Greatly borrowed from MIT's MATLAB on Athena tutorial (
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- From command line: matlab
- Start the program from Windows or Mac OSX.
The most straightforward way to initialize a matrix is to type a command of the form:
variable = [value1-1 value1-2 value1-3 ... ; value2-1 value2-2 ...]
where each value may be rational or complex numbers. Within the square brackets that are used to form vectors and matrices, you can use a semicolon to end a row. For example:
>> x = [1 2 3 4; 0 9 3 8]
x =
1 2 3 4
0 9 3 8
(Note: You can also use the semicolon after an expression or statement to suppress printing or to separate statements.)
You can also initialize matrices with complex numbers:
>> x = [4+5i 2 4; 1 3+i 7]
x =
4.0000 + 5.0000i 2.0000 4.0000
1.0000 3.0000 + 1.0000i 7.0000
When entering complex numbers as matrix elements within brackets, it is important to not use blanks. In the example above, the expression 4 + 5i, with the + sign surrounded by blanks, would represent two separate numbers.
(In MATLAB 4, the * operator is not required in complex numbers, as it was in previous versions.)
Vectors and scalars are initialized the same way as matrices. It is important to note that MATLAB indexes matrices in the following manner:
(1,1) (1,2) (1,3) (1,4)
(2,1) (2,2) (2,3) (2,4)
This means that the first element always has index (1,1), not (0,0).
If x is already defined as a vector of the form [val1 val2 val3 val4...] then you can define a new variable as a subset of x by using the index of the specific value in vector x. For example, if x is defined as [2 4 1 7], then:
>> z = x(3)
z =
You can specify a value in matrix y the same way:
>> y = [ 1 2 3 4 5; 3 4 5 6 7]
y =
1 2 3 4 5
3 4 5 6 7
>> z = y(2,1)
z =
You can also specify a range of numbers in a defined vector or matrix using the colon operator. The colon causes MATLAB to step in sequence through the numbers specified. For example,
>> z = (1:5)
z =
1 2 3 4 5
So, using the y matrix defined above, you could specify a subset of y using the colon:
>> z = y(1:2,2:3)
z =
2 3
4 5
MATLAB has a variety of built-in functions to make it easier for you to construct matrices without having to enumerate all the elements. (The following examples show both vectors and matrices.)
The ones function creates a matrix whose elements are all ones. Typing ones(m,n) creates an m row by n column matrix of ones. To create a ones matrix that is the same size as an existing matric, you can use ones(size(X)). This does not affect the input argument. For example (this definition of x applies to subsequent examples in this section):
>> x = [1 2 3 4; 0 9 3 8]
x =
1 2 3 4
0 9 3 8
>> y = ones(size(x))
y =
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
The zeros function is similar to the ones function. Typing zeros(m,n) creates an m-by-n matrix of zeros, and zeros(size(x)) will create a two-by-four matrix of zeros, if x is defined the same way as above.
The max and min functions return the largest and smallest values in a vector. For example (this definition of z applies to the following series of examples):
>> z = [1 2 -9 3 -3 -5]
z =
1 2 -9 3 -3 -5
>> max(z)
ans =
If called with a matrix as its argument, max returns a row vector in which each element is the maximum value of each column of the input matrix. The max function can also return a second value: the index of the maximum value in the vector. To get this, assign the result of the call to max to a two element vector instead of just a single variable.
For example:
>> [a b] = max(z)
a =
b =
where a is the maximum value of the vector and b is the index of that value. The MATLAB function min is exactly parallel to max:
>> min(z)
ans =
sum and prod are two more useful functions for matrices. If z is a vector, sum(z) is the sum of all the elements of the vector z:
>> sum(z)
ans =
For matrices, sum sums the columns. For example:
>> w = magic(3);
>> w
w =
8 1 6
3 5 7
4 9 2
>> sum(w)
ans =
15 15 15
>> sum(sum(w))
ans =
Similarly, prod(z) is the product of all the elements of z.
