functor MkTreapTable
A set $S$ is a finite collection of unique elements of some type and the size of $S$, denoted by $|S|$, is the number of elements in that set. The crucial difference between a set in the mathematical sense and a set in this library is that a set here is always ordered implicitly for enumeration purposes. The empty set is denoted by $\emptyset$.
structure Key : EQKEY
structure Seq : SEQUENCE
type set
type key = Key.t
val size : set -> int
val toString : set -> string
val toSeq : set -> key Seq.seq
val empty : unit -> set
val singleton : key -> set
val fromSeq : key Seq.seq -> set
val find : set -> key -> bool
val insert : key -> set -> set
val delete : key -> set -> set
val filter : (key -> bool) -> set -> set
val union : set * set -> set
val intersection : set * set -> set
val difference : set * set -> set
type t = set
val $ : key -> set
structure Key : EQKEY
substructure defines the type of
elements in a set, providing equality and toString
functions on such elements.structure Seq :
substructure defines the underlying
type to
and from which sets can be converted.type set
type key = Key.t
.val size :
set -> int
(size X)
evaluates to $|X|$,
the number of elements in the set $X$.val toString :
set -> string
(toString X)
evaluates to a string representation
of $X$. This representation begins with “{
followed by the results of applying Key.toString
each element of $X$ in some order interleaved with
”, and ends with
”.val toSeq :
set -> key Seq.seq
(toSeq X)
evaluates to a sequence
containing all elements in the set $X$. The ordering of
the sequence is implementation-defined.val empty :
unit -> set
(empty ())
evaluates to the empty set, $\emptyset$.val singleton :
key -> set
(singleton x)
evaluates to the set
containing only the element $x$.val fromSeq :
key Seq.seq -> set
(fromSeq S)
evaluates to the set
The ordering in the set representation may differ from
the ordering in the sequence representation.val find :
set -> key -> bool
(find X k)
evaluates to true
if and
only if $k$ is a memeber of the set $X$.val insert :
key -> set -> set
(insert k X)
evaluates to the set $X\cup\{k\}$.val delete :
key -> set -> set
(delete k X)
evaluates to the set $X\setminus\{k\}$.val filter :
(key -> bool) -> set -> set
(filter p X)
evaluates to the subset $X'$ of $X$ such
that an element $x\in X'$ if and only if $p(x)$ evaluates to true.val union :
set * set -> set
(union (X, Y))
evaluates to the set $X\cup Y$.val intersection :
set * set -> set
(intersection (X, Y))
evaluates to the set $X\cap Y$.val difference :
set * set -> set
(difference (X, Y))
evaluates to the set
$X\setminus Y$.