Episodes: Recess
(00–01 Season)

Last Updated: 17 January 2002

Based, in part, on the list compiled by George Fergus.

# R? DOFB Date Episode Notes

Season 2

1 October 2000 to 7 October 2000: 8:30am Sundays & 7:30am Weekdays

? ? ? 1 Oct 00 Unknown
? ? ? 2 Oct 00 Unknown
? ? ? 3 Oct 00 Unknown
? ? ? 4 Oct 00 Unknown
? ? ? 5 Oct 00 Unknown
? ? ? 6 Oct 00 Unknown

8 October 2000 to 30 December 2000: 8:00am Sundays & 7:30am Weekdays

? ? ? 8 Oct 00 Unknown
? ? ? 9 Oct 00 Unknown
? ? ? 10 Oct 00 Unknown
? ? ? 11 Oct 00 Unknown
? ? ? 12 Oct 00 Unknown
? ? ? 13 Oct 00 Unknown
? ? ? 15 Oct 00 Unknown
? ? ? 16 Oct 00 Unknown
? ? ? 17 Oct 00 Unknown
? ? ? 18 Oct 00 Unknown
? ? ? 19 Oct 00 Unknown
? ? ? 20 Oct 00 Unknown
? ? ? 22 Oct 00 Unknown
? ? ? 23 Oct 00 Unknown
? ? ? 24 Oct 00 Unknown
? ? ? 25 Oct 00 Unknown
? ? ? 26 Oct 00 Unknown
? ? ? 27 Oct 00 Unknown
RE033 R 7 Nov 9 29 Oct 00 “The Biggest Trouble Ever” & “The Rules”
RE038 R 28 Nov 99 30 Oct 00 “The Dude” & “Partners in Crime”
RE028 R 13 Sep 99 31 Oct 00 “Hustler’s Apprentice” & “The Spy Who Came In from the Playground”
RE042 R 20 Feb 00 1 Nov 00 “Yope from Norway” & “Bonky Fever”
RE036 R 16 Nov 99 2 Nov 00 “Good Luck Charm” & “Diggers Split Up”
RE031 R 26 Sep 99 3 Nov 00 “The Madness of King Bob” & “Call Me Guy”
RE048 R 17 Jul 00 5 Nov 00 “Old Folks Home” & “Some Friend”
RE034 R 8 Nov 99 6 Nov 00 “Gus and Misdemeanors” & “A Science Fair to Remember”
RE035 R 14 Nov 99 7 Nov 00 “Mikey’s Pants” & “Here Comes Mr. Perfect”
RE050 R ? 8 Nov 00 “One Stayed Clean” & “A Genius Among Us”
RE051 R ? 9 Nov 00 “Dodgeball City” & “A Career to Remember”
RE052 R ? 10 Nov 00 “Kindergarten Derby” & “The Bet”
RE053 R ? 12 Nov 00 “Space Cadet” & “Stand-Up Randall”
RE054 R ? 13 Nov 00 “The Shiner” & “Lord of the Nerds”
RE056 R ? 14 Nov 00 “Barnaby Boys” & “Buried Treasure”
RE057 R ? 15 Nov 00 “The Library Kid” & “The Ratings Game”
RE027 R 12 Sep 99 16 Nov 00 “The First Picture Show” & “The Big Prank”
RE015 R ? 17 Nov 00 “King Gus” & “Big Brother Chad”
RE012 R ? 19 Nov 00 “The Break In” & “The New Kid”