>> prod(z)
ans =
Often, it is useful to define a vector as a subunit of a previously defined vector. To do this, you can use the colon operator. For example, using the z defined above,
>> z
z =
1 2 -9 3 -3 -5
>> y = z(2:5)
y =
2 -9 3 -3
where (2:5) represents the sequence of index values to be taken from the larger vector.
The size function returns a two-element vector giving the dimensions of the matrix with which it was called. For example:
>> x = [1 2 3 4; 0 9 3 8]
x =
1 2 3 4
0 9 3 8
>> y = size(x)
y =
2 4
You can also define the result to be two separate values (as shown in the max example):
>> [m n] = size(x)
m =
n =
The length operator returns the length of a vector. If z is defined as in the above examples,
>> length(z)
ans =
For matrices, length is the length or the width, whichever is greater, i.e., length(z) is equivalent to max(size(z)).
MATLAB uses a straight-forward notation for basic scalar arithmetic. The following table summarizes simple MATLAB notation:
+ addition
- subtraction
* multiplication
/ division
^ exponentiation
All of these work for two scalars, including complex scalars. You can also add, subtract, multiply or divide all the elements of a vector or matrix by a scalar. For example, if x is a matrix or vector, then x+1 adds one to each element x, and x/2 divides each element of x by 2. x^2 does not square each element of x, but x.^2 does. Matrix and vector exponentiation are discussed later.
Another useful operator is the colon (:), which you use to specify a range of numbers (as a vector). For example:
>> x = 1:4
x =
1 2 3 4
You can optionally give the range indicator a step size as the middle element in a series of colons. For example:
>> x = 8:-1:5
x =
8 7 6 5
>> x = 0:0.25:1.25
x =
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25
The special operator ' (prime or apostrophe) denotes the transposition of a matrix. For example:
>> a = [1 2 3]
a =
1 2 3
>> a'
ans =
You often may want to perform an operation on each element of a vector while doing a computation. For example, you may want to add two vectors by adding all of the corresponding elements. The addition (+) and subtraction (-) operators are defined to work on matrices as well as scalars. For example, if x = [1 2 3] and y = [5 6 2], then
>> w = x+y
w =
6 8 5
Multiplying two matrices element by element is a little different. The * symbol is defined as matrix multiplication when used on two matrices. Use .* to specify element-wise multiplication. So, using the x and y from above,
>> w = x .* y
w =
5 12 6
You can perform exponentiation on a vector similarly. Typing x .^ 2 squares each element of x.
>> w = x .^ 2
w =
1 4 9
Finally, you cannot use / to divide two matrices element-wise, since / and \ are reserved for left and right matrix ``division.'' Instead, you must use the ./ function. For example:
>> w = y ./ x
w =
5.0000 3.0000 0.6667
All of these operations work for complex numbers as well (the * operator is no longer required in complex numbers).
The abs operator returns the magnitude of its argument. If applied to a vector, it returns a vector of the magnitudes of the elements. For example, if x = [2 -4 3-4i -3i]:
>> y = abs(x)
y =
2 4 5 3
The angle operator returns the phase angle (i.e., the "argument") of its operand in radians. The angle operator can also work element-wise across a vector. For example:
>> phase = angle(x)
0 3.1416 -0.9273 -1.5708
The sqrt function computes the square root of its argument. If its argument is a matrix or vector, it computes the square root of each element. For example:
>> x
x =
4 -9 i 2-2i
>> y = sqrt(x)
y =
2.0000 0 + 3.0000i 0.7071 + 0.7071i 1.5538 - 0.6436i
MATLAB also has operators for taking the real part, imaginary part, or complex conjugate of a complex number. These functions are real, imag and conj, respectively. They are defined to work element-wise on any matrix or vector.
