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We often find ourselves in the situation of wanting to prove something of the form:


That is, we want to prove that all elements of some set S have the property P. If all of the elements of S are defined by some regular structural rules, induction is frequently the proof technique of choice.

Examples of sets that can be defined by structural rules include:

In the first of these examples, the proof technique is typically referred to as ``natural induction''. In the others, it is typically referred to as ``structural induction''.

In these notes we will illustrate the use of structural induction over binary trees. Other forms of structural induction work similarly. Here is how we will proceed. First, we provide a ``structural'' definition of trees: this determines the rules that allow us to define all trees of interest. Next, we define what we mean by ``size'' of a tree. Then we will propose a small theorem about calculating the size; this is what we will then prove.

Norman Papernick
Thu Mar 21 14:56:40 EST 1996