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7.3 Provided Code

All of the provided code and infrastructure is available in $PDIR, which has the following contents:

It is very important that you do not copy the libraries that we provide into your own directory. You should link against the library where it resides in the official project2 directory. This is already taken care of in the template Makefile that we provide. We reserve the right to make changes to the library as needed, and you will not receive the updates if you link against your own copy.

The code in the $PDIR/template/ directory is merely a suggestion: you are free to modify any of the code there or start from scratch. However, it will make it easier for us to help you if you have used the template and retain the function prototypes that we have suggested. Also, the template was designed with a C implementation in mind. It may be more difficult to follow this template if you intend to use C++ to implement your networking layer.

Also note that your project code will use both the Solaris standard header files and the header files specific to this project. The header files such as <netinet/*.h> or <sys/*.h> are the standard header files on typical UNIX machines. <project2/include/*.h> and "*.h" are header files specific to this project. When including a header file, you should be conscious whether the header file is a standard header file or a project-specific file.

FYI, you don't need to define data structures for the various headers. They are already defined in several standard Solaris header files. Several examples:

There are some other header files in the /usr/include/netinet/ directory that you may find useful. However, you probably don't need all of them. In fact, you don't need to use these structures at all if you prefer defining your own. We just want to let you know that they exist.

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