MATLAB has several operators that round fractional numbers to integers. The round function rounds its argument to the nearest integer. The fix function rounds its argument to the nearest integer towards zero, e.g. rounds ``down'' for positive numbers, and ``up'' for negative numbers. The floor function rounds its argument to the nearest integer towards negative infinity, e.g. ``down.'' The ceil (short for ceiling) function rounds its argument to the nearest integer towards positive infinity, e.g. ``up.''
round rounds to nearest integer
fix rounds to nearest integer towards zero
floor rounds down (towards negative infinity)
ceil rounds up (towards positive infinity)
All of these commands are defined to work element-wise on matrices and vectors. If you apply one of them to a complex number, it will round both the real and imaginary part in the manner indicated. For example:
>> ceil(3.1+2.4i)
4.0000 + 3.0000i
MATLAB can also calculate the remainder of an integer division operation. If x = y * n + r, where n is an integer and r is less than n but is not negative, then rem(x,y) is r. For example:
>> x
8 5 11
>> y
6 5 3
>> r = rem(x,y)
2 0 2
The standard trigonometric operations are all defined as element-wise operators. The operators sin, cos and tan calculate the sine, cosine and tangent of their arguments. The arguments to these functions are angles in radians. Note that the functions are also defined on complex arguments. For example, cos(x+iy) = cos(x)cosh(y) - i sin(x)sinh(y). The inverse trig functions (acos, asin and atan) are also defined to operate element-wise across matrices. Again, these are defined on complex numbers, which can lead to problems for the incautious user. The arctangent is defined to return angles between pi/2 and -pi/2.
In addition to the primary interval arctangent discussed above, MATLAB has a full four-quadrant arctangent operator, atan2. atan2(y,x) returns the angle between -pi and pi whose tangent is the real part of y/x. If x and y are vectors, atan2(y,x) divides y by x element-wise, then returns a vector in which each element is the four-quadrant arctangent of corresponding element of the y/x vector.
MATLAB also includes functions for exponentials and logarithms. The exp operator computes e to the power of its argument. This works element-wise, and on complex numbers. The pi function returns the floating point number nearest the value of pi. So, to generate the complex exponential with a frequency of pi/4, we could type:
>> n = 0:7;
>> s = exp(i*(pi/4)*n)
s =
Columns 1 through 4
1.00 0.7071+0.7071i 0.00+1.0000i -0.7071+0.7071i
Columns 5 through 8
-1.0000 + 0.0000i -0.7071 - 0.7071i -0.0000 - 1.0000i 0.7071 - 0.7071i
MATLAB also has natural and base-10 logarithms. The log function calculates natural logs, and log10 calculates base-10 logs. Both operate element-wise for vectors. Both are defined for complex values.
MATLAB allows you to perform boolean operations on vectors element-wise. For the purpose of boolean algebra, MATLAB regards anything with a non-zero real part as true, and everything else as as false. MATLAB uses & for the boolean and operator, | for or, and ~ for not. For example:
>> x = [1 0 2 4] & [0 0 1 i]
x =
0 0 1 0
>> x = [1 0 2 4] | [0 0 1 i]
x =
1 0 1 1
In addition, you can run a cumulative boolean "or" or boolean "and" across all the elements of a matrix or vector. If v is a vector or matrix, any(v) returns true if the real part of any element of v is non-zero; all(v) returns true if all the elements of v have non-zero real parts.
You can also compare two vectors element-wise with any of six basic relational operators:
< less than
> greater than
== equal to
~= not equal to
<= less than or equal to
>= greater than or equal to
For example:
>> x = [1 2 3 4 5] <= [5 4 3 2 1]
x =
1 1 1 0 0
Relational operators are particularly important in programming control structures.
