15-494/694 Cognitive Robotics Lab 9: World Map and Speech Control
I. Software Update and Initial Setup
- If you are running on your personal laptop you will need to
update your copy of the cozmo-tools package. (The REL workstation
copies are kept updated by course staff.) To apply the update,
assuming you put the cozmo-tools package in /opt, do this:
$ cd /opt/cozmo-tools
$ sudo git pull
- For this lab you will need a robot, a charger, a Kindle, and some walls.
- Log in to the workstation.
- Make a lab9 directory.
- Get a wall from the TAs.
II. Detecting Walls
We now have a very early implementation of a world map where walls are
inferred from ArUco markers. The particle filter constantly maintains
its map of where the markers are. When we need to do path planning,
we generate a world map containing walls. The path planner then
treats these walls as obstacles.
Walls are specified by a list of marker ids and their distances from
the left edge of the wall. There are actually two sets of markers
because each side of the wall has its own set. In addition, a
wall has a list of doorways. Each doorway is specified by a distance
value (the distance from the left edge of the wall to the middle of
the doorway) and a width.
The file cozmo_fsm/world_map.py contains code for
specifying walls and constructing a world map. Two walls are
built-in. One is a regular wall with two doorways; the other is a
wall using the 0 and 1 ArUco markers from the paper sheets we used a
few weeks ago, with one doorway.
Download the file Lab9a.fsm and examine it.
This progam plans a path from the robot's starting location to a
distant goal. But first it lets the particle filter look for
landmarks. Unfortunately, we have not yet integrated the particle
viewer with the path viewer, so you cannot use the particle viewer to
drive the robot around. However, you can move the wall relative to
the robot and see how the path planner reacts.
- Pick a wall and measure the positions of the markers and doorways.
- Modify Lab9a to add information about your wall to the wall
dictionary. (See the definition of make_walls in world_map.py for
guidance. You can modify
cozmo_fsm.world_map.wall_marker_dict from within your own
- Modify the Lab9a code to set goal location on the other side of
the wall. Try different locations and see what happens.
- What happens if you a set a goal location too close to the wall?
- Can you get the path planner to plan a path through a doorway
instead of around the wall?
Please remind your TAs to take some pictures of you working on this
part of the lab. (The folks at Anki are curious about what you're up
III. Speech-Based Interaction
- Download the file Lab9b.fsm and have a
look at it. This file is a version of the SpeechTest demo that was
shown in class. It uses word and phrase dictionaries defined in
cozmo_fsm/speech.py , plus Google's speech recognition
- Run the demo and verify that it works. We keep a headset in the
cabinet with the robots, and two more headsets are on order.
- Write your own speech-based application that implements the
following commands. Note: to change an object's color you will
have to use a Cozmo SDK call like cozmo.objects.LightCube.set_lights().
Battery voltage is available as
robot.battery_voltage .
- Cozmo, color yourself red.
- Cozmo, please color cube2 blue.
- Cozmo, please color the paperclip green.
- Cozmo, turn toward cube3.
- Cozmo, what is your battery voltage?
Hand In
Hand in the code you wrote in parts II and III.