Next: Cheating
Up: Policies
Previous: Appealing Grades
Each student will receive a numeric score for the course, based on a
weighted average of the following:
- Assignments: The assignments will count a combined total of
50% of your score. The exact weighting of the different assignments
will be determined near the end of the course based on our perception
of the relative effort required. In any case, each homework will
count 2%, while each lab will count 8-12% of your score. Since
small differences in scores can make the difference between two letter
grades, you'll want to make a serious effort on each assignment.
- Exams: There will be two in-class exams, each counting 12.5%,
plus a final counting 25%.
Grades for the course will be determined by a curve. The total score
will be plotted as a histogram, and then approximate cutoff points for
the different letter grades will be determined. Individual cases,
especially those near the cutoff points may be adjusted upward or
downward based on factors such as attendance, class participation,
improvement throughout the course, final exam performance, and special
Guy Blelloch,