-94-187
- The Effect of Context on Training: Is Learning Situated?
Lynne Reder, Roberta L. Klatzky
September 1994
(Also appears as CMU-HCII-94-108)
32 pages
- CMU-CS-94-188
- Inference and Estimation of a Long-Range Trigram Model
Stephen Della Pietra, Vincent Della Pietra, John Gillett, John Lafferty,
Harry Printz, Lubos Ures
September 1994
19 pages
- CMU-CS-94-189
- A Tabular Interface for Automated Verification of Event-Based Dialogs
Hung-Ming Wang, Gregory Abowd
July 1994
38 pages
- CMU-CS-94-190
- Learning DNF over the Uniform Distribution Using a Quantum Example Oracle
Nader H. Bshouty, Jeffrey Jackson
September 1994
18 pages
- CMU-CS-94-191
- Client-Server Interactions in Multi-Server Operating Systems:
The Mach-US Approach
J. Mark Stevenson, Daniel P. Julin
September 1994
17 pages
- CMU-CS-94-192
- A Scalable Video Rate Camera Interface
Jon A. Webb, Thomas Warfel, Sing Bing Kang
September 1994
16 pages
- CMU-CS-94-193
- Backward Error Recovery in Redundant Disk Arrays
William V. Courtright II, Garth A. Gibson
September 1994
18 pages
- CMU-CS-94-194
- CMU-CS-94-194A
- Specifying Weak Sets
Jeannette M. Wing, David C. Steere
September 1994
20 pages
- CMU-CS-94-195
- Unpublished (will not appear)
- CMU-CS-94-196
- A Parallel Complexity Model for Functional Languages
Guy Blelloch, John Greiner
October 1994
26 pages
- CMU-CS-94-197 (Unavailable via ftp)
- Research in the Automated Analysis of Remotely Sensed Imagery: 1993-1994
David M. McKeown, Jr., Steven Douglas Cochran, Stephen J. Ford,
Stephen J. Gifford, Wilson A. Harvey, Yuan C. Hsieh, J. Chris McGlone,
Michael F. Polis, Michel Roux, Jefferey A. Shufelt
October 1994
- CMU-CS-94-198
- Modal Event Calculus in Lolli
Iliano Cervesato, Luca Chittaro, Angelo Montanari
October 1994
23 pages
- CMU-CS-94-199 (Unavailable via ftp)
- Automating the Construction of Large Scale Virtual Worlds
Michael F. Polis, Stephen J. Gifford, David M. McKeown
October 1994
- CMU-CS-94-200
- Porting a Vector Library: A Comparison of MPI, Paris, CMMD, and
PVM (or, "I'll never have to port CVL again")
Jonathan C. Hardwick
November 1994
18 pages
- CMU-CS-94-201
- Measuring the Cost of Storage Management
David Tarditi, Amer Diwan
May 1995
(Also appears as CMU-CS-FOX-94-08)
15 pages
- CMU-CS-94-202 (Unavailable via ftp)
- Adaptive Vergence for the Stereo Matching of Oblique Imagery
Steven Douglas Cochran
October 1994
- CMU-CS-94-203
- Unavailable to date
- CMU-CS-94-204
- Efficient Generation of Counterexamples and Witnesses in
Symbolic Model Checking
Edmund Clarke, Orna Grumberg, Kenneth McMillan, Xudong Zhao
October 1994
19 pages
- CMU-CS-94-205
- Performance Evaluation of a New Parallel Preconditioner
Keith D. Gremban, Gary L. Miller, Marco Zagha
October 1994
33 pages
- CMU-CS-94-206
- Automatically Selecting and Using Primary Effects in Planning:
Theory and Experiments
Eugene Fink, Qiang Yane
October 1994
40 pages
- CMU-CS-94-207
- Problems in Rewriting Applied to Categorical Concepts by the Example
of a Computational Comonad
Wolfgang Gehrke
October 1994
16 pages
- CMU-CS-94-208 (Unavailable via ftp)
- Inductive Boolean Function Manipulation: A Hardware Verification
Methodology for Automatic Induction
Aarti Gupta
Ph.D. Thesis
October 1994
- CMU-CS-94-209
- Reducing Network Depth in the Cascade-Correlation Learning Architecture
Shumeet Baluja, Scott E. Fahlman
October 1994
11 pages
- CMU-CS-94-210
- Characteristics of Higher-level Languages for Software Architecture
Mary Shaw, David Garlan
December 1994
19 pages
- CMU-CS-94-211 (Unavailable via ftp)
- Scalability in Production System Programs
Anurag Acharya
Ph.D. Thesis
November 1994
366 pages
- CMU-CS-94-212
- Operating System Support for Coexistence of Real-Time and
Conventional Scheduling
David B. Golub
November 1994
12 pages
- CMU-CS-94-213
- Long Term Distributed File Reference Tracing: Implementation and Experience
Lily Mummert, Mahadev Satyanarayanan
November 1994
30 pages
- CMU-CS-94-214
- Flexible and Safe Resolution of File Conflicts
Puneet Kumar, Mahadev Satyanarayanan
November 1994
15 pages
- CMU-CS-94-215
- Mitigating the Effects of Optimistic Replication in a Distributed
File System
Puneet Kumar
Ph.D. Thesis
December 1994
187 pages
- CMU-CS-94-216
- A Case for Dynamic Sets in Operating Systems
David Steere, Mahadev Satyanarayanan
November 1994
18 pages
- CMU-CS-94-217
- A Differential Approach to Graphical Interaction
Michael L. Gleicher
Ph.D. Thesis
November 1994
- CMU-CS-94-218
- A structural Proof of Cut Elimination and Its Representation in
a Logical Framework
Frank Pfenning
November 1994
67 pages
- CMU-CS-94-219
- Exploiting Symmetry in the Model Checking of Relational Specifications
Daniel Jackson
December 1994
22 pages
- CMU-CS-94-220
- A Multi-body Factorization Methods for Motion Analysis
Joao Costeira, Takeo Kanade
September 1994
25 pages
- CMU-CS-94-221,
- Reflectance Analysis Under Solar Illumination
Yoichi Sato, Katsushi Ikeuchi
December 1994
43 pages
- CMU-CS-94-222
- Structural Cut Elimination in Linear Logic
Frank Pfenning
December 1994
64 pages
- CMU-CS-94-223
- High-Level Fault Tolerance in Distributed Programs
Erik Seligman, Adam Beguelin
December 1994
12 pages
- CMU-CS-94-224
- Visual Tracking of Self-Occulding Articulated Objects
James M. Rehg, Takeo Kanade
December 1994
43 pages
- CMU-CS-94-225
- Unpublished (will not appear)
- CMU-CS-94-226 (Unavailable via ftp)
- An Architectural Design of A Toolkit for Synchronous Groupware
Nobuhisa Yoda, Brad A. Myers
December 1994
38 pages
[Also appears as CMU-HCII-94-109 and CMU-INI-TR-1994-7]
- CMU-CS-94-227
- Control-Flow Analysis and Type Systems
Nevin Heintze
December 1994
18 pages
[Also appears as CMU-CS-FOX-94-09]
- CMU-CS-94-228
- On the Performance of Spectral Graph Partitioning Methods
Stephen Guattery, Gary L. Miller
December 1994
33 pages
- CMU-CS-94-229
- Unpublished (will not appear)
- CMU-CS-94-230 (Unavailable via ftp)
- Wax: A Wide Area Computation System
Peter D. Stout
Ph.D. Thesis
December 1994
This index was automatically generated on Fri Jan 31 17:53:24 EST