functor MkSkewBinomialHeapPQ
functor MkLeftistHeapPQ
A priority queue $Q$ is a finite collection of key value pairs that allows insertion of new pairs and lookup and deletion of the minimum key.
structure Key : ORDKEY
type 'a pq
type key = Key.t
val empty : unit -> 'a pq
val singleton : (key * 'a) -> 'a pq
val fromList : (key * 'a) list -> 'a pq
val size : 'a pq -> int
val findMin : 'a pq -> (key * 'a) option
val insert : (key * 'a) -> 'a pq -> 'a pq
val deleteMin : 'a pq -> (key * 'a) option * 'a pq
val meld : ('a pq * 'a pq) -> 'a pq
type 'a t = 'a pq
val $ : (key * 'a) -> 'a pq
val % : (key * 'a) list -> 'a pq
structure Key : ORDKEY
substructure defines the type of
keys in a priority queue, providing equality, toString
and comparison functions on such elements.type 'a pq
type key = Key.t
.val empty :
unit -> 'a pq
(empty ())
evaluates to the empty priority queue.val singleton :
(key * 'a) -> 'a pq
(singleton (k, v))
evaluates to the priority queue
containing only the element $(k, v)$.val fromList :
(key * 'a) list -> 'a pq
(fromList l)
is the priority queue containing the items in $l$val size :
'a pq -> int
(size Q)
evaluates to $|Q|$,
the number of elements in the priority queue $Q$.val findMin :
'a pq -> (key * 'a) option
(findMin Q)
evaluates to NONE
if $|Q| = 0$
or SOME (k, v)
where $k$ is the minimum key in $Q$, and $v$ is
the value paired with that key. If there are multiple instances
of the smallest key, the pair that is returned is arbitrary.val insert :
(key * 'a) -> 'a pq -> 'a pq
(insert (k, v) Q)
evaluates to the priority queue $Q$ with $(k, v)$ added.val deleteMin :
'a pq -> (key * 'a) option * 'a pq
(deleteMin k Q)
evaluates to (NONE, Q)
if $|Q| = 0$ or findMin Q
and the priority queue $Q$
with the minimum removed otherwise.val meld :
'a pq * 'a pq -> 'a pq
(meld (Q, R))
evaluates to the priority queue with
all the elements in $Q$ and $R$.