Episodes: Breaker High
(97–98 Season)

Last Updated: 23 July 1998

# R? DOFB Date Episode Notes

Season 1

15 September 1997 to 11 September 1998: Weekdays at 4:00pm and Sundays at 10:00am

101-3 15 Sep 97 15 Sep 97 "Sun Ahso Rises"
102-4 16 Sep 97 16 Sep 97 "Pranks for the Memories"
103-2 17 Sep 97 17 Sep 97 "Mayhem on the Orient Distress"
104-11 18 Sep 97 18 Sep 97 "Don't Get Curried Away"
105-6 19 Sep 97 19 Sep 97 "Kenya Dig It?"
101-3 R 15 Sep 97 21 Sep 97 "Sun Ahso Rises"
106-8 22 Sep 97 22 Sep 97 "Tomb With a View"
107-1 23 Sep 97 23 Sep 97 "Radio Daze"
121-19 24 Sep 97 24 Sep 97 "Lip-Synching Feeling"
109-5 25 Sep 97 25 Sep 97 "Belly of the Beast"
110-7 26 Sep 97 26 Sep 97 "Rooming Violations"
102-4 R 16 Sep 97 28 Sep 97 "Pranks for the Memories"
111-5 29 Sep 97 29 Sep 97 "Chateau L'Feet J'mee"
112-13 30 Sep 97 30 Sep 97 "Out With the Old, In With the Shrew"
113-17 1 Oct 97 1 Oct 97 "Tamira Is Another Day"
114-10 2 Oct 97 2 Oct 97 "For Pizza's Sake"
101-3 R 15 Sep 97 3 Oct 97 "Sun Ahso Rises"
103-2 R 17 Sep 97 5 Oct 97 "Mayhem on the Orient Distress"
115-25 6 Oct 97 6 Oct 97 "Kissin' Cousins"
116-14 7 Oct 97 7 Oct 97 "The Cabler Guy"
102-4 R 16 Sep 97 8 Oct 97 "Pranks for the Memories"
103-2 R 17 Sep 97 9 Oct 97 "Mayhem on the Orient Distress"
104-11 R 18 Sep 97 10 Oct 97 "Don't Get Curried Away"
104-11 R 18 Sep 97 12 Oct 97 "Don't Get Curried Away"
117-9 13 Oct 97 13 Oct 97 "When in Rome"
118-21 14 Oct 97 14 Oct 97 "Silence of the Lamborghini"
102-4 R 16 Sep 97 15 Oct 97 "Pranks for the Memories"
103-2 R 17 Sep 97 16 Oct 97 "Mayhem on the Orient Distress"
104-11 R 18 Sep 97 17 Oct 97 "Don't Get Curried Away"
105-6 R 19 Sep 97 19 Oct 97 "Kenya Dig It?"
119-22 20 Oct 97 20 Oct 97 "All Seeing Bulls Eye"
120-23 21 Oct 97 21 Oct 97 "Squall's Well That Ends Well"
110-7 R 26 Sep 97 22 Oct 97 "Rooming Violations"
111-5 R 29 Sep 97 23 Oct 97 "Chateau L'Feet J'mee"
112-13 R 30 Sep 97 24 Oct 97 "Out With the Old, In With the Shrew"
106-8 R 22 Sep 97 26 Oct 97 "Tomb With a View"
113-17 R 1 Oct 97 27 Oct 97 "Tamira Is Another Day"
114-10 R 2 Oct 97 28 Oct 97 "For Pizza's Sake"
105-6 R 19 Sep 97 29 Oct 97 "Kenya Dig It?"