RE017 R ? 20 Nov 00 “The Box” & “The Trial”
RE013 R ? 21 Nov 00 “The Experiment” & “Swing on Thru to the Other Side”
RE016 R ? 22 Nov 00 “My Fair Gretchen” & “The Kid Came Back”
RE002 R ? 23 Nov 00 “The Great Can Drive” & “Rainy Days”
RE009 R ? 24 Nov 00 “The Breakup” & “The Beauty Contest”
RE019 R ? 26 Nov 00 “The Pest” & “Kids in the Mist”
RE055 R ? 27 Nov 00 “That Stinking Feeling” & “My Funny Valentines”
RE043 R 21 Feb 00 28 Nov 00 “Don’t Ask Me” & “The Secret Life of Grotke”
RE041 R ? 29 Nov 00 “The Great State Fair” & “The A.V. Kid”
RE040 R 6 Feb 00 30 Nov 00 “Spinelli’s Masterpiece” & “Nobody Doesn’t Like T.J.”
RE018 R ? 1 Dec 00 “Teacher’s Lounge” & “Randall’s Reform”
RE005 R ? 3 Dec 00 “Speedy, We Hardly knew Ye” & “I Will Kick No More Forever”
RE004 R ? 4 Dec 00 “The Legend of Big Kid” & “Parents’” & “Night”
RE023 R ? 5 Dec 00 “The Girl Was Trouble” & “Copycat Kid”
RE011 R ? 6 Dec 00 “Yes, Mikey, Santa Does Shave”
RE032 R 3 Oct 99 7 Dec 00 “Prickly is Leaving” & “Randall’s Friends”
RE003 R ? 8 Dec 00 “First Name Ashley” & “To Finster With Love”
RE020 R ? 10 Dec 00 “The Hypnotist” & “Mama’s Girl”
RE021 R ? 11 Dec 00 “The Game” & “Wild Child”
RE006 R ? 12 Dec 00 “The Story of Whomps” & “Weekend at Muriel’s”
? ? ? 13 Dec 00 Unknown
RE014 R ? 14 Dec 00 “Jinxed” & “Officer Mikey”
RE025 R ? 15 Dec 00 “Economics of Recess” & “Omega Kids”
RE024 R ? 17 Dec 00 “Operation Stuart” & “Pharoah Bob”
RE044 R 27 Feb 00 18 Dec 00 “The Fuss over Finster” & “Soccer Boy”
RE001 R ? 19 Dec 00 “The Great Jungle Gym Stand Off” & “The Voice”
RE008 R ? 20 Dec 00 “The Challenge” & “Dance Lessons”
RE045 R 29 Feb 00 21 Dec 00 “Fort Tender” & “Germ Warfare”
RE026 R ? 22 Dec 00 “Bad Hair Day” & “Principal for a Day”
RE039 R 29 Nov 99 24 Dec 00 “The Candidates” & “This Brain for Hire”
RE011 R ? 25 Dec 00 “Yes, Mikey, Santa Does Shave”
RE047 R 30 Apr 00 26 Dec 00 “Me No Know” & “Good Ole T.J.”
RE037 R 21 Nov 99 27 Dec 00 “Schoolworld” & “Bachelor Gus”
RE022 R ? 28 Dec 00 “Gus’” & “Last Stand” & “Operation Field Trip”
RE010 R ? 29 Dec 00 “Outcast Ashley” & “The Lost Ball”

