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Here is my top ten list of people I would like to acknowledge:

My fellow officemates in ``the trailer'', for devising new methods of opening doors while remaining seated, and ensuring that life as a graduate student was never a dull moment: Andrew Erlichson, J.P. Singh, Jim Laudon, Chris Holt, Mark Heinrich, Steve Woo, Dave Ofelt, Jeff Kuskin, and John Heinlein.

My friends and mentors at MIPS, who made my Silicon Valley experience complete, and helped raise my standard of living above the starvation level: Earl Killian, Peter Davies, and Paul Ries.

The DASH team, for answering all of my hardware questions, and for including me in their ski trip: Dan Lenoski, Jim Laudon, Kourosh Gharachorloo, Dave Nakahira, Truman Joe, and Wolf-Dietrich Weber.

The simulator gurus who cheerfully and tirelessly supported their creations, thus making these quantitative results possible: Steve Goldschmidt for Tango, and Mike Smith for XSIM.

The SUIF team, for creating and supporting that wonderful porcine compiler: Steve Tjiang, Michael Wolf, Mike Smith, Jennifer Anderson, Rob French, Dror Maydan, Saman Amarasinghe, Todd Smith, and Bob Wilson.

The faculty members who graciously served on my reading and orals committees: Albert Macovksi and Greg Kovacs.

The fearless leader of our extended research family, for his wisdom and guidance throughout the years: John Hennessy.

My ``second'' primary advisor, for teaching me what compilers are all about, and for giving me the luxury of having two sources of great advice: Monica Lam.

My ``primary'' primary advisor, for the tremendous time, energy, and wisdom he invested in my graduate education, and for inspiring me to become an academic myself: Anoop Gupta.

My spouse, who shared each step of the Stanford graduate experience with me, from our first day of class (when we met) through defending our dissertations (which we did within 24 hours of each other), and who was a very good sport during our ``joint'' academic job search: Karen Clay.

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Sat Jun 25 15:13:04 PDT 1994