106-8 R 22 Sep 97 30 Oct 97 "Tomb With a View"
101-3 R 15 Sep 97 31 Oct 97 "Sun Ahso Rises"
107-1 R 23 Sep 97 2 Nov 97 "Radio Daze"
3 Nov 97 ?
122-26 4 Nov 97 4 Nov 97 "Yoo Hoo Mr. Palace Guard"
123-30 5 Nov 97 5 Nov 97 "Two Sean's Don't Make a Right"
107-1 R 23 Sep 97 6 Nov 97 "Radio Daze"
108-12 7 Nov 97 7 Nov 97 "Beware of Geeks Baring Their Gifts"
108-12 R 7 Nov 97 9 Nov 97 "Beware of Geeks Baring Their Gifts"
124-27 10 Nov 97 10 Nov 97 "Tamira Has Two Faces"
125-29 11 Nov 97 11 Nov 97 "Swiss You Were Here"
126-31 12 Nov 97 12 Nov 97 "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Post Office"
117-9 R 13 Oct 97 13 Nov 97 "When in Rome"
118-21 R 14 Oct 97 14 Nov 97 "Silence of the Lamborghini"
109-5 R 25 Sep 97 16 Nov 97 "Belly of the Beast"
127-32 17 Nov 97 17 Nov 97 "Some You Win, Some You Luge"
128-18 18 Nov 97 18 Nov 97 "Stowing Pains"
129-16 19 Nov 97 19 Nov 97 "Moon Over Tamira"
113-17 R 1 Oct 97 20 Nov 97 "Tamira Is Another Day"
119-22 R 20 Oct 97 21 Nov 97 "All Seeing Bulls Eye"
110-7 R 26 Sep 97 23 Nov 97 "Rooming Violations"
120-23 R 21 Oct 97 24 Nov 97 "Squall's Well That Ends Well"
121-19 R 24 Sep 97 25 Nov 97 "Lip-Synching Feeling"
102-4 R 16 Sep 97 26 Nov 97 "Pranks for the Memories"
103-2 R 17 Sep 97 27 Nov 97 "Mayhem on the Orient Distress"
104-11 R 18 Sep 97 28 Nov 97 "Don't Get Curried Away"
111-5 R 29 Sep 97 30 Nov 97 "Chateau L'Feet J'mee"
105-6 R 19 Sep 97 1 Dec 97 "Kenya Dig It?"
106-8 R 22 Sep 97 2 Dec 97 "Tomb With a View"
107-1 R 23 Sep 97 3 Dec 97 "Radio Daze"
108-12 R 7 Nov 97 4 Dec 97 "Beware of Geeks Baring Their Gifts"
109-5 R 25 Sep 97 5 Dec 97 "Belly of the Beast"
112-13 R 30 Sep 97 7 Dec 97 "Out With the Old, In With the Shrew"
110-7 R 26 Sep 97 8 Dec 97 "Rooming Violations"
111-5 R 29 Sep 97 9 Dec 97 "Chateau L'Feet J'mee"
114-10 R 2 Oct 97 10 Dec 97 "For Pizza's Sake"
115-25 R 6 Oct 97 11 Dec 97 "Kissin' Cousins"
116-14 R 7 Oct 97 12 Dec 97 "The Cabler Guy"
113-17 R 1 Oct 97 14 Dec 97 "Tamira Is Another Day"
117-9 R 13 Oct 97 15 Dec 97 "When in Rome"
118-21 R 14 Oct 97 16 Dec 97 "Silence of the Lamborghini"
119-22 R 20 Oct 97 17 Dec 97 "All Seeing Bulls Eye"
120-23 R 21 Oct 97 18 Dec 97 "Squall's Well That Ends Well"
121-19 R 24 Sep 97 19 Dec 97 "Lip-Synching Feeling"
114-10 R 2 Oct 97 21 Dec 97 "For Pizza's Sake"
122-26 R 4 Nov 97 22 Dec 97 "Yoo Hoo Mr. Palace Guard"
R 23 Dec 97 Unknown
101-3 R 15 Sep 97 24 Dec 97 "Sun Ahso Rises"
102-4 R 16 Sep 97 25 Dec 97 "Pranks for the Memories"
124-27 R 10 Nov 97 26 Dec 97 "Tamira Has Two Faces"
115-25 R 6 Oct 97 28 Dec 97 "Kissin' Cousins"
125-29 R 11 Nov 97 29 Dec 97 "Swiss You Were Here"
126-31 R 12 Nov 97 30 Dec 97 "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Post Office"
127-32 R 17 Nov 97 31 Dec 97 "Some You Win, Some You Luge"
128-18 R 18 Nov 97 1 Jan 98 "Stowing Pains"
129-16 R 19 Nov 97 2 Jan 98 "Moon Over Tamira"
116-14 R 7 Oct 97 4 Jan 98 "The Cabler Guy"
130-33 5 Jan 97 5 Jan 97 "He Shoots, He Scores"
103-2 R 17 Sep 97 6 Jan 98 "Mayhem on the Orient Distress"
104-11 R 18 Sep 97 7 Jan 98 "Don't Get Curried Away"
105-6 R 19 Sep 97 8 Jan 98 "Kenya Dig It?"