MATLAB includes several control structures to allow you to write programs. The for command allows you to make a command or series of commands be executed several times. It is functionally very similar to the for function in C. For example, typing
for i = 1:4
causes MATLAB to make the variable i count from 1 to 4, and print its value for each step (the indentations in the for structure are optional). From the above example, MATLAB would return:
i =
i =
i =
i =
Every for command must have a matching end statement to indicate which commands should be executed several times. You can have nested for loops. For example:
for m = 1:3
for n = 1:3
x (m,n) = m + n*i;
defines x to be the matrix:
x =
1.0000 + 1.0000i 1.0000 + 2.0000i 1.0000 + 3.0000i
2.0000 + 1.0000i 2.0000 + 2.0000i 2.0000 + 3.0000i
3.0000 + 1.0000i 3.0000 + 2.0000i 3.0000 + 3.0000i
(This is yet another way to define a matrix.)
The if command lets you have programs that make decisions about what commands to execute. The basic command looks like:
if a > 0
x = a^2;
This command assigns x to be the value of "a" squared, if a is positive. Note that it has to have an end to indicate which commands are actually part of the if. In addition, you can define an else clause which is executed if the condition you gave the if is not true. The example above might be expanded thus:
if a > 0
x = a^2;
x = - a^2;
For this version, if you had already set a to be 2, then x would get the value 4, but if a was -3, x would be -9. Note that you only need one end, which comes after all the clauses of the if. Finally, you can expand the if to include several possible conditions. If the first condition isn't satisfied, it looks for the next, and so on, until it either finds an else, or finds the end. For example:
if a > 0
x = a^2;
elseif a == 0,
x = i;
x = - a^2;
This command checks whether a is positive: if a is not positive, it checks whether a is zero; if a is not zero, it does the else clause. Thus, if a is positive, x well be a squared, if a is 0, x will be i, and if a is negative, then x will be the negative of a squared.
The third major control structure is the while command. The while command allows you to execute a group of commands until some condition is no longer true. These commands appear between the while and its matching end statement. For example, if you want to start x at 2 and keep squaring x until it is greater than one million, you would type:
x = 2
while x < 1000000
x = x^2;
This runs until x is 4.2950e+09. Everything between the while line and the end is executed until the boolean condition on the while line is no longer true. You have to make sure this condition will eventually stop being true, or the command will never finish. If it is not initially true, no commands will be executed.
The pause and keyboard commands can be useful in functions that you write yourself. The pause command causes MATLAB to wait for a key to be pressed before continuing. The keyboard command passes control to the keyboard, indicated by a the prompt K>>. You can examine or change variables, or issue any MATLAB command. Terminate keyboard mode by executing the command return at the K>> prompt.
Sometimes you will want to terminate a for or while loop early. You can use the break command to jump out of a for or while command. For example, you could rewrite the while example above using break:
while 1
if x > 1000000
x = x^2;
Sometimes, you only want to perform an operation on certain elements of a vector, such as all the elements of the vector that are less than 0. One way to do this is a for loop that checks to see whether each element is less than zero, and if so, does the appropriate function. However, MATLAB includes another way to do this. If you say
>> x(x<0) = - x(x<0)
MATLAB changes all the negative elements of the vector x to be positive. The following sequence of commands illustrates this:
>> x = [-3 -2 0 2 4]
x =
-3 -2 0 2 4
>> x(x<0) = - x(x<0)
x =
3 2 0 2 4
Though this notation can be more confusing than a for loop, MATLAB is written such that this operation executes much, much faster than the equivalent for loop.
You can also perform operations on a vector conditionally based upon the value of the corresponding element of another vector. For example, if you want to divide two vectors element-wise, you have to worry about what happens if the denominator vector includes zeros. One way to deal with this is shown below.