31 December 2000 to 10 February 2001: 8:00am Sundays, 7:30am Weekdays, & 8:00am Fridays

RE030 R 22 Sep 99 31 Dec 00 “Recess is Cancelled” & “Tattletale Heart”
RE029 R 19 Sep 99 1 Jan 01 “Gus’s Fortune” & “Rumor Mill”
RE049 R 7 May 00 2 Jan 01 “Chez Vince” & “Tucked In Mikey”
RE046 R 1 Mar 00 3 Jan 01 “More Like Gretchen” & “Prince Randall”
RE033 R 7 Nov 9 4 Jan 01 “The Biggest Trouble Ever” & “The Rules”
? ? ? 5 Jan 01 Unknown
? ? ? 5 Jan 01 Unknown
RE028 R 13 Sep 99 7 Jan 01 “Hustler’s Apprentice” & “The Spy Who Came In from the Playground”
RE042 R 20 Feb 00 8 Jan 01 “Yope from Norway” & “Bonky Fever”
RE036 R 16 Nov 99 9 Jan 01 “Good Luck Charm” & “Diggers Split Up”
RE031 R 26 Sep 99 10 Jan 01 “The Madness of King Bob” & “Call Me Guy”
RE048 R 17 Jul 00 11 Jan 01 “Old Folks Home” & “Some Friend”
? ? ? 12 Jan 01 Unknown
? ? ? 12 Jan 01 Unknown
RE035 R 14 Nov 99 14 Jan 01 “Mikey’s Pants” & “Here Comes Mr. Perfect”
RE051 R ? 15 Jan 01 “Dodgeball City” & “A Career to Remember”
RE050 R ? 16 Jan 01 “One Stayed Clean” & “A Genius Among Us”
RE053 R ? 17 Jan 01 “Space Cadet” & “Stand-Up Randall”
RE054 R ? 18 Jan 01 “The Shiner” & “Lord of the Nerds”
? ? ? 19 Jan 01 Unknown
? ? ? 19 Jan 01 Unknown
RE052 R ? 21 Jan 01 “Kindergarten Derby” & “The Bet”
RE057 R ? 22 Jan 01 “The Library Kid” & “The Ratings Game”
RE027 R 12 Sep 99 23 Jan 01 “The First Picture Show” & “The Big Prank”
RE015 R ? 24 Jan 01 “King Gus” & “Big Brother Chad”
RE012 R ? 25 Jan 01 “The Break In” & “The New Kid”
? ? ? 26 Jan 01 Unknown
? ? ? 26 Jan 01 Unknown
RE052 R ? 28 Jan 01 “Kindergarten Derby” & “The Bet”
? ? ? 29 Jan 01 Unknown
RE041 R ? 30 Jan 01 “The Great State Fair” & “The A.V. Kid”
RE040 R 6 Feb 00 31 Jan 01 “Spinelli’s Masterpiece” & “Nobody Doesn’t Like T.J.”
RE018 R ? 1 Feb 01 “Teacher’s Lounge” & “Randall’s Reform”
RE023 R ? 2 Feb 01 “The Girl Was Trouble” & “Copycat Kid”
RE005 R ? 2 Feb 01 “Speedy, We Hardly knew Ye” & “I Will Kick No More Forever”
RE004 R ? 4 Feb 01 “The Legend of Big Kid” & “Parents’” & “Night”
RE003 R ? 5 Feb 01 “First Name Ashley” & “To Finster With Love”
RE032 R 3 Oct 99 6 Feb 01 “Prickly is Leaving” & “Randall’s Friends”
RE021 R ? 7 Feb 01 “The Game” & “Wild Child”
RE006 R ? 8 Feb 01 “The Story of Whomps” & “Weekend at Muriel’s”
RE024 R ? 9 Feb 01 “Operation Stuart” & “Pharoah Bob”
RE014 R ? 9 Feb 01 “Jinxed” & “Officer Mikey”