106-8 R 22 Sep 97 9 Jan 98 "Tomb With a View"
117-9 R 13 Oct 97 11 Jan 98 "When in Rome"
131-24 12 Jan 98 12 Jan 98 "Jimmy Behaving Badly"
107-1 R 23 Sep 97 13 Jan 98 "Radio Daze"
108-12 R 7 Nov 97 14 Jan 98 "Beware of Geeks Baring Their Gifts"
109-5 R 25 Sep 97 15 Jan 98 "Belly of the Beast"
110-7 R 26 Sep 97 16 Jan 98 "Rooming Violations"
118-21 R 14 Oct 97 18 Jan 98 "Silence of the Lamborghini"
132-34 19 Jan 98 19 Jan 98 "Regret Me Nots"
111-5 R 29 Sep 97 20 Jan 98 "Chateau L'Feet J'mee"
112-13 R 30 Sep 97 21 Jan 98 "Out With the Old, In With the Shrew"
113-17 R 1 Oct 97 22 Jan 98 "Tamira Is Another Day"
114-10 R 2 Oct 97 23 Jan 98 "For Pizza's Sake"
119-22 R 20 Oct 97 25 Jan 98 "All Seeing Bulls Eye"
133-20 26 Jan 98 26 Jan 98 "New Kids on the Deck"
115-25 R 6 Oct 97 27 Jan 98 "Kissin' Cousins"
116-14 R 7 Oct 97 28 Jan 98 "The Cabler Guy"
117-9 R 13 Oct 97 29 Jan 98 "When in Rome"
? R ? ? ?
120-23 R 21 Oct 97 21 Oct 97 "Squall's Well That Ends Well"
134-35 2 Feb 98 2 Feb 98 "Six Degrees of Humiliation"
135-36 3 Feb 98 3 Feb 98 "Don't Go Breakin' My Art"
119-22 R 20 Oct 97 4 Feb 98 "All Seeing Bulls Eye"
120-23 R 21 Oct 97 5 Feb 98 "Squall's Well That Ends Well"
121-19 R 24 Sep 97 6 Feb 98 "Lip-Synching Feeling"
121-19 R 24 Sep 97 8 Feb 98 "Lip-Synching Feeling"
136-38 9 Feb 98 9 Feb 98 "Worth Their Waste in Gold"
137-37 10 Feb 98 10 Feb 98 "The Deck's Files"
122-26 R 4 Nov 97 11 Feb 98 "Yoo Hoo Mr. Palace Guard"
123-30 R 5 Nov 97 12 Feb 98 "Two Sean's Don't Make a Right"
124-27 R 10 Nov 97 13 Feb 98 "Tamira Has Two Faces"
122-26 R 4 Nov 97 15 Feb 98 "Yoo Hoo Mr. Palace Guard"
138-28 16 Feb 98 16 Feb 98 "Rasta La Vista"
139-39 17 Feb 98 17 Feb 98 "Max He Can Hat Dance"
125-29 R 11 Nov 97 18 Feb 98 "Swiss You Were Here"
126-31 R 12 Nov 97 19 Feb 98 "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Post Office"
127-32 R 17 Nov 97 20 Feb 98 "Some You Win, Some You Luge"
123-30 R 5 Nov 97 22 Feb 98 "Two Sean's Don't Make a Right"
140-40 23 Feb 98 23 Feb 98 "Kiss of the Shyer Woman"
141-41 24 Feb 98 24 Feb 98 "Lord of the Butterflies"