>> x = [3 2 0 2 4]
x =
3 2 0 2 4
>> y = [1 1 1 1 1]
y =
1 1 1 1 1
>> q = zeros(1,length(y))
q =
0 0 0 0 0
>> q(x~=0) = y(x~=0) ./ x(x~=0)
q =
0.3333 0.5000 0 0.5000 0.2500
You can perform this type of conditional indexing with any boolean operator discussed earlier, or even with boolean operators on the results of functions on elements of vectors. For example:
>> q((x<=3) & (q<=0.4)) = q((x<=3) & (q<=0.4)) + 14
q =
14.3333 0.5000 0 0.5000 0.2500
Vectors can also be used to represent polynomials. If you want to represent an Nth-order polynomial, you use a length N+1 vector where the elements are the coefficients of the polynomial arranged in descending order of exponent. So, to define y = x^2 - 5x + 6, you would type:
>> y = [1 -5 6];
The MATLAB roots function calculates the roots of a polynomial for you. If y is defined as above:
>> roots(y)
ans =
MATLAB also has the poly function, which takes a vector and returns the polynomial whose roots are the elements of that vector.
You can multiply two polynomials using the conv function. The convolution of the coefficient vectors is equivalent to multiplying the polynomials. For example, if we define w = 3x^2 - 4x -1 (so the vector x = [3 -4 -1]) and use the y given above:
>> z = conv(w,y)
z =
3 -19 37 -19 -6
The polyval function returns the value of a polynomial at a specific point. For example:
>> polyval(y,1)
ans =
The polyval function also works element-wise across a vector of points, returning the vector where each element is the value of the polynomial at the corresponding element of the input vector.
MATLAB has several libraries that contain files of functions called M-files. An M-file consists of a sequence of MATLAB statements (see Creating Your Own Functions). To see the complete list of libraries, type the command path at the MATLAB >> prompt. In Matlab 4, the path for a library of M-files is $MATLAB/toolbox/xxxx.
For example, one library that is used for a class here at MIT is the Signal Processing Library. You can look at the texts of the M-files for these functions in /mit/matlab/Matlab4.1/toolbox/signal. Look for a file that has the same name as a function, but ends with an .m.
The list you get with the path command is also MATLAB's current directory search path. MATLAB's search rules are as follows; when you enter a name, MATLAB:
1. Looks to see if the name is a variable.
2. Looks for it as a built-in function.
3. Searches in the current directory for the related .m file.
4. Searches the directories specified by path for the .m file.
You can also use path, with appropriate arguments, to add or change directories in the search path. For details, type help path at the MATLAB >> prompt, or see path in the MATLAB Reference Guide.
MATLAB supports several commands that allow you to display results of your computations graphically. Graphs are displayed in a graphics window that MATLAB creates when you give one of the plotting commands. The default graphics window starts up with a black background. To change this, before issuing any plotting commands, type the command whitebg at the MATLAB >> prompt.
The following are some of the large number of new plot types that have been added to MATLAB 4.0:
3-D shaded color surface graphs
3-D contour plots
3-D line trajectories
3-D volumetric "slice" plots
3-D axes on mesh and surface plots
Combination surface and contour plots
Image display
Lighting and rendering models
The plot command is the simplest way of graphing data. If x is a vector, plot(x) will plot the elements of x against their indices. The adjacent values of x will be connected by lines. For example, to plot the discrete-time sequence that is a sinusoid of frequency pi/6, you would type:
>> n = 0:11;
>> y = sin((pi/6)*n);
>> plot(n,y)
When plot gets two vectors for arguments, it creates a graph with the first argument as the abscissa values, and the second vector as ordinate values. In the example above, plot will use the values of y for the y-axis, and the values of n for the x-axis. If you typed:
>> plot(y)
MATLAB would use the values of y for the y-axis and their indices for the x-axis. Notice that the first value graphed would have an abscissa value of one, and not zero. This is because MATLAB indexes vector elements beginning with one, not zero.