11 February 2001 to 1 September 2001: 8:00am Sundays & 7:30am Weekdays

RE025 R ? 11 Feb 01 “Economics of Recess” & “Omega Kids”
RE001 R ? 12 Feb 01 “The Great Jungle Gym Stand Off” & “The Voice”
RE044 R 27 Feb 00 13 Feb 01 “The Fuss over Finster” & “Soccer Boy”
RE055 R ? 14 Feb 01 “That Stinking Feeling” & “My Funny Valentines”
RE008 R ? 15 Feb 01 “The Challenge” & “Dance Lessons”
RE039 R 29 Nov 00 16 Feb 01 “The Candidates” & “This Brain for Hire”
RE045 R 29 Feb 00 18 Feb 01 “Fort Tender” & “Germ Warfare”
RE020 R ? 19 Feb 01 “The Hypnotist” & “Mama’s Girl”
RE007 R ? 20 Feb 01 “The Substitute” & “Gretchen and the Secret of Yo”
RE026 R ? 21 Feb 01 “Bad Hair Day” & “Principal for a Day”
RE037 R 21 Nov 99 22 Feb 01 “Schoolworld” & “Bachelor Gus”
RE022 R ? 23 Feb 01 “Gus’” & “Last Stand” & “Operation Field Trip”
RE047 R 30 Apr 00 25 Feb 01 “Me No Know” & “Good Ole T.J.”
RE030 R 22 Sep 99 26 Feb 01 “Recess is Cancelled” & “Tattletale Heart”
RE029 R 19 Sep 99 27 Feb 01 “Gus’s Fortune” & “Rumor Mill”
RE010 R ? 28 Feb 01 “Outcast Ashley” & “The Lost Ball”
RE046 R 1 Mar 00 1 Mar 01 “More Like Gretchen” & “Prince Randall”
RE033 R 7 Nov 9 2 Mar 01 “The Biggest Trouble Ever” & “The Rules”
RE049 R 7 May 00 4 Mar 01 “Chez Vince” & “Tucked In Mikey”
? ? ? 5 Mar 01 Unknown
? ? ? 6 Mar 01 Unknown
? ? ? 7 Mar 01 Unknown
RE031 R 26 Sep 99 8 Mar 01 “The Madness of King Bob” & “Call Me Guy”
RE048 R 17 Jul 00 9 Mar 01 “Old Folks Home” & “Some Friend”
RE036 R 16 Nov 99 11 Mar 01 “Good Luck Charm” & “Diggers Split Up”
RE035 R 14 Nov 99 12 Mar 01 “Mikey’s Pants” & “Here Comes Mr. Perfect”
RE034 R 8 Nov 99 13 Mar 01 “Gus and Misdemeanors” & “A Science Fair to Remember”
RE051 R ? 14 Mar 01 “Dodgeball City” & “A Career to Remember”
RE050 R ? 15 Mar 01 “One Stayed Clean” & “A Genius Among Us”
RE053 R ? 16 Mar 01 “Space Cadet” & “Stand-Up Randall”
RE054 R ? 18 Mar 01 “The Shiner” & “Lord of the Nerds”
RE015 R ? 19 Mar 01 “King Gus” & “Big Brother Chad”
RE027 R 12 Sep 99 20 Mar 01 “The First Picture Show” & “The Big Prank”
RE012 R ? 21 Mar 01 “The Break In” & “The New Kid”
RE057 R ? 22 Mar 01 “The Library Kid” & “The Ratings Game”
RE056 R ? 23 Mar 01 “Barnaby Boys” & “Buried Treasure”
RE052 R ? 25 Mar 01 “Kindergarten Derby” & “The Bet”
RE002 R ? 26 Mar 01 “The Great Can Drive” & “Rainy Days”
RE019 R ? 27 Mar 01 “The Pest” & “Kids in the Mist”
RE017 R ? 28 Mar 01 “The Box” & “The Trial”
RE016 R ? 29 Mar 01 “My Fair Gretchen” & “The Kid Came Back”
RE013 R ? 30 Mar 01 “The Experiment” & “Swing on Thru to the Other Side”
RE009 R ? 1 Apr 01 “The Breakup” & “The Beauty Contest”
RE040 R 6 Feb 00 2 Apr 01 “Spinelli’s Masterpiece” & “Nobody Doesn’t Like T.J.”
RE018 R ? 3 Apr 01 “Teacher’s Lounge” & “Tandall’s Reform”
RE005 R ? 4 Apr 01 “Speedy, We Hardly knew Ye” & “I Will Kick No More Forever”
