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Class iaik.asn1.ObjectID


public class ObjectID
extends ASN1Object
This class implements the ASN.1 native type "OBJECT IDENTIFIER". The OBJECT IDENTIFIER type denotes an object identifier, a sequence of integer components that identifies an object, such as an algorithm, an attribute type, or perhaps a registration authority that defines other object identifiers.

This class uses Strings as representation of object identifiers. For example: "".

Variable Index

 o certTypes
 o commonName
 o country
 o crlTypes
 o EmailAddress
 o friendlyName
 o givenName
 o id_pkix_cps
 o id_pkix_unotice
 o locality
 o localKeyID
 o organization
 o organizationalUnit
 o pkcs12
 o pkcs12_BagIds
 o pkcs12_certAndCRLBagId
 o pkcs12_certBag
 o pkcs12_CertBagIds
 o pkcs12_crlBag
 o pkcs12_keyBag
 o pkcs12_keyBagId
 o pkcs12_pkcs8ShroudedKeyBag
 o pkcs12_pkcs8ShroudedKeyBagId
 o pkcs12_safeContentsBag
 o pkcs12_safeContentsId
 o pkcs12_SDSICertBagId
 o pkcs12_secretBag
 o pkcs12_secretBagId
 o pkcs12_Version1
 o pkcs12_Version1_BagIds
 o pkcs12_x509CertCRLBagId
 o pkcs7
 o pkcs7_data
 o pkcs7_digestedData
 o pkcs7_encryptedData
 o pkcs7_envelopedData
 o pkcs7_signedAndEnvelopedData
 o pkcs7_signedData
 o sdsiCertificate
 o stateOrProvince
 o surName
 o title
 o uniqueIdentifier
 o x509Certificate
 o x509Crl

Constructor Index

 o ObjectID()
The default constructor.
 o ObjectID(String)
Constructs an ObjectID from a String.
 o ObjectID(String, String)
Constructs an ObjectID from a String.
 o ObjectID(String, String, String)
Constructs an ObjectID from a String.

Method Index

 o decode(int, int, DerDecodeInputStream)
Decodes the next available data from the DerDecodeInputStream.
 o encode(DerEncodeOutputStream)
DER encodes this ASN1Object and write the result to the DerEncodeOutputStream.
 o equals(Object)
Compares this ObjectID to the specified object.
 o getID()
Returns the objectID.
 o getName()
Returns the name registered for this ObjectID or the object identifier if there is no name registered.
 o getShortName()
Returns the short name registered for this ObjectID or the object identifier if there is no name registered.
 o getValue()
Returns the value of this ObjectID as a String.
 o hashCode()
Returns a hash code for this object.
 o init()
Initialize the object factory method.
 o register(ObjectID, String)
Registers a name for a specific object ID.
 o setValue(Object)
Sets the value of this object to value.
 o toString()
Returns a string that represents the contents of the ObjectID.


