Nancy Li: Glasses Case
For my final project, I decided to use wood living hinges to create a
small glasses case for myself. I modeled the majority surface of the case with
a piece of living hinge that could fold over and become the body of the case.
Then, I created indents on a part of the living hinge so that the side panels
can be glued in there along the side when it's folded. I modeled the cross
section of the shape of the glasses case using two semi-circles and sections of
straight lines. I designed the side panels to fit in to the indents on the side
of the main piece of living hinge and glued them on after cutting. For the
locking mechanism, I initially was thinking of using magnets to secure the
cover of the case; however, the living hinge was not as bendable as I expected,
and as a result, I had to come up with something different. I decided to cut
two slits on the cover of the case, in which I fit two pieces of hooks such
that when the case is closed, the longer part of the hook will stick out and
securely keep the case closed. Finally, I secured the hooks in the slits with
screws on either side of the slit.