128-18 R 18 Nov 97 25 Feb 98 "Stowing Pains"
129-16 R 19 Nov 97 26 Feb 98 "Moon Over Tamira"
130-33 R 5 Jan 97 27 Feb 98 "He Shoots, He Scores"
124-27 R 10 Nov 97 1 Mar 98 "Tamira Has Two Faces"
131-24 R 12 Jan 98 2 Mar 98 "Jimmy Behaving Badly"
132-34 R 19 Jan 98 3 Mar 98 "Regret Me Nots"
133-20 R 26 Jan 98 4 Mar 98 "New Kids on the Deck"
134-35 R 2 Feb 98 5 Mar 98 "Six Degrees of Humiliation"
135-36 R 3 Feb 98 6 Mar 98 "Don't Go Breakin' My Art"
125-29 R 11 Nov 97 8 Mar 98 "Swiss You Were Here"
136-38 R 9 Feb 98 9 Mar 98 "Worth Their Waste in Gold"
137-37 R 10 Feb 98 10 Mar 98 "The Deck's Files"
138-28 R 16 Feb 98 11 Mar 98 "Rasta La Vista"
139-39 R 17 Feb 98 12 Mar 98 "Max He Can Hat Dance"
140-40 R 23 Feb 98 13 Mar 98 "Kiss of the Shyer Woman"
126-31 R 12 Nov 97 15 Mar 98 "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Post Office"
142-43 16 Mar 98 16 Mar 98 "Chile Dog"
143-42 17 Mar 98 17 Mar 98 "Heartbreaker High"
141-41 R 24 Feb 98 18 Mar 98 "Lord of the Butterflies"
101-3 R 15 Sep 97 19 Mar 98 "Sun Ahso Rises"
102-4 R 16 Sep 97 20 Mar 98 "Pranks for the Memories"
127-32 R 17 Nov 97 22 Mar 98 "Some You Win, Some You Luge"
103-2 R 17 Sep 97 23 Mar 98 "Mayhem on the Orient Distress"
104-11 R 18 Sep 97 24 Mar 98 "Don't Get Curried Away"
105-6 R 19 Sep 97 25 Mar 98 "Kenya Dig It?"
106-8 R 22 Sep 97 26 Mar 98 "Tomb With a View"
107-1 R 23 Sep 97 27 Mar 98 "Radio Daze"
128-18 R 18 Nov 97 29 Mar 98 "Stowing Pains"
144-44 30 Mar 98 30 Mar 98 "To Kill a Mocking Nerd"
108-12 R 7 Nov 97 31 Mar 98 "Beware of Geeks Baring Their Gifts"
109-5 R 25 Sep 97 1 Apr 98 "Belly of the Beast"
110-7 R 26 Sep 97 2 Apr 98 "Rooming Violations"
111-5 R 29 Sep 97 3 Apr 98 "Chateau L'Feet J'mee"
129-16 R 19 Nov 97 5 Apr 98 "Moon Over Tamira"
112-13 R 30 Sep 97 6 Apr 98 "Out With the Old, In With the Shrew"
113-17 R 1 Oct 97 7 Apr 98 "Tamira Is Another Day"
114-10 R 2 Oct 97 8 Apr 98 "For Pizza's Sake"
115-25 R 6 Oct 97 9 Apr 98 "Kissin' Cousins"
116-14 R 7 Oct 97 10 Apr 98 "The Cabler Guy"
130-33 R 5 Jan 97 12 Apr 98 "He Shoots, He Scores"