 o commonName
 public static ObjectID commonName
 o country
 public static ObjectID country
 o locality
 public static ObjectID locality
 o stateOrProvince
 public static ObjectID stateOrProvince
 o organization
 public static ObjectID organization
 o organizationalUnit
 public static ObjectID organizationalUnit
 o title
 public static ObjectID title
 o surName
 public static ObjectID surName
 o givenName
 public static ObjectID givenName
 o uniqueIdentifier
 public static ObjectID uniqueIdentifier
 o pkcs7
 public static ObjectID pkcs7
 o pkcs7_data
 public static ObjectID pkcs7_data
 o pkcs7_signedData
 public static ObjectID pkcs7_signedData
 o pkcs7_envelopedData
 public static ObjectID pkcs7_envelopedData
 o pkcs7_signedAndEnvelopedData
 public static ObjectID pkcs7_signedAndEnvelopedData
 o pkcs7_digestedData
 public static ObjectID pkcs7_digestedData
 o pkcs7_encryptedData
 public static ObjectID pkcs7_encryptedData
 o EmailAddress
 public static ObjectID EmailAddress
 o friendlyName
 public static ObjectID friendlyName
 o localKeyID
 public static ObjectID localKeyID
 o certTypes
 public static ObjectID certTypes
 o x509Certificate
 public static ObjectID x509Certificate
 o sdsiCertificate
 public static ObjectID sdsiCertificate
 o crlTypes
 public static ObjectID crlTypes
 o x509Crl
 public static ObjectID x509Crl
 o pkcs12
 public static ObjectID pkcs12
 o pkcs12_BagIds
 public static ObjectID pkcs12_BagIds
 o pkcs12_keyBagId
 public static ObjectID pkcs12_keyBagId
 o pkcs12_certAndCRLBagId
 public static ObjectID pkcs12_certAndCRLBagId
 o pkcs12_secretBagId
 public static ObjectID pkcs12_secretBagId
 o pkcs12_safeContentsId
 public static ObjectID pkcs12_safeContentsId
 o pkcs12_pkcs8ShroudedKeyBagId
 public static ObjectID pkcs12_pkcs8ShroudedKeyBagId
 o pkcs12_CertBagIds
 public static ObjectID pkcs12_CertBagIds
 o pkcs12_x509CertCRLBagId
 public static ObjectID pkcs12_x509CertCRLBagId
 o pkcs12_SDSICertBagId
 public static ObjectID pkcs12_SDSICertBagId
 o pkcs12_Version1
 public static ObjectID pkcs12_Version1
 o pkcs12_Version1_BagIds
 public static ObjectID pkcs12_Version1_BagIds
 o pkcs12_keyBag
 public static ObjectID pkcs12_keyBag
 o pkcs12_pkcs8ShroudedKeyBag
 public static ObjectID pkcs12_pkcs8ShroudedKeyBag
 o pkcs12_certBag
 public static ObjectID pkcs12_certBag
 o pkcs12_crlBag
 public static ObjectID pkcs12_crlBag
 o pkcs12_secretBag
 public static ObjectID pkcs12_secretBag
 o pkcs12_safeContentsBag
 public static ObjectID pkcs12_safeContentsBag
 o id_pkix_cps
 public static ObjectID id_pkix_cps
 o id_pkix_unotice
 public static ObjectID id_pkix_unotice


 o ObjectID
 protected ObjectID()
The default constructor.

 o ObjectID
 public ObjectID(String oid)
Constructs an ObjectID from a String. The objectID must be in the format: "".

oid - the objectID as String
 o ObjectID
 public ObjectID(String oid,
                 String name)
Constructs an ObjectID from a String. The objectID must be in the format: "".

oid - the objectID as String
name - a name for the objectID
 o ObjectID
 public ObjectID(String oid,
                 String name,
                 String shortName)
Constructs an ObjectID from a String. The objectID must be in the format: "".

oid - the objectID as String
name - a name for the objectID e.g. "commonName"
shortName - a short name for the objectID e.g. "CN"


 o init
 protected static void init()
Initialize the object factory method.

 o register
 public static void register(ObjectID oid,
                             String name)
Registers a name for a specific object ID.

oid - the object ID
name - the name for this object ID
 o getValue
 public Object getValue()
Returns the value of this ObjectID as a String.

getValue in class ASN1Object
 o setValue
 public void setValue(Object object)
Sets the value of this object to value.

setValue in class ASN1Object
 o getID
 public String getID()
Returns the objectID.

the objectID as String ("")
 o getName
 public String getName()
Returns the name registered for this ObjectID or the object identifier if there is no name registered.

the name of the ObjectID
 o getShortName
 public String getShortName()
Returns the short name registered for this ObjectID or the object identifier if there is no name registered.

the short name of the ObjectID
 o hashCode
 public int hashCode()
Returns a hash code for this object.

the hash code
hashCode in class Object
 o equals
 public boolean equals(Object obj)
Compares this ObjectID to the specified object.

obj - - the object to compare this ObjectID against.
true, if the object is equal to this ObjectID false otherwise
equals in class Object
 o encode
 protected void encode(DerEncodeOutputStream os)
DER encodes this ASN1Object and write the result to the DerEncodeOutputStream.

os - the output stream to which to write the data
encode in class ASN1Object
 o decode
 protected void decode(int tag,
                       int length,
                       DerDecodeInputStream is) throws IOException
Decodes the next available data from the DerDecodeInputStream.

tag - the full tag of the current ASN1Object
length - the length of the ASN1Object which shall be decoded
Throws: IOException
if there is a problem with the DerDecodeInputStream
decode in class ASN1Object
 o toString
 public String toString()
Returns a string that represents the contents of the ObjectID.

the string representation
toString in class ASN1Object

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