You can also change the type of line used to connect the points by including a third argument specifying line type. The format for this is plot(x,y,line-type). The line types available are:
'-' solid line (default)
'--' dashed line
':' dotted line
'-.' line of alternating dots and dashes
Whichever character you chose to use must be enclosed by single quotes. For example, plot(n,y,':') would create the same graph as above, except that the points would be connected by a dotted line. The default line type is solid. In this case, it is misleading to connect the adjacent values by lines, since this is a graph of a discrete-time sequence. Instead, we should just put a mark to indicate each sample value. We can do this by using a different set of characters in place of the line-type argument. If we use a '.', each sample is marked by a point. Using a '+' marks each sample with a + sign, '*' uses stars, 'o' uses circles, and 'x' uses x's. For example, the following command plots the values of y against their indices, marking each sample with a circle:
>> plot(n,y,'o')
You can also plot several graphs on the same axis. For example, the following command plots y1 versus x1 and y2 versus x2 on the same axis using different line types for each graph:
You can also include a specific line or point type (from the list above) for each graph:
You can also create plots with either or both axes changed to log-scale. All of these functions follow the same conventions for arguments and line or point types as plot:
Command X-Axis Scale Y-Axis Scale
loglog logarithmic logarithmic
semilogy linear logarithmic
semilogx logarithmic linear
You can use additional MATLAB commands to title your graphs or put text labels on your axes. For example, the following command labels the current graph at the top with the text enclosed in single quotes:
>> title('MATLAB Graph #1')
Similarly, the following commands label the x- and y-axes:
>> xlabel('This is the x-axis')
>> ylabel('This is the y-axis')
The axis command is used to control the limits and scaling of the current graph. Typing
[min-x max-x min-y max-y] = axis
will assign a four-element vector to a that sets the ``minimum ranges'' for the axes. The first element is the minimum x-value, the second is the maximum x-value for the current graph. The third and fourth elements are the minimum and maximum y-values, respectively. You can set the values of the axes by calling the axis function with a four-element vector for an argument. You might want to do this, for example, if you were going to plot several sets of data on the same graph and you knew that the range of one set of data was significantly larger than the other.
The elements of the vector you use to set the values of the axes should be your choices for the x- and y-axis limits, in the same order as specified above ([x-min x-max y-min y-max]). So, if you type
>> axis([-10 10 -5 5])
you will rescale the axis in the graphics window so the x-axis goes at least from -10 to 10, and the y-axis from -5 to 5. The axis command can be stubborn, and may expand your limits to larger limits it finds easier to draw. There is unfortunately little you can do about this.
The hold command will keep the current plot and axes even if you plot another graph. The new graph will just be put on the current axes (as much as fits). Typing hold a second time will toggle the hold off again, so the screen will clear and rescale for the next graph.
You can use the subplot command to split the screen into multiple windows, and then select one of the sub-windows as active for the next graph. The subplot function can divide the graphics window into a maximum of four quadrants; first the window splits horizontally, then it splits vertically. The format of the command is:
>> subplot(xyn)
In this command, x is the number of vertical divisions, y is the number of horizontal divisions, and n is the window to select for the first plot. Both x and y must be less than or equal to two, and n must be less than or equal to x times y. For example, subplot(121) will create two full-height, half-width windows for graphs, and select the first, e.g. left, window as active for the first graph. After that, unless you specifically indicate which window is active, MATLAB cycles through them with each successive plot. The order of that cycling is as follows:
1 | 2
3 | 4
Typing subplot with no arguments returns the graphics window to its original, single-window state.
You can create your own functions within MATLAB using M-files. An M-file is an ASCII text file that has a filename ending with .m, such as stars.m. You can create and edit M-files with a text editor such as Emacs. There are two classes of M-files, functions and scripts.
Function definitions are stored in files with the name function-name.m. The first line of a function definition must start with the word function and can be of the form:
function function-name(argument1, argument2,...)