RE023 R ? 5 Apr 01 “The Girl Was Trouble” & “Copycat Kid”
RE043 R 21 Feb 00 6 Apr 01 “Don’t Ask Me” & “The Secret Life of Grotke”
RE041 R ? 8 Apr 01 “The Great State Fair” & “The A.V. Kid”
RE006 R ? 9 Apr 01 “The Story of Whomps” & “Weekend at Muriel’s”
RE014 R ? 10 Apr 01 “Jinxed” & “Officer Mikey”
RE032 R 3 Oct 99 11 Apr 01 “Prickly is Leaving” & “Randall’s Friends”
RE004 R ? 12 Apr 01 “The Legend of Big Kid” & “Parents’” & “Night”
RE021 R ? 13 Apr 01 “The Game” & “Wild Child”
RE003 R ? 15 Apr 01 “First Name Ashley” & “To Finster With Love”
RE024 R ? 16 Apr 01 “Operation Stuart” & “Pharoah Bob”
RE055 R ? 17 Apr 01 “That Stinking Feeling” & “My Funny Valentines”
RE001 R ? 18 Apr 01 “The Great Jungle Gym Stand Off” & “The Voice”
RE025 R ? 19 Apr 01 “Economics of Recess” & “Omega Kids”
RE008 R ? 20 Apr 01 “The Challenge” & “Dance Lessons”
RE044 R 27 Feb 00 22 Apr 01 “The Fuss over Finster” & “Soccer Boy”
RE039 R 29 Nov 99 23 Apr 01 “The Candidates” & “This Brain for Hire”
RE020 R ? 24 Apr 01 “The Hypnotist” & “Mama’s Girl”
RE045 R 29 Feb 00 25 Apr 01 “Fort Tender” & “Germ Warfare”
RE026 R ? 26 Apr 01 “Bad Hair Day” & “Principal for a Day”
RE007 R ? 27 Apr 01 “The Substitute” & “Gretchen and the Secret of Yo”
RE037 R 21 Nov 99 29 Apr 01“Schoolworld” & “Bachelor Gus”
RE022 R ? 30 Apr 01 “Gus’” & “Last Stand” & “Operation Field Trip”
RE010 R ? 1 May 01 “Outcast Ashley” & “The Lost Ball”
RE047 R 30 Apr 00 2 May 01 “Me No Know” & “Good Ole T.J.”
RE030 R 22 Sep 99 3 May 01 “Recess is Cancelled” & “Tattletale Heart”
RE029 R 19 Sep 99 4 May 01 “Gus’s Fortune” & “Rumor Mill”
RE046 R 1 Mar 00 6 May 01 “More Like Gretchen” & “Prince Randall”
RE033 R 7 Nov 9 7 May 01 “The Biggest Trouble Ever” & “The Rules”
RE038 R 28 Nov 99 8 May 01 “The Dude” & “Partners in Crime”
RE053 R ? 9 May 01 “Space Cadet” & “Stand-Up Randall”
RE014 R ? 10 May 01 “Jinxed” & “Officer Mikey”
RE049 R 7 May 00 11 May 01 “Chez Vince” & “Tucked In Mikey”
RE028 R 13 Sep 99 13 May 01 “Hustler’s Apprentice” & “The Spy Who Came In from the Playground”
RE051 R ? 14 May 01 “Dodgeball City” & “A Career to Remember”
RE048 R 17 Jul 00 15 May 01 “Old Folks Home” & “Some Friend”
RE036 R 16 Nov 99 16 May 01 “Good Luck Charm” & “Diggers Split Up”
RE035 R 14 Nov 99 17 May 01 “Mikey’s Pants” & “Here Comes Mr. Perfect”
RE050 R ? 18 May 01 “One Stayed Clean” & “A Genius Among Us”
RE034 R 8 Nov 99 20 May 01 “Gus and Misdemeanors” & “A Science Fair to Remember”
RE027 R 12 Sep 99 21 May 01 “The First Picture Show” & “The Big Prank”
RE015 R ? 22 May 01 “King Gus” & “Big Brother Chad”
RE031 R 26 Sep 99 23 May 01 “The Madness of King Bob” & “Call Me Guy”
RE012 R ? 24 May 01 “The Break In” & “The New Kid”
RE054 R ? 25 May 01 “The Shiner” & “Lord of the Nerds”
