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The First Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing was held in Washington, DC, June 9-11, 1994. Its purpose was to celebrate the continuing achievements and contributions of women in computing. Dr. Anita Borg, Digital Equipment Corporation, served as General Chair. This 15-videotape set enables you to share in the offerings of this conference, inspired by the legacy of Admiral Grace Murray Hopper -- a pioneer in the field of computing and an inspiration to women and scientists everywhere.

Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing:
GHC 1994

Fran Allen, IBM T.J. Watson Resesarch Laboratories
Compilers - New Challenges and New Directions
41 minutes

Ruzena Bajcsy, University of Pennsylvania
Cooperative Agents" Man and Human
46 minutes

Dorothy Denning, Georgetown University
Encryption - A Sword That Cuts Two Ways
42 minutes

Mildred Dresselhaus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Women in Computer Science
55 minutes

Susan Graham, University of California at Berkeley
Language Implementation
44 minutes

Barbara Grosz, Harvard University
Collaborative Plans and Dialogue Participation
38 minutes

Mary Jane Irwin, Pennsylvania State University
Design Challenges in Massively Parallel, Fine
Grain Architectures
44 minutes

Anita Jones, Department of Defense
Strategic Defense Research
52 minutes

Karen Sparck Jones, Cambridge University
Finding the Information Wood in the Natural
Language Trees
41 minutes

Maria Klawe, University of British Columbia
Making Electronic Learning Environments Success
for Girls and Boys
38 minutes

Nancy Leveson, University of Washington
Computers and Risk
39 minutes

Barbara Liskov, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The Structure of Distributed Systems
47 minutes

Mary Shaw, Carnegie Mellon University
Abstraction and Codification in Software Engineering
45 minutes

Panel Discussion:
Moderator: Bronwyn Fryer, Working Women Magazine
Helen Bradley, Open Vision
Paula Hawthorne, Illustra
Sandy Lerner, Co-Founder, Cisco Systems
Dawn Gilbert, Digital Equipment Corporation
The Management Option
81 minutes

Panel Discussion:
Modertor: Barbara Simons, IBM Corporation
Anita Borg, Digital Equipment Corporation
Joan Feigenbaum, AT&T Bell Laboratories
Susan Landau, University of Massachusetts
Computer and Policy Issues
80 minutes

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