This specifies the name of the function and its input arguments. Here is the first line of a function definition for stars from the M-file named stars.m:
function stars(t)
A common example of a function that doesn't return any value is one that draws a graph.
function stars(t)
%STARS(T) draws stars with parameter t
n = t * 50;
plot(rand(1,n), rand(1,n),'.');
%that line plots n random points
title('My God, Its Full of Stars!');
%label the graph
When stars is executed, it will plot a random sprinkling of points in your graphics window on a set of axes. The first line in the M-file defines this as a function named stars that takes one argument named t, and doesn't return anything. The next line is the help comment. To include help info for your own functions, just start the text line in the corresponding M-file with a %. Any comments preceded by a % and coming immediately after the first line in the M-file are returned by the help command from within MATLAB. For example:
>> help stars
STARS(T) draws stars with parameter t
A line of comments is also indicated by the % character. You can have as many of these as you want, just remember that the help command only prints the ones immediately following the function definition at the beginning of the M-file. Next, the function defines an internal variable named n to be fifty times t. This n is totally unrelated to any variable already defined in the main MATLAB workspace. Assigning this value will not alter any n you had already defined before calling the stars function. You can also see how we put a comment in the middle of the function indicating which command actually drew the stars.
Sometimes, you will need to write several versions of a function before it works properly. When you modify a function definition in an M-file (with Emacs), you must type:
>> clear function-name
before running the modified function. If you don't, MATLAB won't look at the new version in the M-file and will simply run the old version.
Functions may return scalar or matrix values. The first line of such functions are of the form:
function variable = function-name(argument1, argument2,...)
where the variable will be set equal to the output value somewhere in the function definition. Here is an example where y is set to equal the function fliplr.
function y = fliplr(x)
%FLIPLR(X) returns X with row preserved and columns flipped
%in the left/right direction.
% X = 1 2 3 becomes 3 2 1
% 4 5 6 6 5 4
[m,n] = size(x);
y = x(:,n:-1:1);
If you want to return more than one argument, you can do it by having the function return a vector of values. For example, the following function returns two vectors. The first vector is the prime factors less than 10 of the argument. The second indicates how many times each of these factors is used.
function [factors, times] = primefact(n)
%[FACTORS TIMES] = PRIMEFACT(N) find prime factors of n
primes = [2 3 5 7];
for i = 1:4
temp = n;
if ( rem(temp,primes(i)) == 0)
factors = [factors primes(i)];
times = [times 0];
while (rem(temp,primes(i)) == 0)
temp = temp/primes(i);
times(length(times)) = times(length(times))+1;
If you call this function with just one argument (for example, a = primefact(10)) the function returns a vector of prime factors, but not the vector indicating how many times each factor appears in the number. To get both vectors, you would call the function as follows:
>> [a b] = primefact(180)
a =
2 3 5
b =
2 2 1
This way, both vectors are returned: the primes in a, and the number of times each prime was used in b. From these results, you can see that 180=2*2*3*3*5.
Anytime you call a function, MATLAB defines a variable inside that function called nargin. nargin is the number of arguments with which the function was called. This allows you to write functions that behave differently when called with different numbers of arguments. If you specify the function rhino such that the first line of its M-file file reads:
function hippo = rhino(a,b,c,d)
MATLAB will allow you to call rhino with only two arguments, and treat your call to the program as if the last two arguments were optional, and not used. MATLAB sets nargin = 2, and executes the function. If the function tries to do something using the variables c or d, MATLAB generates an error message. MATLAB assumes you will use nargin to avoid referring to any optional arguments that were not supplied.
If you want to save all your variables and their current values, type:
>> save filename
before you exit MATLAB, and your work will be saved in a file named filename.mat (default filename matlab.mat). If you only want to save some of the variables, you can give the save command the names of the variables to save. If you type:
>> save filename x y
MATLAB will save just the variables x and y in the file filename.mat.
When you start up MATLAB at some future time, you can restore all your variables from the file filename.mat by typing:
>> load filename
The command load, by itself, loads all the variables saved in matlab.mat.