RE057 R ? 27 May 01 “The Library Kid” & “The Ratings Game”
RE052 R ? 28 May 01 “Kindergarten Derby” & “The Bet”
RE002 R ? 29 May 01 “The Great Can Drive” & “Rainy Days”
RE019 R ? 30 May 01 “The Pest” & “Kids in the Mist”
RE056 R ? 31 May 01 “Barnaby Boys” & “Buried Treasure”
RE017 R ? 1 Jun 01 “The Box” & “The Trial”
RE016 R ? 3 Jun 01 “My Fair Gretchen” & “The Kid Came Back”
RE009 R ? 4 Jun 01 “The Breakup” & “The Beauty Contest”
RE005 R ? 5 Jun 01 “Speedy, We Hardly knew Ye” & “I Will Kick No More Forever”
RE023 R ? 6 Jun 01 “The Girl Was Trouble” & “Copycat Kid”
RE013 R ? 7 Jun 01 “The Experiment” & “Swing on Thru to the Other Side”
RE040 R 6 Feb 00 8 Jun 01 “Spinelli’s Masterpiece” & “Nobody Doesn’t Like T.J.”
RE018 R ? 10 Jun 01 “Teacher’s Lounge” & “Randall’s Reform”
RE041 R ? 11 Jun 01 “The Great State Fair” & “The A.V. Kid”
RE004 R ? 12 Jun 01 “The Legend of Big Kid” & “Parents’” & “Night”
RE014 R ? 13 Jun 01 “Jinxed” & “Officer Mikey”
RE043 R 21 Feb 00 14 Jun 01 “Don’t Ask Me” & “The Secret Life of Grotke”
RE032 R 3 Oct 99 15 Jun 01 “Prickly is Leaving” & “Randall’s Friends”
RE006 R ? 17 Jun 01 “The Story of Whomps” & “Weekend at Muriel’s”
RE025 R ? 18 Jun 01 “Economics of Recess” & “Omega Kids”
RE024 R ? 19 Jun 01 “Operation Stuart” & “Pharoah Bob”
RE003 R ? 20 Jun 01 “First Name Ashley” & “To Finster With Love”
RE001 R ? 21 Jun 01 “The Great Jungle Gym Stand Off” & “The Voice”
RE055 R ? 22 Jun 01 “That Stinking Feeling” & “My Funny Valentines”
RE021 R ? 24 Jun 01 “The Game” & “Wild Child”
RE008 R ? 25 Jun 01 “The Challenge” & “Dance Lessons”
RE039 R 29 Nov 99 26 Jun 01 “The Candidates” & “This Brain for Hire”
RE044 R 27 Feb 00 27 Jun 01 “The Fuss over Finster” & “Soccer Boy”
RE020 R ? 28 Jun 01 “The Hypnotist” & “Mama’s Girl”
RE045 R 29 Feb 00 29 Jun 01 “Fort Tender” & “Germ Warfare”
RE026 R ? 1 Jul 01 “Bad Hair Day” & “Principal for a Day”
RE047 R 30 Apr 00 2 Jul 01 “Me No Know” & “Good Ole T.J.”
RE037 R 21 Nov 99 3 Jul 01 “Schoolworld” & “Bachelor Gus”
RE022 R ? 4 Jul 01 “Gus’” & “Last Stand” & “Operation Field Trip”
RE007 R ? 5 Jul 01 “The Substitute” & “Gretchen and the Secret of Yo”
RE030 R 22 Sep 99 6 Jul 01 “Recess is Cancelled” & “Tattletale Heart”
RE010 R ? 8 Jul 01 “Outcast Ashley” & “The Lost Ball”
RE031 R 26 Sep 99 9 Jul 01 “The Madness of King Bob” & “Call Me Guy”
RE046 R 1 Mar 00 10 Jul 01 “More Like Gretchen” & “Prince Randall”
RE033 R 7 Nov 9 11 Jul 01 “The Biggest Trouble Ever” & “The Rules”
RE038 R 28 Nov 99 12 Jul 01 “The Dude” & “Partners in Crime”
RE042 R 20 Feb 00 13 Jul 01 “Yope from Norway” & “Bonky Fever”
RE029 R 19 Sep 99 15 Jul 01 “Gus’s Fortune” & “Rumor Mill”
RE048 R 17 Jul 00 16 Jul 01 “Old Folks Home” & “Some Friend”
RE036 R 16 Nov 99 17 Jul 01 “Good Luck Charm” & “Diggers Split Up”
RE049 R 7 May 00 18 Jul 01 “Chez Vince” & “Tucked In Mikey”
