15-213/15-513 Introduction to Computer Systems: Assignments

There will be weekly written assignments, starting in the first week of classes. Each written assignment consists of 1-3 questions that require students to write single paragraph answers. They are released and collected via Canvas.

Written assignments are always due at 11:59pm (Pittsburgh time). No late submissions are accepted. Canvas will generally accept only one submission.

Written assignments are graded by your peers: three other students will read what you wrote and provide short, constructive feedback and a score (1-10).

Each assignment is worth 30 points, total. You receive the maximum of your peers’ scores, 10 points for doing the assignment, plus 10 points for completing the peer reviews you are assigned.

There will be 12 written assignments in all, and we will drop your two lowest scores. The 10 remaining are each worth 2% of your course grade.


Written Topic Out Due Peer Review

W1 Bits, Bytes, Integers May 17 May 24 May 30
W2 Machine Programming (Basics, Control) May 23 May 30 Jun 06
W3 Machine Programming (Procedures, Data, Advanced) May 30 Jun 06 Jun 13
W4 Memory Hierarchy Jun 06 Jun 10 Jun 14
W5 Code Optimization, Linking Jun 10 Jun 14 Jun 20
W6 Virtual Memory Jun 14 Jun 20 Jun 26
W7 Midterm Jun 19 Jun 26
W8 Dynamic Memory Allocation Jun 26 Jul 09 Jul 16
W9 Exceptional Control Flow Jul 09 Jul 16 Jul 23
W10 System Level I/O, Network Programming Jul 16 Jul 23 Jul 29
W11 Concurrent Programming, Synchronization Jul 23 Jul 29

We will provide you with a model solution and a grading rubric after an assignment is due, to guide you in your peer reviews. This two-part (writing and evaluating) sequence has been shown to improve student learning. As your peers are grading these anonymously, you are not required to include your name either in your submission or feedback. If you disagree with the feedback from your peers, you can make a private post on Piazza within 7 days, as per any other regrades in the course.

If the feedback you received is offensive or otherwise not in support of a welcoming and inclusive climate, please email your Professor.