T-Shirt Advertisements

It is almost May, which means it is time to choose a college.


Buy a stylish Xmos University T-Shirt for only $10.00!*

This Is Real!No Joke!

Reserve your shirt now!

*Some financial aid available.

Tired of people asking you:

"So, uh, what college are you applying to?" And asking you:

"So, uh, what are you majoring in?" And of course:

"So, uh, why don't you get a cool T-Shirt?"

Put a stop to all these questions! Buy an Xmos University T-Shirt for only $10.00! ($217.33 in Canada and Mexico)

"So, uh, what the hell does it mean?"

The importance of proper apparel is illustrated in the following anecdote:

One day a man of the people said to the Zen Master Xmos: "Master, will you please write for me some maxims of the highest wisdom?"

Xmos immediately took his brush and wrote the word "T-Shirt."

"Is that all?" asked the man. "Will you not add something more?"

Xmos then wrote twice running the words "T-Shirt T-Shirt."

"Well," remarked the man rather irritably. "I really don't see much depth or subtlety in what you have just written."

Then Xmos wrote the same three times running: "T-Shirt T-Shirt T- Shirt."

Half-angered, the man demanded: "What does that word T-Shirt mean anyway?" And Xmos answered gently, "T-Shirt means T-Shirt." Dare to be confusing!
Order your Xmos University
T-Shirt for only
(No Tao! Tao! No Tao! Tao!)


Copyright ©1994, 1996 Aaron Greenhouse. Comments? Mail 'em to me...