117-9 R 13 Oct 97 13 Apr 98"When in Rome"
118-21 R 14 Oct 97 14 Apr 98 "Silence of the Lamborghini"
119-22 R 20 Oct 97 15 Apr 98 "All Seeing Bulls Eye"
120-23 R 21 Oct 97 16 Apr 98 "Squall's Well That Ends Well"
121-19 R 24 Sep 97 17 Apr 98 "Lip-Synching Feeling"
131-24 R 12 Jan 98 19 Apr 98 "Jimmy Behaving Badly"
122-26 R 4 Nov 97 20 Apr 98 "Yoo Hoo Mr. Palace Guard"
123-30 R 5 Nov 97 21 Apr 98 "Two Sean's Don't Make a Right"
124-27 R 10 Nov 97 22 Apr 98 "Tamira Has Two Faces"
125-29 R 11 Nov 97 23 Apr 98 "Swiss You Were Here"
126-31 R 12 Nov 97 24 Apr 98 "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Post Office"
132-34 R 19 Jan 98 26 Apr 98 "Regret Me Nots"
127-32 R 17 Nov 97 27 Apr 98 "Some You Win, Some You Luge"
128-18 R 18 Nov 97 28 Apr 98 "Stowing Pains"
129-16 R 19 Nov 97 29 Apr 98 "Moon Over Tamira"
130-33 R 5 Jan 97 30 Apr 98 "He Shoots, He Scores"
131-24 R 12 Jan 98 1 May 98 "Jimmy Behaving Badly"
133-20 R 26 Jan 98 3 May 98 "New Kids on the Deck"
132-34 R 19 Jan 98 4 May 98 "Regret Me Nots"
133-20 R 26 Jan 98 5 May 98 "New Kids on the Deck"
134-35 R 2 Feb 98 6 May 98 "Six Degrees of Humiliation"
135-36 R 3 Feb 98 7 May 98 "Don't Go Breakin' My Art"
136-38 R 9 Feb 98 8 May 98 "Worth Their Waste in Gold"
134-35 R 2 Feb 98 10 May 98 "Six Degrees of Humiliation"
137-37 R 10 Feb 98 11 May 98 "The Deck's Files"
138-28 R 16 Feb 98 12 May 98 "Rasta La Vista"
139-39 R 17 Feb 98 13 May 98 "Max He Can Hat Dance"
140-40 R 23 Feb 98 14 May 98 "Kiss of the Shyer Woman"
141-41 R 24 Feb 98 15 May 98 "Lord of the Butterflies"
135-36 R 3 Feb 98 17 May 98 "Don't Go Breakin' My Art"
142-43 R 16 Mar 98 18 May 98 "Chile Dog"
143-42 R 17 Mar 98 19 May 98 "Heartbreaker High"
144-44 R 30 Mar 98 20 May 98 "To Kill a Mocking Nerd"
101-3 R 15 Sep 97 21 May 97 "Sun Ahso Rises"
102-4 R 16 Sep 97 22 May 97 "Pranks for the Memories"
136-38 R 9 Feb 98 24 May 98 "Worth Their Waste in Gold"
103-2 R 17 Sep 97 25 May 98 "Mayhem on the Orient Distress"
104-11 R 18 Sep 97 26 May 98 "Don't Get Curried Away"
105-6 R 19 Sep 97 27 May 98 "Kenya Dig It?"