RE028 R 13 Sep 99 19 Jul 01 “Hustler’s Apprentice” & “The Spy Who Came In from the Playground”
RE035 R 14 Nov 99 20 Jul 01 “Mikey’s Pants” & “Here Comes Mr. Perfect”
RE051 R ? 22 Jul 01 “Dodgeball City” & “A Career to Remember”
RE050 R ? 23 Jul 01 “One Stayed Clean” & “A Genius Among Us”
RE053 R ? 24 Jul 01 “Space Cadet” & “Stand-Up Randall”
RE015 R ? 25 Jul 01 “King Gus” & “Big Brother Chad”
RE011 R ? 26 Jul 01 “Yes, Mikey, Santa Does Shave”
RE035 R 14 Nov 99 27 Jul 01 “Mikey’s Pants” & “Here Comes Mr. Perfect”
RE027 R 12 Sep 99 29 Jul 01 “The First Picture Show” & “The Big Prank”
RE057 R ? 30 Jul 01 “The Library Kid” & “The Ratings Game”
RE052 R ? 31 Jul 01 “Kindergarten Derby” & “The Bet”
RE054 R ? 1 Aug 01 “The Shiner” & “Lord of the Nerds”
RE019 R ? 2 Aug 01 “The Pest” & “Kids in the Mist”
RE002 R ? 3 Aug 01 “The Great Can Drive” & “Rainy Days”
RE012 R ? 5 Aug 01 “The Break In” & “The New Kid”
RE016 R ? 6 Aug 01 “My Fair Gretchen” & “The Kid Came Back”
RE009 R ? 7 Aug 01 “The Breakup” & “The Beauty Contest”
RE056 R ? 8 Aug 01 “Barnaby Boys” & “Buried Treasure”
RE017 R ? 9 Aug 01 “The Box” & “The Trial”
RE005 R ? 10 Aug 01 “Speedy, We Hardly knew Ye” & “I Will Kick No More Forever”
RE023 R ? 12 Aug 01 “The Girl Was Trouble” & “Copycat Kid”
RE018 R ? 13 Aug 01 “Teacher’s Lounge” & “Randall’s Reform”
RE040 R 6 Feb 00 14 Aug 01 “Spinelli’s Masterpiece” & “Nobody Doesn’t Like T.J.”
RE004 R ? 15 Aug 01 “The Legend of Big Kid” & “Parents’” & “Night”
RE041 R ? 16 Aug 01 “The Great State Fair” & “The A.V. Kid”
RE014 R ? 17 Aug 01 “Jinxed” & “Officer Mikey”
RE013 R ? 19 Aug 01 “The Experiment” & “Swing on Thru to the Other Side”
RE032 R 3 Oct 99 20 Aug 01 “Prickly is Leaving” & “Randall’s Friends”
RE025 R ? 21 Aug 01 “Economics of Recess” & “Omega Kids”
RE024 R ? 22 Aug 01 “Operation Stuart” & “Pharoah Bob”
RE003 R ? 23 Aug 01 “First Name Ashley” & “To Finster With Love”
RE006 R ? 24 Aug 01 “The Story of Whomps” & “Weekend at Muriel’s”
RE043 R 21 Feb 00 26 Aug 01 “Don’t Ask Me” & “The Secret Life of Grotke”
RE021 R ? 27 Aug 01 “The Game” & “Wild Child”
RE008 R ? 28 Aug 01 “The Challenge” & “Dance Lessons”
RE039 R 29 Nov 99 29 Aug 01 “The Candidates” & “This Brain for Hire”
RE044 R 27 Feb 00 30 Aug 01 “The Fuss over Finster” & “Soccer Boy”
RE020 R ? 31 Aug 01 “The Hypnotist” & “Mama’s Girl”

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The contents and layout of these pages are Copyright ©1995–2002 Aaron Greenhouse. All Rights Reserved. This copyright does not apply to material that I have obtained from elsewhere, such as pictures, press releases, or the ownership of ratings information.

This site is maintained by Aaron Greenhouse. If you have information to contribute, questions, or comments mail ’em to me...