A file with the extension .mat is assumed to be binary MATLAB format. To retrieve the variables from filename.mat, the command is:
load filename
A file with any other extension is assumed to be ASCII. To load an ASCII file that does not have an extension, or if the ASCII file has an extension of .mat, use the command:
load filename -ascii
The following table briefly describes the interface controls available to you when using MATLAB:
casesen toggle case sensitivity (default: case sensitive)
clc clear the command window
clear(x) clear variable x
clf clear the graphics window
diary record transcript of session (specify a filename)
load load previously saved workspace or session
save save current workspace or session
who list defined variables
whos list defined variable with additional information
When you first start running MATLAB, it is case-sensitive. This means that MATLAB distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase variable and function names, just as Athena's operating system does. So, you can safely have two separate variables named g and G. If this is the way you want MATLAB to operate, then you never have to bother with the casesen command. If you want MATLAB to be non-case-sensitive, then you must type casesen at the beginning of each MATLAB session.
Remember that if you turn off case sensitivity, you may affect Athena-related commands that are case sensitive, such as print. Also remember that casesen is a toggle, that is, executing it more than once during a single session will turn case-sensitivity on or off, depending on the current state of sensitivity of your session.
MATLAB allows you to clear either the command (text) window, or the graphics window. The clc command clears the command window, and give you a fresh >> prompt. The clf command clears the graphics window and leaves it blank.
The who command displays the names of all your variables. The whos command gives you the names of all the variables, along with information about each variable's size, number of elements, number of bytes, density, and whether the variable is complex. For example:
>> whos
Name Size Elements Bytes Density Complex
A 3 by 3 9 72 Full No
B 3 by 3 9 72 Full No
C 3 by 3 9 72 Full No
I 3 by 3 9 72 Full No
X 3 by 3 9 72 Full No
a 1 by 9 9 72 Full No
ans 3 by 1 3 24 Full No
b 1 by 9 9 72 Full No
p 1 by 4 4 32 Full No
q 1 by 7 7 56 Full No
r 1 by 10 10 80 Full No
Grand total is 87 elements using 696 byte
You can also run the whos command on a sparse matrix, producing output as in the following example:
>> whos
Name Size Elements Bytes Density Complex
A 4253 by 4253 28831 362984 0.0016 No
If you run the who command and see that you have variables you are no longer using, use the clear command to remove obsolete variables. For example, typing clear z would delete the variable z.
MATLAB's diary command records your session in a transcript file that you specify. Typing diary filename starts recording all the commands you type in filename, including "most of the resulting output" (according to the MATLAB manual). Graphs are not recorded, but almost all printed results are. Typing diary off turns the transcript off, and diary on turns it back on. The file is created in ASCII format, suitable for editing with Emacs and including in other reports. In fact, this function was used to generate almost all the examples in this document.
As with many computers, MATLAB's graphing system is not perfectly scaled. MATLAB does allow you to switch between a perfectly square aspect ratio and the normal aspect ratio. Typing axis('square') will give you a truly square aspect ratio, while axis('normal') would flip you back to MATLAB's usual aspect ratio.
MATLAB has a good built-in help facility. Typing help with no arguments at the MATLAB >> prompt displays a list of all primary help topics, by directory in the MATLABPATH, along with a short description for each one. Typing help directoryname displays a list of .m files in the directory, along with a brief description of each one.
Typing help function displays the syntax for the function (i.e. what arguments it expects) and a short description of what that function does. If you think you are doing everything right, but MATLAB claims you are in error, try looking at the help for the functions you are using.
A new command, lookfor xyz, searches for the string xyz in the first comment line of help text in all M-files in the MATLABPATH. Because lookfor must look at a lot of files, be ready for the search to take a minute or so.
When you write your own functions, you can also include help information for them. This can be very useful for other people using your function, or for your own use if you haven't used the function for a while. For more information on how to include help information for your own functions, see the section Functions.
1. Given a matrix, normalize each column of the matrix by subtracting by the column mean and dividing by the column standard deviation.
2. Find the smallest k elements of a vector. Also return the index of the elements.
3. Given two vectors, how to interleave elements of them.
4. Given n,m create a n*m vector [ 1 … 1 2 … 2 3 … 3 … …. m … m], each number is repeated n times.
5. Given 2 vectors, find the common numbers, unique numbers.