106-8 R 22 Sep 97 28 May 98 "Tomb With a View"
107-1 R 23 Sep 97 29 May 98 "Radio Daze"
137-37 R 10 Feb 98 31 May 98 "The Deck's Files"
108-12 R 7 Nov 97 1 Jun 98 "Beware of Geeks Baring Their Gifts"
109-5 R 25 Sep 97 2 Jun 98 "Belly of the Beast"
110-7 R 26 Sep 97 3 Jun 98 "Rooming Violations"
111-5 R 29 Sep 97 4 Jun 98 "Chateau L'Feet J'mee"
112-13 R 30 Sep 97 5 Jun 98 "Out With the Old, In With the Shrew"
139-39 R 17 Feb 98 7 Jun 98 "Max He Can Hat Dance"
113-17 R 1 Oct 97 8 Jun 98 "Tamira Is Another Day"
114-10 R 2 Oct 97 9 Jun 98 "For Pizza's Sake"
115-25 R 6 Oct 97 10 Jun 98"Kissin' Cousins"
116-14 R 7 Oct 97 11 Jun 98 "The Cabler Guy"
117-9 R 13 Oct 97 12 Jun 98 "When in Rome"
140-40 R 23 Feb 98 14 Jun 98 "Kiss of the Shyer Woman"
118-21 R 14 Oct 97 15 Jun 98 "Silence of the Lamborghini"
119-22 R 20 Oct 97 16 Jun 98 "All Seeing Bulls Eye"
120-23 R 21 Oct 97 17 Jun 98 "Squall's Well That Ends Well"
121-19 R 24 Sep 97 18 Jun 98 "Lip-Synching Feeling"
122-26 R 4 Nov 97 19 Jun 98 "Yoo Hoo Mr. Palace Guard"
141-41 R 24 Feb 98 21 Jun 98 "Lord of the Butterflies"
123-30 R 5 Nov 97 22 Jun 98 "Two Sean's Don't Make a Right"
124-27 R 10 Nov 97 23 Jun 98 "Tamira Has Two Faces"
125-29 R 11 Nov 97 24 Jun 98 "Swiss You Were Here"
126-31 R 12 Nov 97 25 Jun 98 "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Post Office"
127-32 R 17 Nov 97 26 Jun 98 "Some You Win, Some You Luge"
143-42 R 17 Mar 98 28 Jun 98 "Heartbreaker High"
128-18 R 18 Nov 97 29 Jun 98 "Stowing Pains"
129-16 R 19 Nov 97 30 Jun 98 "Moon Over Tamira"
130-33 R 5 Jan 97 1 Jul 98 "He Shoots, He Scores"
131-24 R 12 Jan 98 2 Jul 98 "Jimmy Behaving Badly"
132-34 R 19 Jan 98 3 Jul 98 "Regret Me Nots"
144-44 R 30 Mar 98 5 Jul 98 "To Kill a Mocking Nerd"
133-20 R 26 Jan 98 6 Jul 98 "New Kids on the Deck"
134-35 R 2 Feb 98 7 Jul 98 "Six Degrees of Humiliation"
135-36 R 3 Feb 98 8 Jul 98 "Don't Go Breakin' My Art"
136-38 R 9 Feb 98 9 Jul 98 "Worth Their Waste in Gold"
137-37 R 10 Feb 98 10 Jul 98 "The Deck's Files"
142-43 R 16 Mar 98 12 Jul 98 "Chile Dog"
138-28 R 16 Feb 98 13 Jul 98 "Rasta La Vista"
139-39 R 17 Feb 98 14 Jul 98 "Max He Can Hat Dance"
140-40 R 23 Feb 98 15 Jul 98 "Kiss of the Shyer Woman"
141-41 R 24 Feb 98 16 Jul 98 "Lord of the Butterflies"
142-43 R 16 Mar 98 17 Jul 98 "Chile Dog"
138-28 R 16 Feb 98 19 Jul 98 "Rasta La Vista"
143-42 R 17 Mar 98 20 Jul 98 "Heartbreaker High"
144-44 R 30 Mar 98 21 Jul 98 "To Kill a Mocking Nerd"
101-3 R 15 Sep 97 22 Jul 98 "Sun Ahso Rises"
102-4 R 16 Sep 97 23 Jul 98 "Pranks for the Memories"
103-2 17 Sep 97 24 Jul 98 "Mayhem on the Orient Distress"
101-3 R 15 Sep 97 26 Jul 98 "Sun Ahso Rises"
104-11 R 18 Sep 97 27 Jul 98 "Don't Get Curried Away"
105-6 R 19 Sep 97 28 Jul 98 "Kenya Dig It?"
