SCS Honors & Awards
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh PA 15213-3891
(412)268-8525 . (412)268-5576 (fax)
Allen Newell Award for Research Excellence
--Established in 1992, in honor of Allen Newell, the U.A. and Helen Whitaker
University Processor of Computer Science, this award is in tribute to a research style that was both engaging and amazing in its clarity, breadth, and
commitment to real answers and first-class science. The award is awarded by
the School annually, or as warranted, to recognize outstanding research both
within and external to the School of Computer Science.

Garth A. Gibson
Randal R. Bryant
Symbolic Model Checking 98
Edmund M. Clarke
Symbolic Model Checking 98
E. Allen Emerson
Symbolic Model Checking 98
Kenneth L. McMillan
Symbolic Model Checking 98

Hesheng Bao
The Quake Project
Jacobo Bielak
The Quake Project
Omar Ghattas
The Quake Project
Thomas Gross
The Quake Project
Loukas Kallivokas
The Quake Project
David O'Hallaron
The Quake Project
Jonathan Shewchuk
The Quake Project
Jifeng Xu
The Quake Project
Michael Bowling
RoboCup 1998 - Robot Soccer
Will Uther
RoboCup 1998 - Robot Soccer

Omead Amidi
Contributions to an Autonomous Vision-Based Helicopter
Deepak Bapna
Contributions to the NOMAD Atacama Desert Trek
Mark DeLouis
Contributions to an Autonomous Vision-Based Helicoptor
Kerien Fitzpatrick
Contributions to the DEMETER Agricultural Robot
Todd Jochem
Contributions to Automated Highway System Vehicles
Takeo Kanade
Contributions to an Autonomous Vision-Based Helicopter
Mark Maimone
Contributions to the NOMAD Atacama Desert Trek
John Murphy
Contributions to the NOMAD Atacama Desert Trek
Daniel Mark Ollis
Contributions to the DEMETER Agricultural Robot
Dean Pomerleau
Contributions to Automated Highway System Vehicles
Eric Rollins
Contributions to the NOMAD Atacama Desert Trek
Mark Sibenac
Contributions to the NOMAD Atacama Desert Trek
Anthony Stentz
Contributions to the DEMETER Agricultural Robot
Charles Thorpe
Contributions to Automated Highway System Vehicles
William Whittaker
Contributions to the NOMAD Atacama Desert Trek
Dana Scott
The Rolf Schock Prize 1997 - Logic and Philosophy
Mahadev Satyanarayanan
Peter Lee
For Proof Carrying Code
George Necula
For Proof Carrying Code
Sorin Achim
RoboCup 1997 - Robot Soccer
Kwan Han
RoboCup 1997 - Robot Soccer
Peter Stone
RoboCup 1997 - Robot Soccer
Manuela Veloso
RoboCup 1997 - Robot Soccer
Thomas Anantharaman
Deep Thought, First Grandmaster Perf., 1997
Lawrence R. Atkin
CHESS 4.7, First Class B, A, Expert, 1970-78
Hans Berliner
Hitech, First Senior Master, 1988
Michael Browne
Deep Thought, First Grandmaster Perf., 1997
Murray Campbell
Hitech, First Senior Master, 1988;
Deep Thought, First Grandmaster Perf., 1988;
Deep Blue, Defeated World Champion, 1997
Joseph Condon
Belle, First Master, 1983
Carl Ebeling
Hitech, First Senior Master, 1988
Gordon Goetsch
Hitech, First Senior Master, 1988
Richard Greenblatt
MacHack VI, First Class C, 1967
A. Joseph Hoane, Jr.
Deep Blue, Defeated World Champion, 1997
Feng Hsu
Deep Thought, First Grandmaster Perf., 1988;
Deep Blue, Defeated World Champion, 1997
Andreas Nowatzyk
Deep Thought, First Grandmaster Perf., 1997
David J. Slate
CHESS 4.7, First Class B, A, Expert, 1970-78
Ken Thompson
Belle, First Master, 1983

Fil Alleva
Search Archiectures for SPHINX-II
Robert Brennan
Dynamic Speech Architectures
Xuedong Huang
Leadership in Speech Recognition: SPHINX-II
Mei-Yuh Hwang
Acoustic Modeling for SPHINX-II
Sunil Issar
Understand Spontaneous Speech: PHOENIX
Fu-Hua Liu
Robust Speech Recognition
Ronald Rosenfeld
Language Modeling for SPHINX-II
Richard Stern
Robust Speech Recognition
Eric Thayer
Real-time Speech Understanding Systems
Wayne Ward
Understand Spontaneous Speech: PHOENIX
Robert Weide
Database Support (and error analysis) for Speech