106-8 R 22 Sep 97 29 Jul 98 "Tomb With a View"
107-1 R 23 Sep 97 30 Jul 98 "Radio Daze"
108-12 R 7 Nov 97 31 Jul 98 "Beware of Geeks Baring Their Gifts"
102-4 16 Sep 97 2 Aug 98 "Pranks for the Memories"
109-5 R 25 Sep 97 3 Aug 98 "Belly of the Beast"
110-7 R 26 Sep 97 4 Aug 98 "Rooming Violations"
111-5 R 29 Sep 97 5 Aug 98 "Chateau L'Feet J'mee"
112-13 R 30 Sep 97 6 Aug 98 "Out With the Old, In With the Shrew"
113-17 R 1 Oct 97 7 Aug 98 "Tamira Is Another Day"
103-2 R 17 Sep 97 9 Aug 98 "Mayhem on the Orient Distress"
114-10 R 2 Oct 97 10 Aug 98 "For Pizza's Sake"
115-25 R 6 Oct 97 11 Aug 98 "Kissin' Cousins"
116-14 R 7 Oct 97 12 Aug 98 "The Cabler Guy"
117-9 R 13 Oct 97 13 Aug 98 "When in Rome"
118-21 R 14 Oct 97 14 Aug 98 "Silence of the Lamborghini"
104-11 R 18 Sep 97 16 Aug 98 "Don't Get Curried Away"
119-22 R 20 Oct 97 17 Aug 98 "All Seeing Bulls Eye"
120-23 R 21 Oct 97 18 Aug 98 "Squall's Well That Ends Well"
121-19 R 24 Sep 97 19 Aug 98 "Lip-Synching Feeling"
122-26 R 4 Nov 97 20 Aug 98 "Yoo Hoo Mr. Palace Guard"
123-30 R 5 Nov 97 21 Aug 98 "Two Sean's Don't Make a Right"
105-6 R 19 Sep 97 23 Aug 98 "Kenya Dig It?"
124-27 R 10 Nov 97 24 Aug 98 "Tamira Has Two Faces"
125-29 R 11 Nov 97 25 Aug 98 "Swiss You Were Here"
126-31 R 12 Nov 97 26 Aug 98 "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Post Office"
127-32 R 17 Nov 97 27 Aug 98 "Some You Win, Some You Luge"
128-18 R 18 Nov 97 28 Aug 98 "Stowing Pains"
106-8 R 22 Sep 97 30 Aug 98 "Tomb With a View"
129-16 R 19 Nov 97 31 Aug 98 "Moon Over Tamira"
130-33 R 5 Jan 97 1 Sep 98 "He Shoots, He Scores"
131-24 R 12 Jan 98 2 Sep 98 "Jimmy Behaving Badly"
132-34 R 19 Jan 98 3 Sep 98 "Regret Me Nots"
133-20 R 26 Jan 98 4 Sep 98 "New Kids on the Deck"
107-1 R 23 Sep 97 6 Sep 98 "Radio Daze"
134-35 R 2 Feb 98 7 Sep 98 "Six Degrees of Humiliation"
135-36 R 3 Feb 98 8 Sep 98 "Don't Go Breakin' My Art"
136-38 R 9 Feb 98 9 Sep 98 "Worth Their Waste in Gold"
137-37 R 10 Feb 98 10 Sep 98 "The Deck's Files"
138-28 R 16 Feb 98 11 Sep 98 "Rasta La Vista"

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The contents and layout of these pages are Copyright ©1995–2001 Aaron Greenhouse. All Rights Reserved. This copyright does not apply to material that I have obtained from elsewhere, such as pictures, press releases, or the ownership of ratings information.

This site is maintained by Aaron Greenhouse. If you have information to contribute, questions, or comments mail 'em to me...